Chapter 347 Do You Like It?

Mrs. Cai's emotions were very complicated, but these did not affect her judgment of the situation.

As long as Liu Cong can inherit the position of the son of the world, then there is righteousness in him.

With righteousness in your body, you can fight for the world!

After fighting for the world, I am the empress dowager of the big man!
But the foundation of all this is Qin Lang Qin officials.

I have Qin Lang, will Liu Biao make Liu Qi his heir?
That's unrealistic and impossible!
After subduing Qin Lang, Liu Biao has no aggressiveness, but Liu Cong can!
Those who win Qin Lang will win the world!

Cai's natal family wants to subvert my son's power?I have Qin Lang as my assistant, don't make people laugh out loud.

When I become the Empress Dowager, I will take Qin Lang by my side every day, and let him enjoy my pair of delicate little feet every day...

Even, I can rule the world like the wife of the ancestor Emperor Liu Bang, Lu Pheasant!

Be an uncrowned king and achieve the pinnacle of existence in a woman's life.

This is all Mrs. Cai's plan.

It was in this way of thinking that her feelings for Qin Lang became more and more complicated.

This is an extremely perverted possessive desire. In her mind, she imagined a man for herself. This man's surname is Qin and his name is Lang, and his character is an official!

Mrs. Cai thought that Qin Lang hadn't traveled far, but in fact, Qin Lang's trip was not too close.

Qin Lang took Diao Chan and Zhen Mi to drive a carriage all the way to Nanyang.

Zhuge Cottage in Nanyang is a grassy reed, but there is a great talent who can compete for the world.

The famous Zhuge Liang through the ages!

For this line of work, Qin Lang has long been fascinated.

What kind of surprises will Zhuge Liang bring to himself? Can my inheritance system allow me to inherit Zhuge Liang's abilities?
From then on, there is no omission in Qimen Dunjia.



In the blink of an eye, during the Dragon Boat Festival, Liu Bei went to Jingzhou City to have a banquet alone.

Liu Biao originally wanted to have a long talk with Liu Bei, with the affection of brothers in the whole clan.Naihe was worried that Cai Mao would be jealous, so he kept refraining from speaking.

Cai Mao's suggestion made Liu Biao push the boat along the way, which contributed to the matter.

When Liu Bei arrived outside the city, Cai Mao came to greet him in person, which was considered a great deal of face.

"Uncle Liu Huang, my lord has been waiting for a long time, please!"

Cai Mao moved his body to one side, his eyes burning.

During this period of time, Liu Bei's management of Xinye City was refreshing, and the momentum of recruiting troops was very strong.

I am afraid that it will become a powerful force in the near future.

Even if all the soldiers in Jingzhou City are out, they cannot be easily taken down.

Liu Biao's old fool, this is a wooden wedge inserted into his heart!
Do you really think that Liu Bei is unparalleled in benevolence and righteousness, and will not turn his back on others?
"General Cai first!" Liu Bei was very respectful.

Although Cai Mao is just a general, he represents the upper echelons of Jingzhou city, and only Liu Biao can hold him down.

This superficial thing will continue to be maintained.

What's more, this kind of thing, there is no one who is better at acting than me, Liu Bei, so it's easy to catch!
Cai Mao was not too polite, he really wanted to test whether Liu Bei would be domineering just because he was valued by Liu Biao...

Now it seems that Liu Bei is quite self-aware!
Such a meek person, without the slightest arrogance to become a lord, can accomplish great things?
The two walked side by side, and Cai Mao deliberately walked faster.

Liu Bei thought carefully and deliberately missed Cai Mao by half a step.

"Uncle Liu Huang, I have led troops to fight in my life, but I have never seen a fairy. I heard that you are sworn to a fairy. Is there such a thing?"

"General Cai has won the award. I am grateful to the officials and officials, so I have eight acquaintances!"

You cackle around...

I, Liu Bei, speak cautiously...

You asked me if there was such a thing, and I only answered this matter, and said nothing about it.

Only mystery can be another talisman for me.

As long as the officials don't show up, who in this world would dare to kill me Liu Bei?
I'm afraid there is only Cao Cao!
Cai Mao had a sneer on the corner of his mouth, the more you say that, the more guilty you are.

In the past, I was only [-]% sure, but now I am [-]% sure. You, Liu Bei, don't know that Qin Lang is outside Jingzhou City.

Arrived at the castle guard mansion.

Liu Biao personally greeted him outside, and Liu Bei was terrified. This Liu Biao killed him by flattering him.

It's okay if he did it unintentionally, but if he did it intentionally, this old man is also a man with complicated thoughts.

"Xuande, I haven't seen you for a few days, I miss you so much..."

"Thank you brother for caring, I miss brother too!"

Liu Bei grabbed Liu Biao's hand, and tears came out all at once.

Yes, the current situation is the best time to show off your skills!
My tears are not so cheap!
Back then, after crying with Tao Qian, he won Xuzhou City.

After crying to Liu Xie, we became the most authentic Uncle Liu.

Now, figure it out!

Sure enough, when Liu Bei cried like this, Liu Biao's emotions also rose.

After all, he is a clan member of the Han family, and he is also full of resentment for the humiliation of the clan in recent years.

In the past, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shi would dare to threaten him?

Coupled with the fact that I am getting older and prefer nostalgic feelings, tears also came out at this moment.

"My brother Xuande, you are suffering for me!"

"I have worked so hard to support the situation in Jingzhou, but I am afraid that after a hundred years, it will collapse in an instant. This year... I am 60 years old!"

Liu Biao's concern is not meaningless. In this era, people who can live beyond 60 years old are rare.

Everyone knows that when you reach the age of 60, you will have to live on your fingers.

But the situation in Jingzhou is so severe, I can barely hold on alive, what about after I die?

When Liu Bei heard the words, he immediately understood.

The main reason why Liu Biao took him in was to make him a pawn to break the game.

Why did Liu Biao turn a blind eye to his vigorous enhancement of strength in Xinye City?
It's nothing more than a way of balance, and I want him to restrain Cai Mao.

"Xuande, the Cai family is very powerful, they have always supported me to abolish the elders and establish the younger ones, but the eldest son Liu Qi is sensible and sensible, I can't bear it, do you have any suggestions?"

"My brother's family, how can I judge at will?" Liu Bei lowered his head and began to weigh the pros and cons.

Liu Biao definitely wanted to make Liu Qi his son, after all, the distinction between elder and younger has long been imprinted in the bones of the Han nation.

Since ancient times, abandoning the old and establishing the young will cause unnecessary waves.

But the relatives are very powerful, if Liu Qi is really established, Liu Qi's life may be in danger immediately.

If I want to use the land of Jingzhou to increase my strength, I must clearly stand beside Liu Biao.

Whether it's because of the righteousness of the world, or because of my benevolence and righteousness, it's all like this!

"Let me tell you, if you just say it, you and I are clan relatives, and this is your family business!"

Liu Biao said so, but Liu Bei had no reason to refuse.

"Brother, I think that the eldest son should be established. If the elder is abolished and the younger is established, it may cause disaster!"

"Xuande really thinks so? Hahaha, it's too late for you and me to meet!"

Liu Biao laughed, his eyes brightened slightly, what he wanted was your words.

It is also because I know your benevolence and righteousness, and after I entrust Liu Qi to you, I believe that you will not occupy the magpie's nest.

"Brother, tonight you and I won't go home without getting drunk. By the way, I heard that your brother-in-law likes women. Do you like women? I'm ready!"

(End of this chapter)

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