The spirit of Douluo is the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin

Chapter 42 Ten Thousand Year Grade Soul Bone

Chapter 42 Ten Thousand Year Grade Soul Bone (Fifth Watch)

"Gu Yue, the four soul rings you condensed are the control of the four forces of space, darkness, earth attribute, and fire attribute."

In front of Chen Ming were five ten-thousand-year soul bones obtained from Ning Fengzhi, and he was talking to Gu Yuena and the girl Blue Silver Emperor A Yin who were sitting opposite.

"According to the current situation, I should be able to condense the previous two spirit bones, which will coincide with the absorption part's spirit bone, and I can fuse them directly."

Gu Yuena said and looked at the girl Blue Silver Emperor Ayin: "Ayin's words should eventually be able to condense two soul bones, and the overlapping parts of the soul bones can also be fused.

So, now you can absorb the spirit bone with peace of mind. "

Soul bones are the soul cores of soul beasts, but only a few soul beasts can condense soul bones.

Generally speaking, soul bones below 10 years have one soul ability, and soul bones below 10 years have two soul abilities.

But the soul skills of soul bones are different from the soul skills of soul rings.

The soul ring is attached to the soul skill, although it also enhances the attributes of the soul master itself, but the main effect is on the attached soul skill after all, while the soul bone is just the opposite.

The so-called soul skills of the soul bones may not have skills attached, but the enhancement to the soul master itself is huge.Such as increasing attack power, increasing elemental attribute power, increasing defense, speed and so on.

Moreover, the growth ability of the soul bone is more valuable than the soul ring. Although the skills attached to the soul ring will increase with the increase of the soul power, the age of the soul ring itself will limit its growth.

But soul bones are different.The soul bone will not be limited by the age of the soul beast that produced it, and will only evolve as the strength of the soul master itself increases.

In other words, the sooner you get the spirit bone, the longer it will take to evolve.

Chen Ming and Ning Fengzhi made a deal in exchange for the soul bone in order to absorb the soul bone earlier and let the soul bone grow continuously.

Soul bones are divided into several categories: limbs, head and torso.The average person can absorb six soul bones, just like a soul master can absorb nine soul rings. The quality of the soul bone and its effect on the soul master mainly depend on the time of absorption and whether the attributes are compatible with oneself.

At the same time, spirit bones are divided into six categories.These are the left leg bone, right leg bone, left arm bone, right arm bone, skull and trunk bones.Among them, the strongest trunk bone, followed by the skull, and then the left arm, right arm, left leg, and right leg.

The soul bones produced by soul beasts of 10 years and below only have one skill, while the soul bones produced by soul beasts of [-] years must have at least two skills.

Once the spirit bone is absorbed, it cannot leave the body. Unless the owner is killed, the spirit bone will automatically fall and become an ownerless thing.But the soul bones of the limbs are relatively exceptions. When a soul master reaches the title Douluo, he can cut off his own limbs with soul bones, and take out the soul bones forcibly at the cost of reducing his own soul power by 10 levels.

Because most of the soul bones are soul cores obtained from the cultivation of soul beasts, they must be fused with the soul power of the soul bone absorber before they can be used.Cutting off the limbs and stripping the soul bones means forcibly stripping away the energy that has been fused into the body's soul power from one's own soul power, and the consequence is that the martial soul is broken and even died. The Title Douluo level can temporarily eliminate this risk because it has a soul core. So the martial soul will not be broken or died, but the level of soul power will definitely drop.

In the novel, the reason why Tang San wanted to use Xiao Wu’s spirit bone to revive Xiao Wu was also because the spirit bone was Xiao Wu’s soul core. If Xiao Wu didn’t have a soul core, she couldn’t quickly retrain to become a 10-year soul beast, and the spirit bone The energy in it occupied most of the essence of Xiao Wu's soul power. At that time, Xiao Wu had already resurrected almost half of it, but her cultivation was far from reaching the level of a 10-year-old soul beast, and her soul had not yet been formally classified.

Trunk-type spirit bones generally refer to the sternum, and the ability of the trunk bones is mainly related to the type of spirit beast and the number of years of cultivation, and will not increase with the improvement of the master's soul power.

Soul beasts over 10 years old will definitely drop 10-year soul bones after being hunted, but the corresponding soul bones may not necessarily appear according to the needs of the hunters.

There is also a special kind of spirit bone, that is, the external spirit bone.This is the most special and rarest kind of spirit bone, and it is a special existence besides the six types of spirit bones.The degree of preciousness is almost comparable to that of the top spirit bones.

In the world of soul masters, there is a list of the most precious things for soul masters, called the soul master dream list, in which the external soul bone has always been ranked second on the soul master dream list.Second only to the number one, 10-year soul ring that is almost impossible to exist.

The most special thing about the external spirit bone is that it will evolve with the improvement of its owner's spirit power.So the sooner the external spirit bone is absorbed, the better.If it is said that the probability of an ordinary spirit bone appearing from a spirit beast is one in a thousand.Then, the chance of the external spirit bone appearing is not even one in ten thousand.

In the novel, there are conditions for absorbing the external spirit bone: the spirit ring of the spirit beast that dropped the spirit bone must be absorbed, and the spirit ring must be absorbed before the spirit bone can be absorbed.

But it is also possible to take other people's external spirit bones by special means. For example, Bibi Dong took Tang San's external spirit bones and eight spider spirit bones by special means.

"Although the soul bones you condense in the overlapping parts can be fused in the future, if there are no overlapping parts, you should choose the suitable one carefully, and you can't blindly absorb it."

Chen Ming already has plans: "Five ten-thousand-year soul bones, the fire-attributed left arm bone, the water-attributed right arm bone, and the wind-attributed right leg bone, because Gu Yue you control the seven Elemental attribute strength includes these three, so it is suitable for me.

As for the extra left arm bone and spirit bone that increases attack power, and the left leg bone and spirit bone that increases defense power, there is no rush to absorb them for the time being.

The spirit bones of the limbs are best to choose elemental attribute power. "

Chen Ming chose to accompany Gu Yuena's martial soul, while the Blue Silver Emperor Ayin's martial soul is controlled by a plant master. Queen Medusa cannot condense her soul ring and soul bone, so the best choice is to strengthen Gu Yue The attribute power of Na Wuhun.

Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena herself controls the power of the seven elements of water, fire, earth, wind, darkness, light, and space.

At present, with the continuous condensing of the soul ring, it can obtain the soul skill of the corresponding element attribute power.

Gu Yuena's martial soul is still a strong attacking martial soul, increasing her strength can maximize Chen Ming's combat effectiveness.

"Yes, you can absorb those three spirit bones first."

Gu Yuena agrees with Chen Ming's idea. As for the 10-year soul bone, it is too difficult for Chen Ming to obtain.

The ten thousand year spirit bone is already very good.

With the decision made, Chen Ming began to absorb the left arm bone, the right arm bone and the right leg bone.

After absorbing the soul bone of the left arm bone, the power of its own fire attribute can be doubled.

After absorbing the soul bone of the right arm bone, the power of the water attribute will be increased. At present, Chen Ming has not yet controlled the power of the water attribute element, so he will raise it first.

After absorbing the spirit bone of the right leg bone, the power of the wind attribute will be increased, and the speed will be increased.

"After absorbing three ten-thousand-year spirit bones, I feel that my spirit power has also improved a little."

Chen Ming was delighted.

Currently there is no fifth spirit ring, and the level of spirit power is suppressed at level 50.

(End of this chapter)

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