Chapter 344 My Sister Loves You

Cai Mao was furious, this is Jingzhou, who would dare to hit me on the border of Jingzhou?

Even the lord of Jingzhou, my brother-in-law, has to give me three points!
I led soldiers to snatch the two women, but I was beaten, and I still haven't seen who did it.

It is a great shame to spread this matter!
Cai Mao stood up unsteadily, looked left and right, but there was no one else.

Only Qin Lang and these two confidantes were left in the yard. Those who came to seek medical treatment had already been driven away by the soldiers he brought.

The rest are these soldiers lying on the ground, these are the soldiers he brought, it is impossible to beat him.

All that's left is this man...

Although in my memory, that fist is quite delicate, but it can't be that a woman has such great strength, right?
"Who are you kid, you dare to hit me, you really don't know how to live or die! Come, come, where are my soldiers, my..."

Cai Mao took two steps back, grabbed the door and looked outside. Of the thousands of people I brought, none of them left.

"General Cai Mao, where are your soldiers?" Qin Lang teased.

At this moment, Diao Chan pretended to be a little girl, her expression was more innocent than Zhen Mi's.

This is the mentality of a woman, causing you something, and then letting you solve it.

Use this to confirm its place in your heart.

What can Qin Lang do?Of course you have to carry it!
It's just a hat...

I, Qin Lang, will assassinate Dong Zhuo as soon as the Han Dynasty comes...

Fighting wits and courage with that old fox Wang Yun...

He and Lu Bu, the number one military general in the world, do not know each other without fighting. Although they are not sworn brothers, their love is stronger than Jin Jian...

Traveling to Jiangdong, getting to know Sun Ce, marrying relatives...

Sworn with Liu Guanzhang, formally entered the disputes in the world.

Cao Cao is such a treacherous hero, I Qin Lang is not afraid at all, and I am like a fish in water in Xuchang!

Not only did he direct the second brother Guan's single-handed ride for thousands of miles, pass five levels, and stare at six generals, but he also single-handedly promoted the battle of Guandu...

You are a Cai Mao... want to touch my woman too?

"Cai Mao, where are your soldiers? Do you want to challenge me one-on-one!"


Cai Mao staggered back a few steps, his breathing became extremely heavy.

The aura of the person in front of him is so strong that Liu Biao is not even worthy to lift his shoes compared to this person!
Could this be a normal person?
One punch stunned me, a peerless general, and I didn't even see how to make a move. How could there be such a person in the world?

Even if Lu Bu was still in the world, even Tai Shici of Soochow, Guan Yunchang, who was in full swing, and Cao Cao, who was said to be as brave as a two-headed tiger, would not be able to achieve such a level.

Unless, this person is not a human being, but a heavenly soldier and general in the sky!
Yes, this person is a fairy.

"Could it be that you are an immortal from the world, Qin Lang, Qin Guanren? I heard that when you were in Xuchang City, you single-handedly challenged thousands of brave generals by yourself, and being knocked out by you is not an insult to me!"

"Wait, when did I single out Cao Cao's thousand heroes?"

Even if it's gossip, it can't be so exaggerated!
Or, is it really that exaggerated?

"You know me too?"

Qin Lang quickly realized that he had come to Jingzhou at the beginning, and fought against soldiers and horses of Jingzhou in order to protect Sun Quan.

But he had never seen Cai Mao, certainly not.

It is acceptable to say that in Cao Cao's territory, there are his portraits circulating.

Jingzhou also has his portrait?

This is not realistic!
"Cai Mao, how do you know me?"

"Fuck, you are really Qin Lang!" Cai Mao was also dumbfounded.

What the hell... In my life, I finally got my reasoning right once.

I just said, I am brave and resourceful, who else would dare to refuse this time?
Since this person said he was Qin Lang, there should be no doubt about it.

If not, which man in the world can have two such beautiful women by his side?
That alone is enough to confirm.

"With my intelligence, I can recognize that you are Qin Lang. We are flooded into the Dragon King Temple, and the family does not recognize the family!"

Cai Mao quickly admitted his cowardice, and felt a little bit of fear in his heart.

Not to mention that he was thinking of recruiting Qin Lang, this kid is a ruthless person, he was not killed, but he took his life.

"Hey, who is in your family, who looks so ugly, you can't be a good person at first sight!"

Zhen Mi appeared behind Qin Lang again, said something extremely stern, then quickly hid back, and then gave Diao Chan a look.

"Sister Diaochan, I also have a sense of existence!"

"Hahaha, of course I'm not as good as Qin Guanren, but I'm ugly but also gentle!"

Cai Mao sneered.

This woman really doesn't care about things. When I win the world, I will attack you first!

At this point, you need to be patient for a while.

It is said that in Xuchang City, the emperor Liu Xie once had a lot of experience in patience.

He also created "soft and hard" formulas. It is a pity that I don't have the opportunity to ask for advice in this life.

"As for the family, Qin officials must know that Liu Bei, your elder brother, has defected to my lord, that is, my brother-in-law Liu Biao, and is now stationed in Xinye City. Are we still a family?"

"What General Cai said is that everyone misunderstood!"

Qin Lang arched his hands, then motioned to Diao Chan and Zhen Mi, "These are my two wives, living in seclusion here, I don't know why I offended the general, please forgive me!"

Liu Biao is still alive and has not turned against Cai Mao. This kid is still in power.

Liu Bei needs Xinye City as a residence, and he can gain time for development, so he can't tear himself apart with Cai Mao.

Therefore, we still need to communicate with each other, everyone is an adult, who doesn't know who!

Cai Mao couldn't help shaking his head when he heard the words. With these two women as opponents, what should my sister do?
Sister, where does your insane self-confidence come from?

Now I can only pin my hope on the fact that men will think that domestic flowers do not have the fragrance of wild flowers. This is an eternal law.

Or, Qin Lang just likes the wife of a person of status?
"Officer, how about going to the city with me, my sister has long been in love with you, and I look forward to seeing you for a long time!"

"Your sister?" Qin Lang asked in surprise.

"His sister?" Diao Chan stared at Qin Lang.

"Sister..." Zhen Mi hurriedly stopped her, "Sister Diao Chan, your fists are too strong, you should use silver needles!"
"Well, you are an official, you have good friends wherever you go, where does this sister come from, and when did it happen?"

What Diao Chan is most afraid of is Qin Lang and women she doesn't know.

Jiangdong's three don't count, because they can be sensed.

But who is this one in Jingzhou?
Are you qualified to enter the Qin family's door?

Qin Lang wants to cry but has no tears, he hesitates to speak, he can't stop...

How the hell did I know about his sister... Wait, "Cai Mao, your sister is Liu Biao's wife, Mrs. Cai?"

"The officer is right!"

"What the hell...Liu Biao's wife loves me, and it was you, my brother-in-law, who told me that, so you're not afraid that Liu Biao will kill you?!"

Qin Lang looked up to the sky, who are these people from the Han Dynasty?
Even if your sister really loves me, she can't tell me in broad daylight, right?
Or, another group of people who think I like women?
It's just being smart!

What else are you called Cai Mao, you should be called Sha Mao!
It seems that in the history books, the records of everyone in this era cannot be fully believed, after all, they have not seen it with their own eyes.

Maybe, Zhuge Liang is a funny comparison!

(End of this chapter)

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