Chapter 322 I'm a Little Panic
Guan Yu is annoyed just looking at Cai Yang, why do you have so many dramas?

I met my brother very well, you have to come here to make trouble, do you really think I won't kill people?
I have given Cao Cao enough face just by staring at me along the way!

The blade of my Qinglong Yanyue Knife is sharpened with my head!

"Third Brother, you have misunderstood. It is Emperor Han who I surrendered to, not Cao Cao. Now I am here to join Brother, not to kill you!"

"Guan Er Er, when did you learn to tell nonsense without blinking? By the way, your eyes are so small, even if you blink, I can't see them!"

"What are you..."

Guan Yu suddenly became angry, but he suppressed his anger when he realized that he was indeed wronged.

"What I said is true, the two sister-in-laws can testify for me!"

"Huh? Two sisters-in-law?"

When Guan Yu said that, Zhang Fei hesitated.

But the scene in front of me really makes me unable to believe you, otherwise...

"Guan Yu, I will beat the three-way drum for you. After the three-way drum, you kill Cao Cao's general, and I will believe you!"

Zhang Fei's voice was already loud, but now he roared hoarsely, not only Guan Yu heard it, but Cai Yang naturally heard it too.

"Fuck me? Do you guys feel so good about yourself? You don't think much of me, Cai Yang!"

"Dong dong dong..."

When the first drum sounded, Guan Yu was not ready yet.

"Hmph, traitor!"

Zhang Fei saw that Guan Yu didn't even move, and his hands were even stronger.

"Boom boom boom..." The second drum also sounded.

"Second Guan, you don't have time!"

Zhang Fei was very angry, but he couldn't bear it in his heart. After the second drum was played, the third drum couldn't be beaten anymore.

Under the city wall, everyone has different thoughts.

Zhou Cang looked at Zhang Fei, then at Guan Yu, and then at Cai Yang. It was a complicated feeling what happened to these people.

It's all my fault, I have to ask the general to stand up for me, now I am in a dilemma, what should I do?
Will there be an answer in this Spring and Autumn Book?
Guan Yu held the Qinglong Yanyue Knife firmly. If Cao Cao were here, he might not kill the killer, even if Zhang Fei would misunderstand it.

But what the hell are you, Cai Yang?It's fine if you don't take the opportunity to escape, and you are still provoking here.

After all, Guan Yu made up his mind. You, Cai Yang, are looking for death by yourself, and you can't blame me for not giving Cao Cao face.

Then kill!

Cai Yang was fantasizing about killing Guan Yu, killing Zhang Fei, and stepping into the pinnacle of his life from then on, when suddenly a drumbeat sounded in his ears.

This burst of drumming not only awakened him from his fantasy, but also let him know one thing.

Zhang Fei actually asked Guan Yu to kill him within the time of three drums to prove that he had not surrendered to Cao Cao.

Who do you look down on?
"I'll kill you..."


In the next moment, a saber flashed, and then, a huge head soared into the sky.

The blade of the Qinglong Yanyue Knife was not stained with any blood.

The hundreds of cavalry brought by Cai Yang turned around and ran away.

Just kidding, who would dare to go up and seek death after beheading the chief general with a single blow.

At the same time, Zhang Fei saw that Guan Yu had made a move, and hurriedly beat the drum again, then threw the drumstick, laughed and ran down the city.

After leaving the city, the laughter turned to crying.

"Second brother, my second brother, you are finally back!"

"Ha ha……"

Guan Yu smiled slightly, and slammed the Qinglong Yanyue Knife on the ground, sinking directly into the ground for a foot.

Zhang Fei was getting closer and closer, and he could already see the tear stains on that big face.

Wait, that's not tear stains, it's obviously a bit of saliva, pretending to cry here!
"Yide, you just called me Guan Er Er, it's very cool, isn't it?"

Zhang Fei stopped immediately and said, "Second brother, look at me, I'm crying..."

Zhang Fei pointed at his face, look at it, I cried so hard, you still have the nerve to ask me for it?
Besides, it was you who were wrong first, what happened to me calling you Shengguan?
"What did I tell you!" Guan Yu yelled angrily, and charged forward with clenched fists.

For the sake of my two sisters-in-laws and the vows I made when we became sworn brothers, I endured the humiliation and went to Xuchang in spite of myself.

That's the leftovers from eating Cao Cao every day!
For the favor of the officials, I have to humble myself and be driven by Cao Cao to fight for him.

How wronged have I been?

You are a county magistrate in the ancient city, you eat delicious food, have you gone to find the trace of the eldest brother?
Have you gone after my tracks?
"I made you cry, you don't look like you're crying except for spitting on your face, you grinning..."

on the other hand.

Yuan Shao was defeated at Guandu, and no one could turn the tide.

The first one to run was Yuan Xi. He wanted to return to Youzhou and use Youzhou as his base to regroup his troops.

The key is not to run away, Yuan Shao is finished, all contradictions will be exposed, he will definitely become the target of public criticism.

The eldest brother and the third child protected Yuan Shao and fled to Jizhou.

Liu Bei led five thousand cavalry and rescued Yuan Shao.

But Yuan Shao was seriously injured and dying, and the remaining power of the Yuan clan was also torn apart, and there was no longer any deterrent effect on Cao Cao.

Cao Cao chased all the way from the rear, not only killed a large number of people, swallowed a lot of resources, and attacked the city of Jizhou by the way.

On this day, Liu Bei received a secret letter, which was written by Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei and Zhang Fei respectfully invited his elder brother Liu Bei to come to the ancient city.

Liu Bei led the five thousand cavalry, left Jizhou City, and headed for the ancient city.

Walking all the way, feeling all the way.

What did I say, we are not good at fighting on the battlefield, I am good at kidnapping soldiers and horses!
Liu Bei's departure was like the last straw that overwhelmed the guards of Jizhou City.

The gate of Jizhou was opened wide, and the rich and wealthy merchants of Jizhou went out of the city and surrendered to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao marched into Jizhou City with his army.

Cao Cao was riding a war horse, and hearing the cheers coming from his ears, he felt like his body was going to float.

I am at the pinnacle of my life, I am really about to stand at the pinnacle of my life!
Defeating Yuan Shao means defeating the largest princes in the north. Although Yuan Shao's power has not been completely defeated, it is only a matter of time.

Dominating the north and occupying six of the nine states in the world is equivalent to adding Cao Cao's power and Yuan Shao's power together.

Such a huge force, its master is still a traitor like Cao Cao!

Who in this world can still be Cao Cao's opponent, and who can stop Cao Cao from unifying the world?

Liu Biao of Jingzhou, with the power of a continent?

Liu Zhang in Yizhou may not be as good as Liu Biao!

Or the Wu clan in Jiangdong, those two brats? !
What's more, is it Uncle Liu Huang who is known to the world in the name of benevolence and righteousness?

Do not make jokes!
That Liu Bei, whoever goes there will be finished, this has become the law of nature.

Although Cao Cao thought so too, he still believed that if there were only two heroes in this world, they would be him and Liu Bei.

There is only one reason, Guan Yu is devoted to Liu Bei, and Qin Lang and Liu Bei are united in Jinlan.

Cao Cao looked at Qin Lang subconsciously, "Officer, are you following me sincerely? Wouldn't you leave me like Guan Yu? Why did I suddenly become a little flustered?"

(End of this chapter)

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