Chapter 29 Phoenix Ice Feather
Deep in the forest at sunset.

"The Ice Soul Winged Tiger has ice attributes and a good attack speed. Its cultivation period is around 1000 years. It is very suitable for you."

Chen Ming, Gu Yuena, Shui Bing'er, and Shui Yue'er searched for more than half a day in the Sunset Forest, and finally met a good soul beast.

"That's it." Shui Bing'er nodded: "Let's attack together."

Chen Ming smiled: "No need."

Immediately activate the soul skill.

One move: Restrain the Blue Silver Emperor!
Many Blue Silver Emperor vines appeared on the ground, sweeping towards the Ice Soul Winged Tiger at high speed.

The Ice Soul Winged Tiger wanted to run, but it was a pity that Chen Mingkuai was not there. He wanted to spread his wings and fly into the air, but Gu Yuena teleported over and knocked him down with a punch.

Chen Ming took the opportunity to entangle him with the Blue Silver Emperor Vine.

"Blue Silver Emperor Cage!"

Then Chen Ming used the second soul skill to completely trap the Ice Soul Winged Tiger.

At this time, Gu Yuena moved again.

It disappeared in place, and the next moment it appeared next to the Ice Soul Winged Tiger in the cage.

One punch.


The Ice Soul Winged Tiger screamed and fell to the ground, dying.

The whole process takes less than 1 minute!
Sisters Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er were completely dumbfounded.

So strong!

Terribly strong!
Is it really a soul sect, a soul master?

The spirit beasts around were already frightened and fled around.

Chen Ming turned around and shouted: "Why are you so dazed, Bing'er, give it the last blow to get the soul ring."


Shui Bing'er came back to her senses, ran forward, still not calm down, took out a sharp dagger, and stabbed the Ice Soul Winged Tiger at the vital point.

The Ice Soul Winged Tiger died, and a black soul ring appeared.

"Concentrate on absorbing, we will protect the law for you."

Chen Ming and Gu Yuena were standing nearby.

Leapfrog absorbing the soul ring, the most dangerous thing is the damage caused by the soul shock.

Although Shui Bing'er took the fairy grass and her martial soul was also the best martial soul, the process of absorbing it was still very painful and she was sweating profusely.

"Chen Ming, sister, is she okay?"

Shui Yue'er was very worried.

Chen Ming frowned slightly.

Gu Yuena said: "Her soul and spiritual power should be lacking, and it depends on your help."

Chen Ming understood what Gu Yuena meant.

"Blue Silver Emperor Domain!"

This is the innate domain of Chen Minglan's awakening of the Silver Emperor's martial soul, which belongs to the spiritual domain.

Within the domain of the Blue Silver Emperor, the spiritual power will be enhanced, the soul will be stabilized, and it will have the effect of refreshing the mind and restraining the illusion.

Sure enough, the situation of Shui Binger under the cover of the Blue Silver Emperor Domain gradually improved.

"never mind."

Chen Ming glanced at Shui Yue'er and said.

"Is this the domain?"

In the field, Shui Yue'er also felt different, especially the spirit and soul felt very good.

"Well, it's my talent field, spiritual."

Chen Ming said: "Your martial soul is a bit weak, your sister's martial soul is very good, and she should be able to awaken the talent field."

Shui Yue'er was a little dissatisfied immediately, she thought the dolphin martial spirit was very good, how cute, I really didn't know how to appreciate it, hum!
I don't know how long it took, Shui Bing'er finally absorbed it.

Open your eyes and stand up.

Immediately, she released her martial spirit, Ice Phoenix.

An ice phoenix soared into the sky, screaming, and the surrounding area was terribly cold.

"My sister seems to be getting colder!"

Shuiyue'er felt so cold.

"Not bad, absorbing the soul ring of the Ice Soul Winged Tiger, the power of the ice attribute has been greatly enhanced."

Chen Ming commented.

Shui Bing'er turned on her spirit ring again, and four spirit rings appeared, moving slowly on her body.

Two yellows, one purple and one black!
The fourth spirit ring is the ten thousand year spirit ring, which is very dazzling.

Shui Yue'er was amazed and envious: "I really want to get a ten-thousand-year soul ring for the fourth soul ring."

After the martial soul and soul ring were displayed, Shui Bing'er smiled slightly, and suddenly a pair of ice-blue transparent wings grew out of her back, in the shape of a pair of phoenix wings.

"And wings!"

Shui Yue'er exclaimed.

Gu Yuena said: "The soul ring of the Wannian Ice Soul Winged Tiger, your martial soul is an ice phoenix, it is expected that you will get wings."

Chen Ming was not too surprised either.

Shui Bing'er flew into the air, fanning the wings of the ice-blue phoenix, a black soul ring flashed on her body, and many sharp and tough ice feathers condensed between the two wings, and then blasted to the ground with great power.

"Phoenix Ice Feather!"

Shui Bing'er landed next to Chen Ming: "This is the fourth soul skill I have obtained. It is a range attack with great power."

The ice feather is not only sharp and tough, but also has a freezing effect, which is a multi-level attack.

"Congratulations, you have gained a lot."

Chen Ming congratulated: "The first soul skill Ice Seal, the second soul skill Ice Ring Armor, the third soul skill Resist Light, and the fourth soul skill Ice Feather. Control, defense, attack, and support are all available.

But there are some miscellaneous, in the future to absorb spirit rings, it is recommended to focus on offensive ones. "

The current Shui Bing'er is very strong, several times stronger than Huo Wu.

"Thank you."

Shui Binger sincerely thanked Chen Ming: "I owe you, and I will repay you in the future."

Chen Ming smiled.

"Sister, you are so strong now!" Shui Yue'er stepped forward and put her arms around her sister's arm: "Chen Ming, is my sister as strong as you now? Is my sister as strong as Gu Yuena? It should be about the same?"

Shui Bing'er knocked on her sister's head: "Silly sister, I'm afraid I'll never be able to surpass Chen Ming and Gu Yuena."

Gu Yuena said calmly: "You still have self-knowledge. However, with your current strength, there are only a handful of soul masters at the same level who can surpass you."

Shui Yue'er was a little unconvinced, but she also knew that she couldn't lose her temper with Gu Yuena, because others helped her sister, so she couldn't repay her kindness with revenge.

Looking up at her sister: "Sister, what level are you now?"

Shui Bing'er glanced at Chen Ming and said, "Level 43, it's a bit unbelievable."

Chen Ming thought for a while and said: "It stands to reason that if you just leapfrog the level to absorb the ten thousand year spirit ring, you can't reach this level. There should be the accumulation of taking fairy grass before."

Shui Bing'er thinks it should be like this: "If there is no grass jelly and your help, I'm afraid I won't be able to reach level 43 within two years."

Chen Ming smiled: "The soul master competition is still more than a year away. With your current talent and cultivation speed, it is possible to reach the soul king level. At that time, you can fight for the top three in Tianshui school."

Shui Yue'er asked: "If my sister becomes the soul king, won't the top three be sure? I know that Wuhundian is very strong, so it counts as one. If you are in Blazing Academy, Blazing Academy counts as one.

Who else?Heaven Dou Imperial Academy?Or the Academy of the Star Luo Empire? "

What Chen Ming thought of was Tang San's Shrek Academy, but without the help of celestial grass, I'm afraid Shrek Academy would have a problem getting into the top three, not to mention winning the championship: "There are always some surprises, no one can guarantee. "

Shui Yue'er nodded: "That makes sense. But no matter what, our Tianshui school is also aiming at the champion. Then you have to let the water go, Huo Wu!"

Chen Ming and Shui Bing'er smiled helplessly.

Shui Binger asked: "When will your Soul Master Academy start?"

Chen Ming: "It's under preparation. If nothing happens, it will be this month. You guys will come by then."

Shui Yue'er smiled and said: "Of course, we are the teachers of your academy. I'm still sure of teaching children."

Shui Binger: "Anytime you are called."

Chen Ming smiled in satisfaction, and then said: "Let's go, let's go back to Heaven Dou City."


(End of this chapter)

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