Nine-fold lotus of the famous family

Chapter 314 The Maid An Ye, Wrongly Showing Her Courtesy

Chapter 314 The Maid An Ye, Wrongly Showing Her Courtesy (2)
Pei Yan laughed a little, "You little brain, how can you have so many weird ideas? Well, it's up to you, anyway, you are still young, we are not in a hurry."

After Pei Yan said this, Ji Chonglian suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly nodded with a smile, knowing that this husband has chosen the right person, and everything is really going well!

The more you don't want to separate, the closer the return date will be. On the second day after arriving in Peng Ze, Pei Yan will set off on the road.

Although Mother Pei didn't say anything, she naturally had objections to her son's leaving home with his wife for so long, and she said that she would leave when she returned home. The eyes that looked at Ji Chonglian were faintly dissatisfied.

Pei's mother was pretty good, but Zheng Wanyi had a calculating face, no matter how she looked at it, she seemed to have no good intentions.

Ji Chonglian had already had a premonition that Zheng Wanyi didn't leave consciously. This woman has stayed in Pei's house for so many years, and if she wanted her to leave easily, how could it be so easy? It's not easy.

Ji Chonglian went back to her room and asked Lin Mei and Chunhua for questioning.

Mother Pei didn't make things difficult for the people in the garden, but Zheng Wanyi wanted to sneak into the garden with the air of the master's house at both ends of the three days. Chunhua stopped her a few times, and Zheng Wanyi asked the maid to slap her a few times. Lin Mei reported to Pei's mother, but Pei's mother didn't care. The two maids have learned to be smart since then, and locked up the things that should be stored in the warehouse. Follow along all the way, Zheng Wanyi don't want to make any bad bowels.


Lin Mei hesitated a little, looking at Ji Chonglian's eyes, hesitant to speak.

"Just say what you have, so that I don't have to bother to guess."

Ji Chonglian brushed off her sleeves indifferently, reached out to pick up the tea on the table and took a sip.

Lin Mei lowered her eyes and said in a low voice: "It's just that my uncle lost a set of clothes for a while. I didn't notice it at first, but I found it later, but the servant girl remembered that it was indeed missing for a few days."

Ji Chonglian put down the cup and glanced at Lin Mei, "Master's personal clothes are always under your control, so they can be lost? What if someone else hides something in the clothes in the future, or puts some medicine on them and sends them back? Do you think this dress can still be worn?"

"Forgive me, ma'am!"

Lin Mei knelt down in front of Ji Chonglian. Although Ji Chonglian's voice was faint, she could still hear the reprimand. Lin Mei asked herself that she was always careful in doing things, but she didn't notice it at the time. It was she who failed her job.

"You will be fined two months' monthly allowance, and you will think about it behind closed doors for three days, and temporarily hand over the work in hand to Caiqiu."

Ji Chonglian stood up and looked down at Lin Mei. Lin Mei has always been a stable girl, so she was sent to Ji Chongyu's garden at the beginning. Such sloppy behavior must never be repeated. If she does it again, she will not be able to keep Lin Mei.

"If I'm not here from now on, no one who has nothing to do with me will be allowed to be put in the garden. The people we brought are free? Only you two dare to step forward and stop them?" Ji Chonglian paused at this point, turned to look at Caiqiu, "Caiqiu, pass on my words, and all the people in the garden will be fined a month's worth of silver."

The garden is not big, except for the old women who cleaned the house and maids, there are only two people she brought with her. One room, Mrs. Liang, is in charge of the laundry for the time being, and her daughter also takes the job of cleaning. Sister-in-law Yu is in charge of the outer storeroom, which is filled with household utensils, screen ornaments, etc. Lin Tao is in charge of the really fine and valuable ones. Sister-in-law Yu's two daughters are in the tea room and help in the kitchen.

Caiqiu answered from the side, and Lin Mei glanced up at her, lowering her head even lower.

She didn't have a good job, and she was able to walk around with his wife with Caiqiu. Things at home were already difficult, and Mrs. Pei and that Miss Zheng were not vegetarians. The status in the wife's mind has plummeted, and she is afraid that she will never be able to catch up with Caiqiu.

Lin Mei sighed from the bottom of her heart, but fortunately, Lin Tao was still valued by his wife, as long as one of the two sisters could stand out, it would not be in vain in this family.

And this time the wife came back with a maid named An Ye, Lin Mei murmured in her heart, this An Ye is not a child of Ji's family, he must have been bought from outside, this maid is silent He said nothing, but when he stood there, he felt an indescribable momentum, following his wife like a shadow, and he didn't know what it was for.

Lin Tao raised the curtain and entered the room to report: "Young master is back!"

"Okay, let's come here first today, let's set the meal!"

Ji Chonglian walked over to meet Pei Yan, with a slight smile on her face, loosened his clothes, and wiped his face with the hot water from Chunhua.

"What did mother say?"

Pei Yan sat with Pei's mother for about half an hour, and he bid farewell to Pei's mother, and he will leave before dawn tomorrow.

Pei Yan smiled, took Ji Chonglian's hand and sat down, and said indifferently: "What else can I say, I just confessed it."

Ji Chonglian nodded, and didn't ask much, Caiqiu and the others conveniently placed the bowls and chopsticks on the ground. After dinner, the young couple were just about to go back to their room, when Lin Tao came to report again, saying that Zheng Wanyi asked to see her.

Pei Yan frowned, and instinctively wanted to evade, but Ji Chonglian pressed his hand, and said with a smile: "Miss Zheng is rarely here, let's hear what she has to say."

"You don't have to care about her. Although we can't drive her away in the face of it, we should be interested in leaving her alone like this. A woman's youth can't stand wasted."

Pei Yan squeezed Ji Chonglian's hand, his words contained deep meaning.

Ji Chonglian smiled happily, yes, it is precisely because a woman's youth cannot stand wasted, so Zheng Wanyi must also understand that she has to act quickly, otherwise it will be too late.

Ji Chonglian turned her head and told Lin Tao, "Ms. Zheng, please sit in the Westinghouse."

The east room is the main room where the two of them sleep, and the west room is used for receiving guests, and it is very elegantly furnished.

Zheng Wanyi entered the West Room and sat down directly. She has been to this place several times. When Pei Yan didn't come home, she ordered someone to clean it up from time to time, because she knew that one day she would become the hostess here.

But why has this situation changed?
Marriage is the order of the parents. According to the matchmaker, Pei's mother has long regarded her as a prospective daughter-in-law.

That's right, if there was no Ji Chonglian, everything would still develop according to the track she expected, but now it has completely changed.

Looking at the concubine-colored canopy on the nanmu armchair, the newly-hanging glass-colored curtains, and even a half-opened water lily inserted on the table under the window, it is true that the woman is everywhere. All the traces of her sacrifices had already been wiped away, and there was no trace of her left in the entire West Room.

(End of this chapter)

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