Chapter 368
In Xuchang City, Cao Cao was furious.

How about you, Cao Ren?It doesn't matter who you are defeated by, you are defeated by Liu Bei!

So, is Liu Bei someone who can lead troops to fight? Did you take Liu Bei's benefits?

"Prime Minister..."

Cao Ren knelt on the ground, clasped his fists with his face still full of disbelief.

That Liu Bei is not very good, but he did not know where to get a new military adviser, that person actually knows the eight-door golden lock array, I am defeated!
"Liu Bei's military adviser knew the eight-door golden lock formation, and his subordinates were caught off guard, so they lost!"

"Oh? Liu Bei still has such talents under his command?"

A trace of vigilance flashed in Cao Cao's heart, and he said, "Who is this person?"

"Xu Shu, the characters are straight!"

"Does anyone know this person?!"

"Prime Minister!" Xun Yu stood up.

He didn't want to say anything at first, but Liu Bei got Xu Shu, which was a huge threat.

Even if he was being watched by Cao Cao, he had to come out.

"Xu Yuanzhi is from Xuchang. This talent is so talented that it is really rare in the world!"

"Heh... so powerful?" Cao Cao sneered, "How is he compared to you?"

Although Cao Ren is a general, he is not a handsome talent.

His eight-door golden lock array has learned four different shapes, which looks quite similar, but in fact it has no essence.

Cao Ren was defeated. Of course Cao Cao was angry, but he didn't care much.

So Xu Shu broke the eight-door Golden Lock Formation set up by Cao Ren. He can only be said to be somewhat capable, but he can't meet the conditions that are too important.

After all, Cao Ren's formation has learned four different things, and the shortcomings are too obvious.

"Xu Yuanzhi is ten times stronger than me!" Xun Yu said.

"This is impossible!" Cao Cao waved his hand, who are you Xun Yu?He is one of my strongest counsellors.

How could there be someone ten times stronger than you in this world?
Did you mean officials?He is not ten times stronger than you!

"Prime Minister, everything this subordinate said is true!"

"Are you serious?" Cao Cao stood up, breathing more heavily.

When I said that Liu Bei and I were the only heroes in the world when we cooked wine with green plums, I was not joking.

That Liu Bei was originally a fierce tiger. After having Qin Lang, he was able to save his life even after disasters.

But this ferocious tiger can do it if it is fierce, but it has no IQ, and I keep rubbing it on the ground.

Now that Liu Bei has Xu Shu, wouldn't he have grown another pair of wings, like a tiger with wings added!
My heart is in serious trouble!
"Prime Minister, this matter can be resolved easily. Xu Shu is a dutiful son, but his hometown is in Xuchang City. As far as I know, he has an old mother who is still alive!"

"Okay, go and invite Xu Shu's mother here immediately, I want to take care of her myself!"

"No!" Xun Yu bowed and left.

Xun Yu took the order and went straight to Xu Shu's old house with his soldiers and horses.

As a result, it was empty.

Why did a piece of credit disappear?
Looking at the layout of the courtyard, the dust falling from the house has been unoccupied for a long time.

Could it be that Xu Shu's old mother has passed away?
"Where are the people living here, go and find out immediately!" Xun Yu's face was livid, and suddenly he had a bad premonition.

Two hours later, Xun Yu and the soldiers guarding the gate appeared in front of Cao Cao.

"Xu Shu's mother was taken away by officials?" Cao Cao had no expression on his face and his voice was flat.

But the more so, the more terrifying Xun Yu felt.

Cao Cao was once furious because of Lu Bu's surprise attack on Yanzhou, and smashed all the rice in his bowl.

But it's never been like this, it's so unusual to be calm.

"Xun Yu, rise up immediately, I will kill that bastard Liu Bei immediately!"

Taking advantage of Liu Bei's fledgling, eliminate this threat as soon as possible, and absolutely can't delay any longer.

"Prime Minister, I have another plan!"

"What else do you have in mind?"

Xu Shu's mother has been taken away, is there any way to restrain him?

He is indeed the person I trust the most!

"Xu Shu's mother took it away, but his father's bones and his ancestral grave are still in Xuchang!"

"You mean, using Xu Shu's ancestral grave as a threat?"

If it's his old lady, I can take care of him on an excuse, and I can also stop everyone in the world.

Can dig someone's ancestral grave...

We did touch Jin Xiaowei, but we did it secretly, without much fanfare.

This matter... What the hell, dug it!
I, Cao Cao, would rather fail the people of the world, would rather bear all the gods and Buddhas in the sky, and I can no longer be let down by others!



Qin Lang and Zhuge Liang traveled all the way to Sichuan for investigation.

During the day, the two used their footsteps to measure the land, inspect the customs, whether the folk customs in various places are strong, how many young people there are, and the annual grain production are all extremely important data.

At night, Zhuge Liang recorded what he saw and heard along the way and drew geographic graphics.

Especially on the topographic map of mountains and rivers, where it is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and where it is suitable for ambushes, it must be marked very clearly.

This will be a huge project, and it cannot be completed without more than half a year.

one night.

Zhuge Liang lit the oil lamp, took a pen and ink, and drew a map on the desk.

Qin Lang stretched out bored, if this continues, will Zhuge Liang become myopic?
Just drawing like this will exhaust people to death, and they will not be able to draw an accurate map.

Even Zhuge Liang could not escape the constraints of the times.

So what if you are witty and close to the demon, no matter what you do, you can't compare with the accumulation of the times.

Going on like this is too much of a waste of time.

You, Zhuge Liang, are not afraid of Huang Yueying who is waiting at home to guard the vacant room alone. My two wives who are as beautiful as flowers are still waiting for me to go back!

Besides, counting the time, Jiangdong is about to have an accident, so why not take advantage of this time and go to Jiangdong.

It would be best if you could save Sun Ce, it would definitely be helpful for future missions.

Forget it, Sun Quan knew at a young age that using his younger sister as a bargaining chip is not a good thing.

"Open the inheritance system and open the exchange item list!"

"In exchange for a laptop computer, the instruction manual for the computer must have CAD drawings, and a video tutorial for CAD drawings, um, change the font on the instructions to Han Dynasty characters!"

"Ding, Xiao Ai reminded that the exchange was successful, and 5000 million system currency will be deducted!"

"Wait, how much is deducted? 5000 million?"

Qin Lang almost couldn't help yelling, even if he saw a bunch of question marks and couldn't see how much he owed, 5000 million was too much!

"Xiao Ai, why does the system allow me to owe so much money?"

"The system prompts...the stuck..."

Qin Lang's face was so dark that it became the bottom of the pot. Such a fast-tracking system would make him owe so much money, and it was very "intimate" marked with question marks. There must be something wrong with it.

Excluding all impossible existences, there is only one truth left, "Xiao Ai, the last time I returned to modern times, I gambled with Wu Fan on the outside of the horse race, and you said that you didn't win the bet because of an accident. There's something going on in there!"

That's a one billion bet!
(End of this chapter)

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