Chapter 351 You Have a Hidden Disease
Mr. Shui Jing opened the door and led Xu Shu into the room.

Liu Bei was surprised to find that this Xu Shu, Xu Yuanzhi, was actually the middle-aged Confucian scholar who warned him of danger today.

It really is fate, it really is destiny!
"You are Xu Shu, Xu Yuanzhi?" Liu Bei's voice trembled.

"I am Xu Yuanzhi, it is really rare to meet Mr. in the middle of the night!"

"Hahaha..." Liu Bei laughed, and with a smile, tears flowed out.

Now it's time to play tricks again.

Laughing and crying at the same time, who in the world can do it?

"I, Liu Bei, invite you to come out of the mountain and serve as our military adviser to help the great cause of the Han Dynasty!"

"Liu Bei? Are you Liu Bei and Liu Xuande? Your Majesty's uncle today?"

Xu Shu pretended to be surprised, and immediately went to help Liu Bei's shoulder.

You can't really ask Liu Bei to kneel down for him, even if you bow, you can't bow at ninety degrees.

"Please come out and help me, sir!"

"Yuan Zhi, you have always been underappreciated for your talents, but now you have met Ming Lord, if you don't leave the mountain at this time, when will you wait?" Mr. Shui Jing shouted violently.

Xu Shu raised his head suddenly, as if enlightened...

"Forget it... After all, I will use what I have learned in this body. From today on, I will follow the lord!"

After Xu Shu finished speaking, he knelt down and saluted, "My subordinate Xu Shu, pay homage to the lord!"

"Okay, okay!"

This time, it was Liu Bei who supported Xu Shu's shoulder.

From now on, I will worship you as my military adviser, go, your mother is still waiting for you!




Qin Lang came all the way with Diao Chan and Zhen Mi, ready to visit Zhuge Liang in Caolu.

Zhuge Liang is talented, and naturally has his arrogance. It is easy to meet him, but it is very difficult to get in touch with him.

You can't be like Cao Cao and send your wife out, right?
This is definitely not my Qin Lang style!
I can even reiterate that I, Qin Lang, am not a pervert who likes women, I really don't like women!

Moreover, anyone who dares to set Diao Chan and Zhen Mi's mind, I can kill him!
No matter how much you pay, even exchange for a sniper rifle in the system, you will not hesitate!

Passing Miannan Baishui City, a notice was pasted outside the city saying that Huang Yueying, the daughter of the famous scholar Huang Chengyan, was seriously ill, and people of insight were invited to go and treat her.

If you can cure this girl, I will be grateful!
The carriage stopped outside the city, Qin Lang looked at the notice, crossed his chest with his left hand, pinched his chin with his right hand, and kept thinking.

Huang Yueying?
Isn't this Zhuge Liang's daughter-in-law?

God helped me, Zhuge Liang, I saved your daughter-in-law's life, isn't this a great favor? !
"Officer, do you want to reveal the notice?" Diao Chan asked.

Although she didn't know what disease Huang Yueying had, Diao Chan was still very confident.

Zhen Mi also stuck out her head in the carriage, and said: "I heard that the wife of this famous scholar Huang Chengyan is the sister of General Cai Mao of Jingzhou. This thank you should be true!"

"Oh? Is there such a relationship?" Qin Lang asked in surprise.

Although he knows the history of the late Han Dynasty, there are still many details that are unclear.

In this way, Cai Mao is still Huang Yueying's uncle, that is, Zhuge Liang's uncle.

Then, Liu Biao and Huang Chengyan are brother-in-law!
With such a close relationship, Zhuge Liang did not work for Liu Biao, which shows that he had planned for a long time.

In short, saving Huang Yueying first is the top priority!
Qin Lang took off the notice, and then drove the carriage into Baishui City.

Huang Chengyan was very famous, and he knew the location of the Huang Mansion just by asking any passer-by.

Yellow House.

Huang Chengyan is in a hurry these days, because his daughter Huang Yueying is ill, and she is still very ill. The doctors in Baishui City have been invited over and over again, but they still don't get better.

Everyone in Baishui City knows that Huang Chengyan is handsome, but the first wife is married, so she doesn't look very good-looking.

After giving birth to her first daughter, she even inherited the shortcomings between her parents, and her appearance is worse than that of ordinary people.

But Huang Yueying was born smart, and it was only after she was eight years old that Huang Chengyan gradually became famous and became a celebrity today.

Why Huang Chengyan is so anxious is not only because of his parental affection, but also because all his talents and fame come from Huang Yueying's intelligence.

It can be said that Huang Yueying has always been his staff.

It is precisely because of his reputation that he is qualified to marry Cai Mao's sister, taking this opportunity to raise the power of the family to a higher level.

If Huang Yueying's illness was really serious, his reputation would probably end accordingly.What's more, this is her own daughter, and the relationship between father and daughter is of course also a very important aspect.

Qin Lang came with a notice, and Huang Chengyan came out to greet him immediately after his servants informed him.

In this era, there are not many people with medical skills, and even fewer people with superb medical skills.Ever since the notice was posted, until now, no one dared to recommend themselves to come to Huang's mansion to treat Huang Yueying's illness.

After all, a doctor in a city has been invited over and over again.

How could it be such a coincidence that a doctor with excellent medical skills happened to pass by Baishui City and was able to save Huang Yueying?
Since he dared to reveal the notice, there must be two brushes!
"Where is the doctor, why don't you come into the mansion?"

"Master, these three are the doctors who revealed the notice!"

The servant led Huang Chengyan and met Qin Lang and the other three.

At this time, Diao Chan and Zhen Mi were dressed in men's clothes again, and one was carrying a medicine box, pretending to be a medicine boy.

One is carrying a book box and pretending to be a book boy.

As for Qin Lang, he is both a scholar and a doctor, his identities can be switched at will, and there are no dead ends, a perfect and seamless connection.

"Ah? So young..." Huang Chengyan was very disappointed.

This must be a rich man who came out to travel the world.

With two little boys by his side, he was so handsome that he didn't look like a mortal.

What kind of medical skills?
How could it be possible to be medical?
Which medically skilled person doesn't have a snow-white beard?
"Three, the little girl is seriously ill, I don't want to waste time, and I can't let the little girl take risks, you still...please!"

Huang Chengyan also didn't want to be too absolute. This kid is not an ordinary person at first sight, so why offend him?
"Hey, old man, what are you talking about!"

Qin Lang didn't speak yet, and Diao Chan didn't make a sound either.

Instead, Zhen Mi pointed at Huang Chengyan and scolded.

After Zhen Mi finished speaking, she quickly gave Diao Chan a wink, "Sister, as long as I'm with you and the officials, I won't be timid now!"

Qin Lang shook his head, and gave Zhen Mi a loving look.

That's right, it's pampering...

This girl Zhen Mi, no matter what she does, she can't make people angry.

"Forgive me, Mr. Huang, you haven't slept soundly for many days, and you also have some hidden illness, why don't you let me take a look at it for you first?"

It is human nature for Huang Chengyan to doubt, it is not considered rude.

"Oh? Are you so sure?"

Huang Chengyan's expression turned serious, and it could be seen that he hadn't slept well for many days, so he was nothing.

He is now unshaven, his eyes are red and swollen, and he looks haggard, which can be seen by anyone with a little common sense.

But if you can see my hidden disease...hehe...I will believe you!
(End of this chapter)

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