Chapter 121 Returning to the door (5)
Duan Yunsu said: "When I went to Jiangzhou before, a servant gave it to me. I thought it was strange. Second Yiniang's half card was given to me by Chen Yu."

"What! It's Chen Yu?" Mrs. Duan was taken aback: "Isn't Chen Yu someone close to the emperor? Why did you go looking for that?"

"I don't know about this. Yunsu took it when he saw him, grandma, but what's wrong?" Duan Yunsu pretended to be confused and said, "The talisman that my second aunt mentioned last time What is it again? Seeing how concerned grandma is."

"It's nothing, it's just a piece of heirloom jade." Mrs. Duan glanced at Duan Yunsu who seemed confused, and said perfunctorily.

It's fine if Yunsu doesn't know about this, the less people know about it, the better.The second aunt has been locked up, and no one is allowed to visit; the fifth aunt is dead, and now she knows that there is a maid named Qingfeng beside her, and this is easy to deal with.

However, the guard named Chen Yu, his actions are really worth pondering.

"You two should go back to your room and rest for a while after dinner. Your boudoir is still being cleaned up." Thinking of the lost talisman, Mrs. Duan lost her appetite for dinner. She put down her chopsticks and turned back. courtyard.

And that period of Chang Zai had no intention of chatting with this new chat with?With the stupidity of this person, what can we talk about, so he went to the study by himself.

This situation was all within Duan Yunsu's expectation, his mother wasn't here, and he didn't expect someone to come to greet him.She looked at Zhao Hechen and asked, "Is Chen'er ready to eat?"

Zhao Hechen nodded hurriedly, and looked curiously at Duan Yunrong who was left on the table.

Duan Yunrong didn't know what to say for a while, Zhao Hechen felt uncomfortable, and smiled dryly: "The elder sister is really kind to the elder brother-in-law."

Originally, she thought that it was not worth marrying an idiot for such a powerful eldest sister, but now seeing that her eldest sister seems to be living a good life, she didn't think about it any more.

"Does Third Sister know where Second Aunt is locked up?" Duan Yunsu asked.

"It's in the abandoned small woodshed on the west side. Grandma doesn't allow anyone to go and see it. Her elder sister asked why?"

Duan Yunsu smiled without saying a word.

The firewood house on the west side is very shabby, and there are very few people walking around here, which looks a bit deserted.When Duan Yunsu arrived, he happened to see Duan Yunjin's figure flashing past, and disappeared into the distant garden in a blink of an eye.

The corner of Duan Yunsu's mouth hooked slightly, he didn't expect this person to be able to make trouble.

I saw a maid in front of the house guarding the door, she didn't seem to see Duan Yunjin slipping in from the other side, but seeing Duan Yunsu coming, she hurriedly said: "Miss, please stay, the old lady told me that no one is allowed to enter." .”

"I didn't go in, I just took a look at it." Duan Yunsu said and took a few steps forward, only to see that the room was dark and gloomy, with a lot of moss growing on the corner of the wall, and there were many sundries piled up inside.

Xu Shi's Second Auntie heard Duan Yunsu's voice, and gropingly appeared by the window, looked at Duan Yunsu with poisonous eyes, and suddenly smiled sharply and sarcasticly: "Duan Yunsu, don't think you can be complacent." , I will definitely go out one day, but then, none of you people can think of a good end!"

Duan Yunsu looked at the person in front of him, and saw that the plump and round body in the past had long since lost weight, the once most attractive face had aged a lot, the bun was even more disheveled, and the ferocious look on his face was quite frightening.

"Seeing Second Auntie's desolate appearance now, Yunsu is relieved. Yunsu is waiting for the day you come out, and then sees you being dragged down. Wouldn't it be great." Duan Yunsu smiled lightly, Turning a blind eye to her angry gaze, he turned and left.

But as soon as they arrived at Shenshi, Duan Yunsu and Zhao Hechen came back, Princess An saw the red marks on Duan Yunsu's face, was startled, and hurriedly asked what happened.Duan Yunsu smiled and shook his head to show that he was fine.

Seeing this, Princess An didn't say any more, and asked the two of them to go back and rest first.

Duan Yunsu was sitting in front of the desk, holding a long and thin black charcoal as a pen, carefully sketching something.After scribbling and changing, the rice paper on the table was also consumed a lot.

Gu Qiu looked at the thing on the paper, but still couldn't understand it, it was round for a while and square for a while, vaguely like a wheel.Is this drawing a car?But why only two wheels?And this section of the flower that has been opened section by section, what is it?The more Gu Qiu looked at it, the more confused he became.

"Gu Qiu, please tell the princess, ask the skilled craftsmen in the capital, and hand over this picture to see if you can make this thing." Duan Yunsu handed a few pieces of paper to Gu Qiu Qiu, looking back, saw Zhao Hechen holding his fingers in a daze, knowing that he was just drawing pictures and neglecting him, so he must be angry, right?
"Chenchen, what are you doing?" Duan Yunsu coaxed softly.

"Hmph." Zhao Hechen twisted his body, lowered his head to his chest, twisted his fingers and pursed his mouth, and complained: "Su Su Mingming said that Chen'er's paintings are the best, but Chen'er is not allowed to help Su Su draw... ..."

Duan Yunsu was so amused that he was angry about this.What she drew was the wheelchair from her previous life, and even she couldn't tell it, she just wrote down the key points according to the memory of her previous life, thinking of handing it over to those experienced craftsmen, but she didn't expect this idiot to be unhappy.

"Chenchen, don't be angry, will Susu cook something delicious for you tomorrow?"

Zhao Hechen's eyes lit up, but he was still unwilling to turn around.

Duan Yunsu saw that all the maids in the room lowered their heads and didn't look sideways, so he lowered his head and kissed Zhao Hechen lightly on the face, and said with a smile: "Chenchen ignores Susu, then Susu has to leave. "

Zhao Hechen hastily pulled Duan Yunsu back, his face was full of smiles and he didn't look aggrieved just now.

In a blink of an eye it was dinner time.

Duan Yunsu carefully watched Prince An's food, and saw that there was nothing unusual. Seeing Duan Yunsu's appearance, Princess An hurriedly asked, "What did Yunsu find?"

Duan Yunsu shook his head and said, "Yunsu didn't find out either, mother, does father have a medical certificate?"

The medical record is what is now called the medical record.Duan Yunsu didn't know if Xiguo had the habit of recording all the patients' conditions and diagnostic methods, so he asked.

Princess An was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't know what the medical records were. Duan Yunsu seemed to want to know about the prince's condition, so she asked, "But the prescription?"

Duan Yunsu frowned, thinking that something is better than nothing, so he nodded yes.

Princess An sent Juyue in, and it came out after a while, but it was carefully packed in a box. Duan Yunsu opened it and saw that it was full of prescriptions, so he couldn't help being a little surprised.

Why does Princess An still keep all these things?Originally, she just wanted to look at the recent few days, such a detailed one would help her a lot.

Duan Yunsu picked up the top one, but it was from the recent period, and those from previous years must have been under the pressure.She reached out and took out the bottom one, only to find that it was just some prescriptions for qi deficiency.

(End of this chapter)

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