The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 109: Big Wedding

Chapter 109: Big Wedding (4)
Prince An's Mansion hesitated for a while, but let go: "You bring a few more people and change your clothes, don't make any mistakes."

Zhao Fang responded hastily.

As night fell, Liu Hutong in the capital had just become lively. Lanterns were hung high on all sides of the street, women's voices were charmingly laughing, and the sound of silk, bamboo and wind music continued.

Zhao Hechen looked around curiously, he had never seen such a strange place before.

"Master, let's go in?" Zhao Fang stood in front of the first floor, with the words "Yizuilou" written on the plaque above.

The mother in the building saw a visitor coming, and rushed out to greet her: "Oh, the two young masters are very handsome, do you have a girl in your fancy?"

When Zhao Hechen saw that person, he was taken aback by the heavy makeup. He hid behind Zhao Fang and said quietly, "Fang Fang, who is this person? It's so scary."

Hearing this, Zhao Fang looked at the madam in front of her, only to see that her makeup was slightly thicker, but other than that there was no abnormality, why is it so scary?

Seeing that the two were silent, the old bustard thought that the new young master was embarrassed, and hurriedly called the girl in the building to come out.Those girls are wearing the most attractive veils, showing off their charm with every step, it's really a place of ecstasy.

"Hey, why is this young master hiding behind?" A girl half covered her face with a fan, with a smile on her face, she stretched out her hand to pull it.

Zhao Hechen hurriedly jumped away with an "Aww": "Fang Fang, there are bad guys!"

Zhao Fang hurriedly blocked Zhao Hechen behind him, joking, they didn't come here to find a girl.If Miss Duan found out, then she would not have a good life, and when she just came out, she promised the princess to take good care of the young master.

"Mother, just listen to me." Zhao Fang walked forward and whispered a few words in the old bustard's ear.The old bustard heard the words with light in his eyes, and he looked like "I understand", and he didn't need to be served by a girl and got money. This kind of business is really worth it.

"Those two gentlemen, please come inside." The bustard signaled the girl beside him to step back, and invited the two of them inside with a smile on his eyes.

Just as Zhao Hechen took half a step, a girl walked by and bumped into him, and he sneezed because of the choking smell of powder on his body.He hurriedly put his foot back, and then backed out, looking at Zhao Fang with displeasure: "Fang Fang, this place smells bad, Chen'er doesn't like it."

It happened that there was a girl who just came out inside, but she didn't know what Zhao Fang said just now, seeing how handsome this young master was, she couldn't help being moved.

"Young Master——" the elongated voice, sweet and greasy voice, Zhao Hechen did not expect someone to come over suddenly, hurriedly moved to the side, patted the little boy and stared at him with a frightened look: "Woo , Where did the ugly woman come from, it scared Chen'er to death."

The girl staggered and almost fell to the ground. With her flowery beauty, she couldn't believe that this young man wouldn't be tempted. Thinking of this made her even more excited, and she threw herself directly at Zhao Hechen.

Zhao Hechen was frightened by this wolf-like figure, he hastily closed his eyes and stretched his legs, and then took a few steps back, his pure black eyes stared wide open, feeling a burst of fear in his heart, he let go without saying a word Follow the girl to run back and forth.

"Fang Fang, let's go quickly, the things here are terrible, woo...Fang Fang is a bad person, Chen'er should not be here!"

The guards who followed hurriedly caught up.

"Hey, young master, wait for Fang Fang!" Zhao Fang didn't expect that things would turn out like this, and he hurried to catch up.

In front of Yizui Building, the girl who was kicked to the ground and the old bustard with her mouth open were left looking at each other.

In the blink of an eye, it is a day.

On the ninth day of the seventh lunar month, it is suitable to pray for blessings, travel and get married.

Duan Yunsu was dug out from the bed early in the morning, looking at the misty sky, Duan Yunsu sighed softly, getting married is really a tossing thing.

After cleansing and taking a bath, the maidservants put on the wedding dress. Mrs. Duan invited Mrs. Quan Fu, opened Duan Yunsu's face, and carefully put on her makeup. Seeing her outstanding appearance, she couldn't help but marvel With a voice: "Miss Duan is the most exquisite bride I have ever seen. This Prince An's Mansion is really discerning."

Duan Yunsu lowered his head slightly, making a shy look.

Mrs. Quan Fu combed her hair, and while chanting auspicious words, Duan Yunsu looked at the slightly blurred shadow in the brass mirror, and was slightly dazed.

After all this dressing up, the sun was already high, Gu Qiu came over with a plate of pastries, and said, "Miss, let's fill up your belly first, there is still a lot of work to do."

Duan Yunsu nodded when he heard the words, and seeing that the pastry was a little dry, he stretched out his hand and poured tea. Seeing that she had finished drinking a cup, Gu Qiu hurriedly put it away and said, "Miss, you can't drink too much of this water."

"Gu Qiu, have you been thinking about making your lady not eat or drink all day long? You haven't got on the sedan chair yet, what are you afraid of?"

Gu Qiu looked at the complicated wedding dress on her body, but still shook his head: "It's inconvenient for Miss to look like this, if you want to drink, call your servant, and the servant will bring it over."

If it weren't for this, the young lady would not have listened to her.

"Miss, Miss San is here." Ting He's voice came in.

Seeing Duan Yunrong walking in front, she glanced at Duan Yunsu who was well dressed, was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said, "Big sister is really pretty."

"That's right, married brides are always the most beautiful." Mrs. Quanfu heard the words and said: "When Miss San gets married, she will look very beautiful like this."

Duan Yunrong blushed slightly, feeling a little embarrassed: "Big sister, after you are married, there will be no one Rong'er wants to talk to in the future."

Duan Yunsu smiled lightly and said: "Prince An's Mansion is not far from the General's Mansion. If you meet Eldest Sister, just go over there and see me." Duan Yunrong smiled and nodded, but felt a little lonely in her heart.The chance of her getting out of the General's Mansion is within reach, so how can she go whenever she wants.

"Why don't you see Fourth Sister?" Duan Yunsu saw that Duan Yunrong was alone, and opened his mouth to ask casually.After all, she also knew in her heart that after the incident with Second Aunt, Yun Jin had even more opinions on her in her heart, and it was a good thing at first sight if she didn't come out to make trouble in such a good day.

"I heard that the fourth younger sister caught the wind and cold last night and is resting." Duan Yunrong reached out and took out a sachet, with some small things spinning in it, and said, "Yunrong has no skills, I hope the eldest sister can bring this, this is A little thought from Yunrong."

Duan Yunsu smiled and put it away.

"Miss, it's getting late, it's time to salute the master and the old lady." Gu Qiu reminded softly beside her.

The so-called salute is to thank parents for their upbringing before going out.Duan Yunsu came to the hall and bowed profusely. No matter what, this ceremony must be done. Fortunately, I have never heard of Xiguo's custom of crying for marriage. Otherwise, I would really have to prepare chili water.

(End of this chapter)

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