Chapter 333 Such a Big Son?

Outside the ancient city.

Zhao Yun obeyed Qin Lang's orders and has been secretly recruiting troops.

Although Naihe is handsome, he is not very good at recruiting soldiers.

If you want to play power, you have to be handsome, the key is to have money.

Where does Zhao Yun have money, and where does he go? First, he can't seduce the big girls and the young wives. Those men hate him so much, who would want to fight with you?
In addition to the old background from before, the 1000 people that Qin Lang had trained for a short time only gathered 3000 people.

The 3000 people were all because of the help of Guan Ding, the owner of Guanjiazhuang.

When Zhao Yun passed by Guanjiazhuang, Guan Ding and his son stopped him halfway and invited him to the village for a banquet.

When Zhao Yun saw Guan Ping for the first time, he knew why Guan Ding was like this.

This Guan Ping, except that his face is not so red, looks very much like Guan Yu.

It's just that Guan Ding didn't say anything, and Zhao Yun didn't want to ask more.

Anyway, this Guanjiazhuang is located at Jieshou, Hebei. Whether Guan Yu is looking for Liu Bei, or Liu Bei is looking for Guan Yu, he must pass by here.

On this day, Zhao Yun's subordinates continued to recruit troops outside, and clashed with another group of recruiting teams.

Zhao Yun didn't care about this. With his strength and the group of soldiers and horses trained by Qin Lang, he had no rivals in Hebei and Henan.

Unless you are trapped in a desperate situation by tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, otherwise, the world is so big that you can go anywhere.

What's more, the number of men in a region is limited, and someone dares to rob him of the source of troops, maybe he will lead the soldiers to ask for advice!
At that time, you only need to wear sunglasses, shake your yellow hair, put on black leather shoes, and hold a wooden stick in your mouth...

In the words of the fourth brother, in terms of temperament, I, Zhao Yun, are invincible.

Outside of Zhuangzi.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei came on horseback, followed by several wounded soldiers.

Zhang Fei is so angry, I have been training you in the ancient city for so long, and I was beaten when I went out to perform a mission for the first time.

You know, just now I was bragging with my second brother, saying that I have trained an invincible teacher, which can be used by my eldest brother to help the Han Dynasty.

You guys are so embarrassing to me.

Therefore, this face must be recovered, let me see who has such a great ability to injure the soldiers trained by Lao Tzu!
"Yo, I didn't look for them, but they came instead!"

Zhao Yun was holding a wooden stick in his mouth and was putting his pants on his legs.

When Qin Lang left, he only left this outfit for him, and he was not willing to wear it normally.

In order to be recruited, I must fight a good battle today, so I put on this suit.

It's so fast, sir, I don't wear any pants, kill...

Zhao Yun rode a horse and rushed out of Zhuangzi.

"Yo... This kid is Zilong?"

Zhang Fei pulled his beard hard, grinning in pain.

No mistake, his hair is as yellow as my beard.

Unless officials use magic to turn other people's hair yellow, otherwise, the only person with yellow hair in the world is Zhao Yun.

"Huh? Yunchang, Yide, why are you, you are finally here!"

Brothers meet, very excited...

"Yun Chang, Yi De, quickly follow me into the village, I will introduce you two..."

Zhao Yun got off his horse, put Guan Yu in one arm and Zhang Fei in the other, and walked into Zhuangzi.

"The owner of the village is closed, but he has admired the two elder brothers for a long time. Not only does he manage my food and grass for three thousand soldiers, but he has also been helping me recruit soldiers!"

Zhao Yun checked Guan Yu's expression while talking.

"Oh? Close your butt?"

This person's name is extraordinary, if he is with officials or Cao Cao, he certainly doesn't have to worry about those messy things.

"What do you mean by Yun Chang's words?"

"Ahem... I heard that Cao Cao has recently started to like men. As for officials, I'm not sure!"

"Ah?!" Zhao Yun was stunned, would Fourth Brother like men?

Ha... ha ha... definitely not!

If the fourth brother likes men, why would he let such a handsome boy like me go?
But this matter is also hard to say, otherwise, how could he treat me so much better than Yide?

Wait, Zhao Yun, Zhao Yun, how can you slander the fourth brother so much based on Yun Chang's one-sided words, let go of distracting thoughts, let go...

After entering Zhuangzi, Guan Ding brought people out to meet him.

"Fuck, second brother, the person behind the old owner..."

Zhang Fei lost his voice in surprise, walked to the crowd in two or three steps, looked at each other back and forth on the faces of Guan Yu and Guan Ping.

Keep looking.

"Like, so fucking like!"

"Guan Ping, why don't you hurry up and pay your respects to the two heroes, the loyal man you talk about every day has arrived!"

Guan Ping is still a young man, less than 20 years old, but his bravery has already begun to show.

"Junior Guan Ping, I met the two generals!"

"You don't need to be too polite, kid. Tell me, who is your mother? Hurry up and let her come out. I'll see you later!" Zhang Fei said loudly.

"Damn!" Guan Yu's face changed drastically, and he kicked him.

Who the hell do you think you are? As soon as you come up, you have to meet someone's mother. It's impolite to say it lightly, and it's offensive to say it serious.

Do you think you are Qin Lang, wherever you go, someone brings out his wife to entertain you, Zhang Fei does not have this life!

"Second brother, why are you kicking me?" Zhang Fei patted the shoe prints on his clothes and asked dissatisfied.

"What are you doing seeing your mother?"

"I'm not here for you, look at this kid, why is he so similar to you?"

"How the hell do I know, why does this kid look so much like me?"

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei had a dispute.

Guan Ding led the people from Guanjiazhuang, smiling without saying a word.

"Brother Yun, do you still remember the little girl who went to your street to buy beef offal?" The smile on Anding's face became softer.

"Fuck, second brother, you don't even let the little girl go?"

"Little girl..." Guan Yu frowned, and his thoughts went back to 20 years ago.

A young, but extremely muscular woman goes to his stall every day to buy offal.

Until that day, because of his bleak future, he drank until he was drunk, and was helped back home by that girl.

That is, after that day, the girl never came again.

"Damn, you said she was a little girl, she was about the same size as me at the time..."

Guan Yu gestured with both hands in front of him, but he didn't know how to describe it.

so high?
So strong?
Still so strong?

"Everyone, let's go to the manor first!" An Ding stepped aside and invited everyone to enter the manor for a drink.

On this day, Guan Yu drank too much.

In a daze, I really saw a young and beautiful woman with a rather strong body, who came to the cattle offal stall with a bamboo basket.

After that night, why did you leave without saying goodbye?

Memories flooded in like a flood, and the things I thought I had forgotten, I still remembered so deeply.

I thought I had forgotten because I wanted to forget.

I remember it deeply because something happened that evoked the deepest thoughts in my heart.

And when the memories came again, it was like a stormy sea, unstoppable.

Day two.

Zhao Yun left with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to join Liu Bei.

Behind Zhao Yun appeared two young men, one of them was holding a Fengling knife, their surname was Zhou Mingcang, and they were loyal and righteous men.

The other is also holding a Yanyue knife, whose surname is Guan Mingping, which means to calm the troubled times and to live a safe life.

"Father, it's time for us to go!"

"Ah! It's time for us to go!"

(End of this chapter)

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