Chapter 113
As a person with superpowers, Saiki Kusuo's power is beyond imagination for ordinary people.

Telepathy, mind movement, clairvoyance, precognition, teleportation, clairvoyance...

Countless superpowers are gathered in one body, and as he grows older, Saiki Kusuo will continue to become stronger.

Originally, Saiki Kusuo was spending the summer vacation leisurely at home, but on this day, a box of couriers was delivered to their door.

After getting the ticket for the hyper-dimensional train, at first, Saiki Kusuo thought it was just someone's prank, but when he used his superpower to perceive the ticket and wanted to know whose prank it was, he was shocked to find that what Can't see it either.

It was as if his superpowers had failed.

This kind of thing, which he had never encountered before, aroused his great interest.

So Saiki Kusuo came to the place indicated by the train.

Then, I met Zhaoqiao Xinmei.

To be honest, if he knew that Teruhashi Shinmi would appear here, then Saiki Kusuo would not come here, after all, what bothered him most was such troublesome things.

Next, the arrival of the hyper-dimension train shocked Saiki Kusuo, a powerful superhuman.

Then, Saiki Kusuo, who didn't want to board the train, fell instantly after seeing the island made of cakes shown by the flight attendant.

"I'm not interested in those snacks. I'm just worried that such an unknown thing will appear on Blue Star. Well, that's right, that's it!"

Saiki Kusuo found a reason for himself and boarded the hyper-dimensional train.

As for Teruhashi Shinmi, after seeing Saiki Kusuo board the train, she was silent for a moment, and finally boarded the train.

Then, under the leadership of the flight attendant, the two entered their manor box, and after getting acquainted with the situation of the manor, the two came to the viewing car.

Here, they met Shinomiya Kaguya and others who also boarded the train for the first time, and Doma Buried who boarded the train for the second time.

From the mouth of this "predecessor" buried in Doma, everyone knew a lot about the situation of the hyper-dimensional train.

For example, after boarding the hyper-dimensional train, the travel time is fourteen days, but this time is not the time of the world where everyone is.

It's like Doma Buried completed his first trip, which took [-] days. He thought that his brother at home must have called the police, but after returning, he found out that he just didn't return overnight.

Another example is that during the journey, the hyper-dimensional train will arrive in multiple worlds. Some worlds are not outstanding, just like the world where Conan is, then the train will leave directly after receiving the guests.

And for those worlds with outstanding features, the train will stop at the right time for the guests on the train to see the elegance of different worlds.

For example, the fireball technique shown before Buried in the Earth was learned when the super-dimensional train stopped in a certain magical world last time.

"Here's something about Hypertrain"

As the voice buried in the soil fell, the four of Conan were silent, and everyone had their own thoughts.

Just like Conan, he is now praying in his heart, hoping that this trip will encounter a world where he can transform himself back to Kudo Shinichi.

While everyone was fantasizing about what they could learn during this trip, a sudden change occurred on the top of their heads.

I saw that the starry sky full of stars disappeared, replaced by a circular passage shining with colorful colors.

"This, what is this?"

Looking at the scene above her head, Mao Lilan murmured to herself in a slight loss of consciousness.

"According to the navigation assistant's introduction, this is the shuttle channel opened by the super-dimensional train. With this channel, we can reach the edge of the universe in an instant and rush out of the universe directly!"

Baiyin Yuxing, who had a special understanding of this aspect, explained because he had experienced it before.

"Out of...the Universe"

Mori Kogoro swallowed a mouthful of saliva, he never thought that in his lifetime, he would still be able to see the scene outside the universe he was in.

Conan, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko also stared intently at the scene outside the carriage. They were very curious about what the scene outside the universe looked like.

The colorful shuttle passages outside the carriage changed rapidly. It didn't take long for everyone's eyes to blur, and then the scene outside the carriage changed.

Countless huge spheres like bubbles are quietly suspended in this boundless void.

"These spheres are what the universe looks like from the outside, and each sphere is a universe"

Intoxication flashed across Baiyin Yuxing's eyes.

"These are all different universes?"

Conan's pupils trembled, and he cried out in shock.

"Yeah, I've seen it before, but no matter how many times I watch it, this scene is still so shocking. According to the navigation assistant's explanation, every floating ball is a different universe. Those regular-shaped universes , the internal situation is relatively stable.”

Baiyin Yuxing pointed to those spherical universes with regular appearance and said.

"And those with irregular shapes, the interior is more complicated"

Said, Baiyin Yuxing pointed to a distant universe that was pinched into an irregular shape like mud.

"Also, the universe group composed of countless spheres connected to each other is a parallel universe group, and that kind of universe is generally super troublesome."

Baiyin Yuxing pointed to the cosmic group that resembled a bunch of grapes in the distance and said.

As an astronomy enthusiast, Baiyin Yuxing has now been further sublimated and has become a universe lover. After all, who makes the universe taller and more charming than constellations and the like.


After introducing each other, Conan began to collect information related to the hyper-dimensional train from the mouths of the people as usual, borrowing the convenience of being a child.

"Sister Tuma, just now sister Fujiwara said that this is not the first time you have taken a hyper-dimensional train. Is this true?"

Conan asked aloud, he was a little curious about this passenger who had taken the hyper-dimensional train more than once.

"...Ah, oh, yes, it is indeed not the first time. For the hyper-dimensional train, it is the second time."

Hearing Conan's question, Domabu didn't react at first, because she was looking at Conan with a strange look.

Hearing Conan's name, Doma Buried subconsciously popped up a very well-known animation in his own world——Detective Wang Nanke, the child detective who solves crimes while dancing.

"Probably, it's just a coincidence"

Tuma thought in his heart.

"In other words, does the hyper-dimensional train really shuttle between different worlds?"

Conan said again.

Although he already believed that the hyper-dimensional train would lead them to different worlds, he still couldn't help but want to confirm again and again, after all, it was a different world!
"Well, I'm pretty sure of that"

Regarding Conan's question, Doma buried her in a very affirmative tone, and then she stretched out her right hand, and in the next second, a ball of fire condensed on her palm.

The crimson fireball just appeared in front of everyone out of thin air, and everyone could clearly feel the heat emitted by the fireball.

Looking at this scene, the four of Conan's eyes flashed shock again, while Fujiwara Chika and the others looked at the fireball in Domabuki's hand with bright eyes. Although they had seen it before, but seeing it again, their hearts were filled with excitement. Envy and longing are still unavoidable, after all, this is a supernatural power.

Of course, there are exceptions. From the beginning to the end, Saiki Kusuo remained expressionless.

But having said that, Saiki Kusuo kept looking back and forth at Conan, because his telepathy was out of control, so Saiki Kusuo inadvertently heard Conan's voice.

In the process, he heard some very interesting things.

"Rejuvenation, time disorder, countless cases... It feels like this world is more troublesome than mine"


"The general power system of the dimension. Before explaining this, let me explain the three basic forms of supernatural power, which are energy, body, and spirit."

"Needless to say, the form of energy is a system that uses special energy stored in the body such as magic power and mana."

Hearing Doma Buried's description of the form of energy, everyone nodded. As a person living in modern times, he must have come into contact with things like comics and games, so he must be no stranger to such things.

"The form of the body is the strength that is born out of breathing, martial arts, kendo, etc., by constantly exercising oneself and honing skills."

"As for the spiritual form, this is more complicated, generally it is something mysterious and unpredictable like the soul and the mind."

Having said that, Domabuki paused for a moment.

The people present are not idiots, they know that the next thing is very important, so for a while, everyone is like a good student listening carefully, staring at Tu Jianbu without blinking.

"We are all people from different worlds. Although we haven't communicated in depth yet, there must be differences in your worlds."

"People in some worlds, with a little exercise, can reach the level of not being afraid of hot weapons, exercise to the depths, open mountains and crack rocks, turn clouds and rain, and even more extreme things can be done."

"But in some worlds, throughout their lives, they are only slightly stronger than ordinary people"

"And this is the difference brought about by different worlds"

Having said this, Doma Buried couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.

When I boarded the hyper-dimensional train for the first time and saw the splendor of different worlds, what followed was to question myself. I am also a human being, why can others reach such heights?
But now, she no longer has such doubts, because she knows that the incompetent is not herself, but the world she lives in!

"The universal power system provided by the Super Dimensional Communication Company is a way of improvement that completely ignores the limitations of the world. As long as we learn it, no matter which world we go to, we can learn the things of that world."

"It's like the energy in the general system—origin qi. As long as you master the source qi, you can learn and use it no matter which world's magic it is."

Hearing the explanation buried in the earth, everyone nodded their heads to express their understanding. This is equivalent to using different currencies in different countries, and it is a truth that gold can be used in all countries.

"As for the skill generation book, it is the same as in the game, you can generate the skill book you want to learn, and then learn it instantly, but this kind of service requires a fee except for the first time free, and The fee charged will depend on the strength of the skill you want to generate, so everyone must use it with caution.”

As the voice buried in the soil fell, everyone present showed a grateful expression to her. After all, these things are really useful to them. If they don't know, I'm afraid they will take a lot of detours.

After knowing the existence of the dimensional universal power system, most of the people present were not in the mood to continue chatting.

They can't wait for the new world that once existed only in illusions, but is now at their fingertips.

At the same time, the super-dimension train is about to arrive in the world where ninjutsu is the main theme, that is, in the Naruto world.

Short Book Street.

The night has just fallen, and as the famous business district of the Land of Fire, Bamboo Street is bustling at this time.

In the street, a white-haired middle-aged uncle and a blond boy were looking for a suitable restaurant.

"Sexy fairy, when are we going to find it? I still need to practice hard and try to surpass that stinky guy Sasuke as soon as possible!"

The blond-haired boy Uzumaki Naruto yelled dissatisfiedly at the white-haired middle-aged uncle Ziraiya beside him.

"Hmph, young man, coming to such a prosperous place and seeing a different world is actually a kind of cultivation."

Zilai also said with a smile.

"Tch, I believe your evil, you old pervert!"

Uzumaki Naruto glanced at his mouth, obviously he completely ignored Jiraiya's words.

"Forget it, don't worry about it with you little brat, let's find a restaurant to eat first."

Said also.

As he said that, Zilai also looked around, and soon, a tavern came into his sight, which made his eyes shine.

"It's up to you"

Coming to the door of the tavern and opening the curtain, Jiraiya subconsciously looked at the situation in the tavern out of ninja instinct.

And this scrutiny surprised Zilaiye.


I searched for so many days but couldn't find it. I wanted to drink some wine casually, but I found this one.

Jiraiya's voice echoed in the tavern, and Tsunade in the tavern naturally heard the voice, looking at Jiraiya standing at the door, Tsunade himself was also shocked.

What day is it today?Seeing Orochimaru during the day and Jiraiya at night, I really don't know whether to call it good luck or bad luck.

Soon, Jiraiya sat down with Uzumaki Naruto, and Jiraiya looked at Tsunade who was obviously a little drunk in front of him, thinking about how to explain his purpose for coming this time.

But before Jiraiya could think up what to say, Tsunade spoke first.

"It's really strange today. Old classmates appeared in front of me one after another. Did you make an agreement?"

Tsunade's words made Jiraiya's heart tremble.


Tsunade didn't reply, but looked at Jiraiya.

"Playing cards?"

Jiraiya also didn't speak, but Tsunade had already stretched out his hand to his chest, and took out a deck of playing cards from the chest.

It's just that while pulling out the playing cards, a special piece of paper was brought out, which fell into Jiraiya's eyes.

Looking at the special paper that says "Hyper Dimensional Train Ticket", Jiraiya's pupils shrunk.

"You have this too?"

(End of this chapter)

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