Chapter 2
Everyone in the Ji Mansion pretended to understand that Aunt Liu, the fourth master Ji Mingxuan's current concubine, was his fiancée who was betrothed by his childhood sweetheart back then.

At this point, the marriage should have ended like this, and the Ji family has even made another marriage match for Ji Mingxuan.

But Ji Mingxuan just staged this infatuated drama, he did not hesitate to look for a beautiful woman, and when he learned that Aunt Liu was sold as an official slave, he spent a lot of money to buy it back, but Ji's family did not allow Aunt Liu to be convicted In the body and then bear the name of the main wife, I had no choice but to retreat and become a concubine.

When Mrs. Shen was carried into Ji's mansion by the red wedding sedan chair, Aunt Liu and Ji Mingxuan who were away had a bridal chamber festive night. It was only three days since the new couple got married, and this concubine was also brought in.

If Mrs. Ji hadn't made it clear that the concubine's children would never be born before the first wife, Ji Mingxuan would never have touched a hair of Shen's.

After Shen's pregnancy, Ji Mingxuan stayed in Aunt Liu's house every night.

Since then, Shen has been unhappy, and her first daughter died shortly after she was born, she was the fourth daughter of Jifu according to her seniority.

What's even more ironic is that, although the Shen family had another child, the pair of children they gave birth to was only a few months away from Aunt Liu's children, as if they had counted their fingers.

Ji Chonglian was born in June, Ji Ziwei was born in August, Ji Chongyu was born in February, and Ji Chongtian was born in March of the same year.

Therefore, everyone in the Ji Mansion knows that the fifth and sixth girls in the fourth room are the same size, and the fourth and fifth young masters were born in the same year. The difference is only the month, but it is enough to see how much Ji Mingxuan loved Aunt Liu at that time. Almost after the main wife had completed the responsibility of having children, Aunt Liu monopolized the exclusive favor of the fourth bedroom, and she was in the limelight for a while, making others envious.

However, Shen Shi was born weak and did not fight or fight, but she also kept the pain in her heart, and it became depressed for a long time, and eventually she died.

Perhaps it would be easier for Shen to leave like this, no need to face a man who doesn't love her, no need to see Aunt Liu's smug and sarcastic smile every time she feels like a stabbing knife in her heart, clearly reminding her that she took someone else's husband , enjoying the blessings of others.

From the standpoint of others, Ji Chonglian can understand and even understand Shen's suffering, but as her daughter, she can't agree with or forgive her cowardly temperament. After all, she still has a pair of children, so why not?

Hasn't Mrs. Chen ever thought about who her seven-year-old daughter and five-year-old son will rely on in the future if she leaves?
The father doesn't care or love, the aunt is domineering, and even the old lady doesn't like the two children she gave birth to because of Shen's cowardly temperament. The future life of their siblings is bound to be difficult.


With the dampness on his head, Ji Chongyu looked up at Ji Chonglian with a pair of hazy tearful eyes. A five-year-old child is already very good at reading people's faces. He gently tugged on Ji Chonglian's sleeve, forced himself to hold back the tears, and opened his eyes. With a smile, "I won't cry anymore, will my sister stop ignoring me like my mother?"

They all said that his mother was dead, and five-year-old Ji Chongyu didn't know what death meant. It was only when he saw his mother lying in the wooden cabinet that he couldn't shake her awake. At that time, he felt A trace of panic.

He looked at his father's cold and indifferent eyes, as if he felt bad even looking at his mother one more time.

When he saw the faint smile on Aunt Liu's lips, he couldn't help feeling cold all over his body.

They are all so scary, the mother is gone, only the elder sister loves him!

Therefore, Ji Chongyu ran out of the mourning hall and quietly nestled in Ji Chonglian's bed, at least there was still a little warmth here that belonged to him.


Ji Chonglian wiped away her tears, and hugged Ji Chongyu tightly, "Sister will always be by your side!"

The little girl gritted her teeth secretly, and a gleam of light rekindled in her eyes. No matter the hardships and dangers in the future, no matter the uncertain future, as long as the siblings are of the same heart, they can overcome even the greatest difficulties!
After seven days of vigil and 49 days of rest, the fourth wife of the Ji family, Mrs. Shen, went to the funeral.

It was golden autumn, and there was a touch of coolness in the air. There was a drizzle last night, and the blue sky was as clear as a wash, revealing a kind of clear light.

Ji Chonglian rested her eyebrows with one hand, and slowly looked up to the sky. This kind of high sky and cloudless weather is rare in modern cities with severe pollution. She took a deep breath of fresh air, turned her head to glance at Ji Chongyu, who stood aside with a solemn expression, felt a little comforted in his heart.

However, in just over a month, the five-year-old boy seemed to have grown up a lot. He would no longer be crying and looking for his mother, and he would no longer look to his father's arms. He knew that in the huge Ji family, Only his sister can live with him.

Ji Chongyu turned his head slightly, his eyes collided with Ji Chonglian, he pursed his red lips, and called out in a low voice, "Sister!"

Ji Chonglian nodded, bent slightly, and straightened Ji Chongyu's filial piety made of raw linen, opened the skirt and glanced inward, she couldn't help feeling distressed.

The raw linen cloth is the thickest, and the broken part is exposed, causing the skin to hurt, and even the rubbed area is red, swollen and peeling, but even so, Ji Chongyu never groaned.

Because of the Five Clothes Regulations, it was the younger generation's mourning dress regulations for the elders, and husbands and wives who belonged to the same generation did not wear filial piety clothes, so Ji Mingxuan only wore black armbands, and the term was sufficient.

When Shen's family died, Ji Chonglian's sister and brother would be beheaded and filial, and the three-year mourning would end in 25 months.

In fact, if the father is still there, the son and the unmarried daughter will only wear the same clothes instead of the cut clothes for the mother's funeral. However, after the two siblings discussed it, they decided to wear the cut clothes made of raw linen at the time of the funeral.

It was such a decision that attracted the attention of many people. Ji Mingxuan wanted to reprimand loudly, but was stopped by Mrs. Ji's eyes. It is not in vain for Shen's to give birth to them if his children can treat their mother like this.

Madam Ji acquiesced, and it was inconvenient for others to speak out, and they just mechanically followed the same rules and etiquette.

The fourth wife's coffin was specially entrusted by the Shen family to transport it back from Liuzhou. It was made of the best golden nanmu, and Shen's favorite hosta flower was carved on the coffin. Although solid preservatives were sprinkled on it, fearing that the smell would be released after a long time, a deep curl was made around the coffin, and a layer of crushed ice was sprinkled after the parchment paper was placed on it.

Shen's death should have been sent to Ji's ancestors to be buried in Danyang, the old house, and then the ancestral hall genealogy should be opened for record, but due to various reasons, it was temporarily postponed, so it was decided to be buried in the mountain behind Lingyin Temple on the outskirts of the city, waiting for three years Later, choose an auspicious day to move the grave and dig the grave.

Along the way, with the sound of suona, gongs and drums cleared the way, and the ghost paper was scattered all the way like snowflakes, and the funeral procession left the city from Xuanwumen.

(End of this chapter)

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