The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 101 The King Comes from the Wall

Chapter 101 The King Comes from the Wall (5)
She was trying to block it by tugging on her clothes, but Gu Qiu who was next to her saw her and asked, "Miss, what was it at that time?"

Duan Yunsu blushed slightly: "The mosquitoes were rampant last night."

Gu Qiu frowned and nodded, mosquito?They didn't see it, for some reason last night, they slept soundly, but this neck hurt a little.

"Miss, please see Chen Yu." Ting Zhu came in and reported.

It's so early, but what's the news?Duan Yunsu took a careful look in front of the brass mirror and went out after finding nothing wrong.

Chen Yu stood upright, his eyes never casually looked at the things around him, when he saw Duan Yunsu coming out, he stretched out his hand and let go of it: "Miss, look, this is what I found at Second Aunt's place. "

Originally, he was only going to inquire about the talisman, but he did not expect to find this by coincidence.

Previously, I thought it was just an ordinary piece of letter paper, but the remaining half of it was hidden so tightly, which really made people curious.When he opened it, he was really taken aback.How could there be such a thing in the General's Mansion!

Thinking of the Fu Pei Miss Duan was looking for, Chen Yu felt that this thing was also related, so he took it out.

Duan Yunsu took a look at the paper handed over by Chen Yu, and was amused. This second aunt's treasure was taken away unexpectedly.I don't know if she will be pissed off when she finds out?
In addition to the half of the letter I got in Jiangzhou before, I finally read the contents thoroughly, no wonder the second aunt dared to be arrogant, this thing alone is enough to control the throat of the general's mansion.


"Brother Chen, remember I said that there are no talismans in Second Auntie's yard, why did you still go there?" Duan Yunsu raised his eyebrows.

"The Fu Pei is too important, and the subordinates can't let it go." Chen Yu's face was sullen, and his expression was extremely serious.

But at this moment, there was a sudden announcement from outside the door, directly interrupting the conversation between the two of them: "Miss! Fifth Yiniang is pregnant, old madam, please go and have a look!"

Duan Yunsu looked at Ting He's sweaty face, and frowned slightly when he heard her words: "What happened again?"

Fifth Yiniang's child is already six months old, and the fetal position is extremely stable, how could the fetal gas move today?

"The maidservants don't know either. It's just that several aunts and Mrs. Duan have gone there. Please ask the doctor for some time. The old lady is afraid that something will happen to the fifth aunt's child, so she wants to invite the young lady to take a look." Listening to He slipped his mouth and said a lot.

Thinking that this is right and wrong, and that the child is innocent, Duan Yunsu sighed lightly, and finally passed.

In Yulan Courtyard, Fifth Auntie was lying on the bed, her face was pale, tears were streaming down her face, she was clutching her stomach in panic.As soon as she saw Duan Yunsu coming in, she reached out and grabbed her as if seeing a life-saving straw: "Miss, please, save my child..."

Duan Yunsu tore off her hand, and took the pulse without saying a word, and the second aunt snorted softly behind her: "This miscarriage doesn't stop bleeding, so what's the use of taking the pulse."

"Second Aunt." Mrs. Duan stopped her words, "Don't disturb Yunsu to feel his pulse."

This is the heir of the general's mansion, so he can be saved as soon as he can. Now the young ladies and young masters in this mansion have grown up, and each of them has big ideas, even the old woman like her is ignored.Originally, he had planned to bring the child with him after he was born, but he didn't expect that the fifth aunt was clumsy, and this happened to him.

Duan Yunsu looked carefully, and found that the redness was already visible, but it was not as serious as imagined. She listed Zhang Fangzi and handed it to the maids around Wu Yiniang, and said, "Although Wu Yiniang has moved a little bit of fetal gas, the redness is slightly visible. , but the situation is still stable, and the fetus can be kept, which is considered a blessing in misfortune."

Old Madam Duan nodded when she heard the words, she glanced at Second Aunt who had an ugly face, and said in a cold voice, "Second Aunt, at that time only you and Fifth Aunt were together, what is going on?"

"How do I know this? Originally, I was speaking well, but she suddenly fell down by herself, and I didn't do anything!" The second aunt argued, with a flash of ruthlessness in her eyes, trying to frame her?Fifth Yiniang is so capable, she dared to use the child in her belly as a bargaining chip, and she was not afraid that both her body and her life would go to heaven!
"You're talking nonsense! I'm watching from afar, and it's clear that you stretched out your hand and pushed Wu Yiniang!" The maid next to Wu Yiniang interrupted suddenly, and she knelt down with a plop, with a sad and mournful voice: "Old lady, this servant knows that Wu Yiniang is out The voice is humble, but this is the blood of the Duan family, the young lady is usually careful in everything, but today she just wanted to take a walk to relax, so this happened..."

Duan Yunsu turned his head and glanced at Fifth Aunt on the bed. If Fifth Aunt did it by herself, then she was really cruel; It's a bit anxious to act, but because of Fu Pei's relationship?
The fifth aunt on the bed struggled as if she was about to get up, but Duan Yunsu stretched out his hand and pushed her down, looking at her slightly messy clothes, the corner of the jade pendant peeking out from under her neck, his eyes flashed.

This thing is really similar to the picture of Fu Pei that Chen Yu showed. Could it be that Fifth Yiniang really gave it to him?I can't find it after thousands of searches, but I didn't expect to see it like this today.

I always wear it on my body and hide it close to my body, no wonder Second Aunt can't find it when I look around, because no matter where someone is looking for something, she will take off her clothes to have a look!
If it was really that talisman, all of this would be understandable. The fifth aunt must have known that the second aunt's life-protecting things had been thrown away, so she went all out to frame her?

But she had underestimated Second Aunt's skill.

Seeing that Second Concubine was also plopping down on her knees, she cast her sinister eyes directly on Fifth Concubine, and said, "Old Madam, when she serves Fifth Concubine's maid, she naturally speaks for Fifth Concubine! Since this is the case, then the people around me The maid can also testify that I never pushed Fifth Yiniang!"

The two insisted on their own words and refused to give in. Coincidentally, only the two masters and two servants were present at this matter. It is really impossible to judge who has wronged whom.

However, the fifth aunt's situation is even more pitiful, only to hear Mrs. Duan slapping the sandalwood table and shouting: "Stop arguing, Second Aunt, I'm so lucky to stay in your room, and don't want to Come out casually! Fifth Yiniang will take care of her body first, since there is no serious problem, let's put this matter aside for now!"

The fifth aunt's eyes flashed fiercely. In such a situation, Mrs. Duan would still help the second aunt instead of pursuing it?It's okay, let's wait and see later!
The second aunt was furious, she returned to Juxiangyuan, and swept all the teacups on the table to the ground with one hand, the expression on her face could be regarded as ferocious, and her tone was gloomy: "Little bitch, you dare to frame me, just wait and see! "

Thinking of the only remaining life-saving talisman she had hidden, she wanted to go over and check it out as usual.The talisman has been lost, this thing must not go wrong again!
(End of this chapter)

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