Chapter 400 Me and Immortal Cousins

Zhuge Liang persuaded Zhou Yu and Sun Liu to form an alliance to resist Cao Cao, which caused an uproar in Jiangdong.

Everyone knows Zhou Yu's obsession, and also understands how difficult it will be to persuade Zhou Yu.

They even thought that there was no other way to solve it except to give Xiao Qiao to Zhou Yu.

So when Sun Quan and Lu Su revealed that they were going to persuade Qin Lang to give Xiao Qiao to Zhou Yu, and then choose a woman in Jiangdong to compensate Qin Lang, they had been actively operating.

Sun Quan made a lot of money, and Lu Su was secretly entertaining every day, thinking that it would last for a while, but who knew it would be gone.

Not only are they gone now, but they also have to face the anger of so many gentry.

Isn't this a lie!

Sun Quan walked back and forth anxiously, Lu Su, you should think of a way.

Lu Su looked up at the sky, "I counted that even if the governor was dragged to the end, he would raise troops to fight against Cao, but I didn't count that Zhuge Liang could really convince him!"

At this moment, Lu Su regretted wanting to slap himself, what the hell am I doing so actively, Zhuge Liang is more talented than me.

"My lord, Zhuge Liang is in Jiangdong, but Liu Bei is far away in Jiangling, let's find a way to get this person here!"

"Oh? You mean, divert the conflict? Let's say it first, I won't take out the benefits I get now!"

"What the hell..." Lu Su gritted his teeth angrily, crouching dragon and phoenix chick, whoever wins one can be safe in the world, this is a great talent who wins the world.

Do you still care about these petty profits? !
I care because the world won't belong to my family, but to your grandson's family!
"Although the official Qin has a marriage contract with the lady, he still has his heart for Liu Bei. With Zhuge Liang's assistance, I conclude that after defeating Cao Cao, Liu Bei will surely rise. If he doesn't make the first move at this time, it will be too late!"

Even if the two sides are an alliance, they are also intrigue.

When the war started, it was the honeymoon period, so let's not talk about it.

But after the war, when the benefits are distributed, conflicts will definitely occur.

Hiring Zhuge Liang here not only made Liu Bei lose a great talent, but also allowed Zhuge Liang to deal with Qin Lang in future conflicts.

This doubled his own strength, and doubled Liu Bei's strength.

"Sir, I heard that Liu Bei has a lot of knowledge in buying people's hearts. How can we get Zhuge Liang here?"

In this era, is there anyone who can buy people's hearts better than Liu Bei?

How about Cao Cao, at most he tied a shoelace for someone and greeted him backwards.

When Liu Bei cried, it was earth-shattering, and he would kneel down and salute at every turn, and now it was even more excessive, he threw the child!

This is playing tricks!I just want to throw the child, but I don't have it now!
How about, Lu Su, can you lend me your child?
I'm so... I really don't have the confidence to poach people under Liu Bei's hands.

"Young Master, we have a counselor named Zhuge Jin, who is Zhuge Liang's elder brother. Let him be a lobbyist, and he may have a chance of success!"

"Zhuge Jin, Zhuge Liang's real brother..."

Sun Quan bowed his head in thought, thinking of himself and others. If Sun Ce asked me to do something, he would definitely obey the order.

Then let Zhuge Jin try it out and tell him that if he can successfully recruit Zhuge Liang, I will find a way to send his wife to Qin Lang's residence for another night.

"Huh? Young Master, can you still do this?" Lu Su asked in shock.

Sun Quan gritted his teeth and said, "Don't try to use this to make money, you only have one chance, and my brother-in-law will definitely be on guard in the future!"

"Ah? You want to be fascinated... Cough cough, young master is a great talent. It is true that the waves of the Yangtze River push forward the waves of the past. Since ancient times, he has been non-toxic and not a man. A man does not care about trivial matters!"

"Fuck, are you praising me or hurting me?"

"Damn, of course it's Mr. Kua!"

After the two boasted to each other that the other was an expert, Lu Su went to find Zhuge Jin.

Lu Su thought as he walked.

Since it's a drug, it's no big deal to stuff one more woman in.

At the last dinner, his wife was also the target of public criticism, and she didn't get a chance to get in touch with Qin Lang.

After going back that day, I asked the midwife to check, and it was clear that nothing happened, let alone leaving some Qin Lang behind.

Enter Zhuge Jin's residence.

Ever since Zhuge Liang came to Jiangdong, Zhuge Jin has been staying behind closed doors in order to avoid suspicion.

Although we are brothers, we are our own masters, and we cannot visit you in private.

Just to avoid suspicion, he didn't even attend that dinner party. Thinking about it now, he regrets it so much.

During this period of time, every day when Jiang Dong met in the officialdom, the greeting became, "Is your wife pregnant?"

Those who are qualified to ask such a question, regardless of whether they are pregnant or not, feel that their faces are bright, because asking such a question means that their wife did have a relationship with Qin Lang that night.

Slowly, as long as they have attended the dinner party, they all ask this question.

Those who did not attend the dinner, or those who were not entitled to the dinner, were despised.

This is the case with Zhuge Jin. When his former colleagues walked by him, they would raise their heads and disdain to talk to you.

I share a wife with a fairy, can you do it?

I have a son with a fairy, are you qualified?

Are you jealous of me and fairy cousins?

Zhuge Jin really wanted to answer, I'm jealous, I'm so jealous to death!

Until today, Lu Su came and gave him a great opportunity.

As soon as Lu Su came up, he made clear the conditions, "Zhuge Jin, as long as you can recruit Zhuge Liang, you can let my wife take your wife to Qin Lang's mansion, and have fun overnight!"

Zhuge Jin was trembling with excitement. At the dinner party, tens of hundreds of women and officials stayed all night, let's see how awesome you are?
Who doesn't know, there must be braggarts among you?

Even if Qin Lang is an immortal, it is impossible for every woman to come here, right?

Now I have the opportunity to let my wife and Qin Lang be alone, no, even if Lu Su's wife leads the way...

When the time comes, I'll see who looks up, and who dares to look down on me!
"Don't worry, Zijing, if Zhuge Liang doesn't join the lord, I'll bump my head to death in front of him!"

"Okay, I'll be waiting for your good news!"

Lu Su happily patted Zhuge Jin on the shoulder, and I will explain to my wife that I will give your wife at least an hour and a half for this night!

"Zhuge Jin, you have to know, this is an opportunity I won for you, don't feel that time is short!"

"Thank you Zijing!"

Zhuge Jin bowed and saluted. It took about an hour and a half, so I can't ask for too much. After all, this is considered a favor from you, and it is a great favor!
I... just take a few breaths, and it's over!

For an hour and a half, I dare not even dream about it!
On the other hand, after Zhuge Liang persuaded Zhou Yu, he prepared to go to the riverside with the army to station.

During this process, Liu Bei was worried, and wrote a letter, saying that Zhao Yun or Zhang Fei would come over and serve as bodyguards for Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang was writing a letter to refuse, and then told Zhao Yun to row a small boat every day and wait in a hidden place.

Just after writing this letter, Zhuge Jin came.

(End of this chapter)

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