Chapter 403 The Battle of Chibi
Cai Zhong, Cai He, came late at night to vote.

Zhou Yu was overjoyed, and immediately sealed his official position, promising to kill Cao Cao and avenge Cai Mao.

After appeasing these two people, Lu Su was full of worry, "Gong Jin, these two people may be spies sent by Cao Cao. You just played a trick on him, and he backhanded one for us. This person is serious." Terrible!"

"What's so scary? Didn't I see it? A spy has the function of a spy. Even if the two of them are not, there is no loss to us!"

Zhou Yu was full of confidence. Once Cai Mao died, the power of Cao Cao's landlubbers dropped by another [-]%.

"Zijing, do you think Zhuge Liang can see my scheme?"

"Haha, I dare not say that, it is probably impossible."

"What about Qin Lang?"

"I don't even dare to say that."

"In this way, you go to Zhuge Liang's place and find out what's going on. The governor wants to know what level Zhuge Liang can achieve!"

"In that case, I'll go there." Lu Su bowed and left.

We are the big governor, we don't have a big heart, what should I do?
In case Zhuge Liang sees it, should I report that he didn't see it?

Alas, embarrassing people, making people as difficult as climbing the sky.

When Lu Su arrived at Zhuge Liang's camp, he asked questions around him, but Zhuge Liang just kept smiling, and Lu Su knew it. It turned out that Zhuge Liang had already understood it.

When Lu Su came back and reported to Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu knew about it.

If this Zhuge Liang can't be used by me, I have to kill him!

But how can I kill him openly?

Heh... I have a solution!

Find an excuse to provoke him, issue a military order, and cut off the boy's head casually.

on the other hand.

Standing by the river, Qin Lang looked at the Yangtze River that had flowed for thousands of years, and couldn't help but feel emotional.

He has been in this era for too long. Is it really that difficult to help Liu Bei win the world?

The Battle of Chibi was an opportunity for Liu Bei's rise, and it was also the best opportunity.

Qin Lang is going to use more drastic means to end this chaotic Three Kingdoms dispute.

For example, in front of him, this man who was pressed to the ground by him and had already been beaten up.

Pang Tong, a man who is extremely ugly and almost as good as Xiahou Dun, has a Taoist name of Fengchu.

"How about it, have you thought about it, do you want to seek refuge with Liu Bei?"

Pang Tong was lying on the ground, looking at the sky with his eyes, his face was bruised and purple, and he was still a little dazed.

What the hell is this?I just want to test Jiangdong and see if it's worthwhile for me to take refuge.

Even, I already have a strategy to show my strength.

Why did a person appear out of nowhere and beat me up indiscriminately.You even asked me if I wanted to join Liu Bei...

Liu Bei's bastard is so weak, is it worth my phoenix to seek refuge?What a joke!However, this person's fist is quite extraordinary, so I'd better ask again.

"Who the hell are you and why did you ask me to join Liu Bei?"

"I am Qin Lang, official Qin, have you ever heard of it?"

At this moment, Pang Tong's eyes were red.

"Idol, you know, I want to be liked by women so much, I haven't touched a woman's hand until now..."

Qin Lang... got Pang Tong!

Back to the barracks.

I saw a group of people pushing a cart full of arrows.

Beside Zhou Yu with a livid face, Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan calmly, forming a stark contrast.

"Damn it, it seems like I missed something incredible!"

These [-] feathered arrows will not have much effect on the strength gap between the two sides, but it will boost morale!
Qin Lang and Zhuge Liang returned to the camp and asked about the detailed borrowing of arrows, which was similar to what was recorded in history.

Zhuge Liang smiled smugly. Even he, when facing Qin Lang, had some meaning of a showdown.

Qin Lang shook his head, and only asked, "Kong Ming, when are you going to borrow the east wind?"

The smile on Zhuge Liang's face suddenly froze.

"Uncle, how do you know?"

"If you want to win, use fire to attack. If you want to use fire to attack, you need the help of Dongfeng. I have already sent people to the other side and asked Cao Cao to use a series of tricks to lock the big ship. The rest depends on how you play!"

Qin Lang also hoped that the eternal stories that belonged to Zhuge Liang would still belong to him, so he didn't plan to intervene too deeply.

He thought more deeply than Zhuge Liang. After the Chibi War, Liu Bei would immediately occupy Jingzhou and then go straight to Sichuan.

After taking Sichuan, there will be a head-on conflict with Cao Cao.

At the same time, Soochow will also make some moves, and this is the most critical time.

If the occupation is reversed here, there is a great possibility to complete the task ahead of schedule.

on the other hand.

Cao Cao became angry from embarrassment, is he playing me as a fool?

If you lie to me, you will lie to me. Before leaving, you shouted something to thank Prime Minister Cao for borrowing the arrow. Isn't this deliberately disgusting me?

At this time, Pang Tong came and contributed to the serial plan.

Locking all the big ships together with iron chains can resist the big waves on the Yangtze River, making people on the boat feel like they are standing on the ground, without shaking at all, let alone getting seasick.

Cao Cao immediately sent people to build iron chains. During this process, some counselors said that this is not good. What if the people in Jiangdong attack with fire?
Cao Cao laughed, the strong winds of this season are all blowing in the direction of Jiangdong, fire attack?Burn down his hometown!
As long as you forge the iron chain, victory is in sight!
Get rid of Jiangdong Sun's bastard, and kill Liu Bei when he comes back!
The world of the Han Dynasty will eventually be reunified in my hands.

People in the world, you will still misunderstand me, Cao Cao!

The big tent on the river bank.

Zhou Yu and Zhuge Ming stared at each other, each writing the word "fire" in their palms.

This time it was a tie, and Zhou Yu felt at ease.

At night, he found an excuse and beat Huang Gai hard.

The reason is also simple, who told this old boy to tell me that Cao Cao likes men?You disgust me, I will beat you!
Huang Gai cursed and even threatened to kill Zhou Yu's family, all of which were noticed by the Cai brothers.

The day of the war was approaching, and Zhou Yu was checking the movement on the other side of the river every day. Today's style was so big that Zhou Yu staggered.

Zhou Yu raised his head, looked in the direction of the ripples on the river, and suddenly spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"Heaven has destroyed me in Jiangdong, and it is not manpower that can violate it!" Zhou Yu fell ill, and the soldiers panicked all of a sudden.

The backbone has fallen, how can you fight Cao Cao?
Lu Su was also anxious, and hurriedly went to Zhuge Liang to discuss countermeasures.

Zhuge Liang and Lu Su came to visit and said something to Zhou Yu beside the bed, "Is it because there is no east wind on the river? If I can borrow the east wind, will the governor's illness be cured?"

Zhou Yu struggled to sit up and said in surprise, "Zhuge Liang, you said...can you borrow the east wind?"

Borrowing the east wind is not something that can be done by manpower.

Could it be that Zhuge Liang is also an immortal?
(End of this chapter)

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