Chapter 382 Who Is Your Brother-in-law?
Qin Lang also thought that he could persuade Cai Mao to hand over Jingzhou City to Liu Bei, but then he thought about it, when Liu Bei and Cao Cao died in Jingzhou, it would be better to flee to Jiangling.

After Cao Cao gets Jingzhou, he will definitely attack Jiangdong. Only then will Jiangdong unite with Liu Bei.

If there is no pressure, even if Sun Ce is alive, I am afraid he will just sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

Liu Bei won Jingzhou, but he had to face the double threats of Cao Cao and Soochow. It can only be said that Zhuge Liang's obsession with Jingzhou is too deep.


Cai Mao went to find Mrs. Cai in despair. He originally thought that with Qin Lang, he would be able to kill the Quartet, and Cao Cao's million-strong army defeated by one person would be fucked.

Who knows that it is far from what I thought in my heart.

Aren't you, Qin Lang, a fairy?Why do you have to confess?

Or, my sister didn't take you down last night, do you think my sister can't do it alone?
Cai Mao didn't know what to do, so he wanted to go to Mrs. Cai to find out what your so-called confidence is.

This Qin Lang actually wanted us to surrender to Cao Cao.

Could it be that like Zhang Xiu, this is a false surrender?Wait until Cao Cao enters the city, and then kill him?

"Brother, what are you doing here?"

Mrs. Cai was lying on the bed, with a maid behind her massaging her.

I didn't know how crazy it was last night, but now my whole body is sore, thinking that it will be like this at night, Madam Cai hurriedly regained her strength.

What a crazy man, [-] times better than Liu Biao's bad old man.

"Sister, I was waiting outside the door today and asked Qin Lang if he had a plan to defeat the enemy, but he asked us to open the city and surrender. It's really... really..."

"What is it really? But really surrender?"

"It shouldn't be, it may be a false surrender!"

"Then why are you hesitating, is it possible that you can compare to Qin Lang?" Mrs. Cai sarcastically said.

If the Cai family hadn't left me, you, Cai Mao, could have the current status.

It's a pity that I was not born with a male body. Perhaps, only last night and tonight, I will not regret it.

In this world, only immortals can conquer me.

The reason why Qin Lang wants to open the city and surrender is that it is possible...could it be...that he dislikes me alone?

Does he still want Cao Cao's wife?

Thinking of this, Mrs. Cai's eyes showed a stern look.

The official is mine, and whoever robs me of the official will be killed by me!

Tonight, even if I try my best, I will satisfy you!

Cai Mao bid farewell and left. Since Mrs. Cai agreed, he didn't say anything.

Although my resourcefulness can be among the best in this world, it is definitely not as good as Qin officials, so I will listen to wise people.

By the way, otherwise, I would add icing on the cake in private...

Just as he thought of this, Cai Mao shivered suddenly, only to feel a delicate fist appeared in front of his eyes.

This punch can blow his head off.

Forget it, I don't want to die yet.

For several nights in a row, Mrs. Cai would arrive at Qin Lang's room on time.

Qin Lang couldn't escape, so he could only use a pirated hypnotic pen to make Mrs. Cai do what she thought she was doing under hypnosis.

Mrs. Cai is also a beautiful woman, tossing and wriggling in the room every day is also a huge test for Qin Lang, a vigorous old man.

Fortunately, Qin Lang's will is as firm as a rock, but sometimes he also feels that it is a pity that such a crazy woman followed Liu Biao.

If you are born in modern times, you will definitely be able to make a difference.

Cao Cao's army came very quickly, and hundreds of thousands of troops gathered outside Jingzhou City.

According to the usual practice, first send someone to the city to shout.

If you surrender, it will be good food, drink and treatment. If you don't surrender, the day you break the city will be the time when your heads fall.

Cao Cao sat on the wooden board and squinted his eyes to look at it, "You tell me, how long will it take me to take this city, and how long will the Liu clan in the city persist before they open the city and surrender?"

Standing beside Cao Cao are Xiahou Dun, Cao Ren, and many generals.

Only these two people don't look very good-looking.

surrender?Do not make jokes.

The two of us led the soldiers over, and we were beaten to the bum. After all, Xinye City also belongs to Jingzhou.

Prime Minister, if you come, the main city of Jingzhou will open the door and surrender, so what is the use of us? Doesn’t it make us look too cowardly?

Jingzhou City Wall, a hundred thousand troops can withstand a million, how could it be possible to surrender?
But you are the boss, what can we say, of course you will surrender!
"Prime Minister, I'm afraid it will be in the near future!"

Cao Cao sneered, "You guys are flattering me now, how could it be possible today..."

"We surrender and welcome Prime Minister Cao into the city!"

At the same time, Cai Mao stood on the city wall, roaring loudly, full of energy.

Cao Cao was stunned for a moment, then said angrily, "Why are you surrendering, what are you doing so loudly, is it an honor?"

Fortunately, I didn't finish my sentence, so it's not a slap in the face.

When Jingzhou surrendered, Cai Mao was a meritorious person. Not only could he not do anything to Cai Mao, but he had to reuse it.

The gates opened.

Cao Cao first sent a general to the city to check, so as not to fall into the trap.

Immediately afterwards, he let his soldiers take over Jingzhou's defense, and then swaggered into the city.

Cai Mao pushed Liu Cong to the front, followed by representatives of the gentry in Jingzhou, and welcomed Cao Cao to the Chengshoufu.

This is the first time Cao Cao won the main city of Yizhou without bloodshed, which is of great significance.

But you can't be soft on this, the lord of Jingzhou, Liu Cong, and his mother, let's go to Xuchang to accompany Han Emperor Liu Xian together!
It is said that Mrs. Cai is very beautiful, Cao Cao also moved his mind, but remembering the lessons of the past, he paid a huge price, and suppressed the commotion in his heart.

Now is the best time to seize the world, attack Jiangdong in one go, don't delay the big event because of a woman.

Anyway, Mrs. Cai will go to Xuchang with Liu Cong, can she escape?
Winning Jingzhou should be rewarded for meritorious deeds.

However, when people surrendered in Kaesong, Cao Cao's generals almost died of anger.

People surrendered, what else can you contribute?
Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun, in particular, were in need of a tough battle to wash away their humiliation, and saw the credit slip away from their hands.

As a result, he hated Cai Mao.

As for how many soldiers will die in a battle, who cares?
Originally, once the general is successful, the bones are exhausted, and the soldiers can be replenished at any time after they die.

But the credit has slipped away, so it can no longer be grasped.

"Cai Mao, Liu Bei is in the city, where is he hiding?" Cao Cao asked.

When Liu Biao passed away, Liu Bei should go to the city to attend his funeral.

Cai Mao clasped his hands and said, "Report to Prime Minister, Liu Bei is not in the city, but my brother-in-law is!"

"Boy, what does your brother-in-law have to do with my prime minister? Don't think about running away with relatives!" Xia Houdun roared dissatisfied.

At this moment, he even hoped that he would become as ugly as before. It's not good to be too handsome, and he can't scare people.

You see, after I finished yelling, Cai Mao looked so dazed, he was not frightened, he was clearly fascinated!

Thanks to Qin Guanren, now even men are obsessed with me!

Cao Cao waved his hand. After all, he has contributed to the city, so don't scare people with your ugliness.

"Cai Mao, who is your brother-in-law? He knows me, or is he an old friend?" After Cao Cao finished speaking, he gave Xiahou Dun another look.

You can't eat enough, you can't beat anyone, you're so ugly, and you're so self-confident every day, I really regret bringing you out.

(End of this chapter)

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