Chapter 388 Zhuge Liang Also Silent

Yangtze River port.

Liu Qi's boat hadn't arrived yet, but fortunately the Dangyang Bridge was broken, so it could delay for some time.

Zhuge Liang stood on the shore, anxious in his heart, if Liu Qi's boat didn't arrive, it would be a disaster.

All of a sudden, everyone's mentality changed.

"Big brother, second brother, military advisor, that guy Cao Cao was scared off by me!" Zhang Fei came galloping on a horse, and shouted loudly.

"Yun Chang, don't read the book now, go and beat him up to make him sober, and lie about the military situation at this time, what a joke!"

There are so many of us, and Cao Cao chased him like a grandson. You said that you were alone, and Cao Cao was scared away?
Where should I put my brother's face, why the hell am I giving up Xinye City?
"Okay!" Guan Yu stuffed the book into his arms and rubbed his fists.

Speaking of the best thing we can do, besides reading books, we beat Zhang Fei.

"Donkey, donkey, donkey..." Zhang Fei tightened his reins, and when he saw Guan Yu approaching with malicious intentions, he became panicked.

"Second brother, I am a general with meritorious service, don't mess around!"

Zhang Fei was also wronged, you beat me all day long, so Zhao Yun didn't know where to go.

When I came back, I heard people say that Zhao Yun was surrounded by Cao Cao's million-strong army while holding Adou.

Not only Sister Gan is back now, but what about Sister Mi?What about the two siblings?

"Second brother, I think Zilong must have surrendered to Cao Cao, even the excuse is the same as yours, do you believe it or not?"

"Yide, don't tell me which pot you don't want to open, you kid, I will stare at you to death!"

When Guan Yu got angry, he wanted to open his eyes as wide as possible.

If it wasn't for the consideration of brotherhood, I must let you see how powerful I am.

Do you know how Chituma made me disappear? Didn’t he suddenly come back again, “Your second brother and I are also people who know fairy arts now!”

"You know fairy art? You are awesome, how many ships can you transform into!"

"I beat you up!"

"Hey? Hey! Don't do it if you have the ability, Guan Yu has beaten someone, everyone, come and see, Guan Yu has beaten someone!"

Liu Bei was disturbed by the yelling. Zilong was so loyal that he would never surrender to Cao Cao.

But remembering that A Dou, Madam Mi, and even Qin Lang's two wives have all fallen into Cao Cao's hands, how could Zhao Yun not surrender?

Zhang Fei is right, Guan Yu surrendered because of this.

Guan Yu rode alone for thousands of miles, passed five passes, and stared at six generals. Can Zhao Yun do this?
Now that the boat didn't come, the negative state in Liu Bei's heart was about to explode.

What the hell am I doing marrying a wife? What's the use of having children?

If I don’t marry a wife and have children, then Guan Yu and Zhao Yun will not leave me!

"My lord, my lord..."

Liu Bei was thinking wildly when he suddenly heard Zhao Yun's voice from afar.

Zhao Yun was riding a horse, his body was stained with blood, he was sleeping soundly while protecting A Dou in his arms.

"Zilong is back?" Liu Bei's eyes widened in disbelief.

Zhao Yun came to Liu Bei, got off his horse, staggered, and almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Liu Bei had quick hands and eyes, and supported Zhao Yun's arm.

Zhao Yun untied the cloth on his body, held A Dou in front of him, and said, "My lord, I entered Cao Cao's army seven times and went out seven times. I finally fulfilled my mission and saved the young master!"

"You... seven in and seven out?"

The shock in Liu Bei's heart is unimaginable, because of Zhao Yun's loyalty, but also because of Zhao Yun's bravery.

At this time, it is another good opportunity to win people's hearts!
Liu Bei took A Dou and threw it aside, but since he had long arms, he was standing with his legs bent, in fact, he put A Dou on the ground.

It's just that in the process of lowering it, it seemed to be hard, which caused the illusion that he fell down.

"This childish kid almost caused me to lose a general!"

Zhao Yun almost cried, the lord valued me so much that he even dropped his own son.

"Huh? Wait, something is wrong!"

Ah... By the way, my lord, when I escaped back, the fourth brother told you not to throw Dudou, otherwise, you will make this child foolish.

"Damn it, why didn't you say it sooner!"

Even though it's just lightly placed on the ground, it still hurts me.

Who doesn't love their son?

"Zilong, you said the officials are here too?"

"That's right, if it wasn't for the help of the fourth brother, I would have died among thousands of troops, and my sister-in-law was also saved by the fourth brother!"

"Qin Lang, the little bastard, stares at my wife every day to save her, but I don't see him saving others!" Liu Bei muttered.

Back then, the Luma I was riding was chased to the sky by Cai Mao and almost drowned in the river, but I never saw him come to rescue me.

"Since the officials saved Mi Zhen, why didn't they come back with you?"

"My lord, sister-in-law Mi was shot by an arrow, and fourth brother found a hiding place to heal her injuries, let's retreat first!"

"Heh..." Liu Bei sneered, healing?good excuse!

Let's withdraw first?So benevolent!
"My lord, look quickly, the boat is coming!"

At the same time, dozens of big ships came on the river, and Liu Qi was now on the deck of the first big ship.

"Everyone get on board, retreat!"

Liu Bei waved his hand, and everyone began to board the boat one after another.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are still there, you punch, I hold my head, and you kick, I still hold my head.

As soon as he heard that he could withdraw, Guan Yu rubbed his fists and stopped. We scholars have always only killed people and never beat others!
Zhang Fei smiled slightly, you are the second brother, I can't hit you back, but your strength is really weak, it's like scratching an itch.

I didn't dare to shout loudly, for fear of shocking you to death, I am really loyal.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fei shook left and right proudly, we are the most loyal boys in Jingzhou!
The people and soldiers all boarded the boat and sailed away from the river bank, and Cao Cao led his troops to catch up again.

Cao Cao looked at the fleet on the river and sighed, "I can't kill Liu Bei today, and my heart is in trouble!"

Liu Bei stood on the deck, looking at Cao Cao on the bank, silent and serious.

Zhuge Liang stepped forward and said, "My lord, are you lamenting the strength of Cao Cao's troops?"

"Kong Ming, you are wrong this time!"

"Oh? What is the lord thinking?"

"I..." Liu Bei opened his mouth, showing a miserable smile, and said, "I was thinking, when Mi Zhen comes back, will I have another son!"

healing?Fuck him!
Just fool Zhao Yun's innocent and honest child!
This is on the battlefield, Qin Lang, why can't you wait?
Your taste is getting stronger and stronger!

Although Liu Bei has long acquiesced in this matter, but thinking that I, a genuine husband, have never enjoyed it so much, it is inevitable that he will feel depressed.

"Kong Ming, you have to tell your wife to be careful, the attraction of officials to women is so freaking perverted!"

"My lord, don't worry too much. My wife and the officials are sworn brothers and sisters. It's fine!"

"Brothers and sisters...hehe, isn't this more exciting?"

"Huh?" After Liu Bei said this, Zhuge Liang also fell silent.

He put down the feather fan in his hand and stared at Cao Cao on the other side of the Yangtze River, "What the hell, can't you?!"

(End of this chapter)

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