The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 125 Good News from the Song Mansion

Chapter 125 Good News from the Song Mansion (1)
After the woman finished speaking, she was about to throw her body over again, as if she had caught Zhao Hechen.

Duan Yunsu would not give her a chance to succeed, he pulled Zhao Hechen to his side, pulled out the hairpin from his bun, and raised his hand to press down on the man.The man raised his hand to hide, but a gash was cut out, and blood gushed out.

The woman in red let out a "hiss", looked at Yin Hong's bloodshot eyes, stretched out her tongue and lightly licked the blood stains on it, wantonly and coquettishly, watching the sparkle in the eyes of the two of them: "The young couple are really vicious, they are so cruel to the slave family. It's rough."

No matter what this person said, Duan Yunsu dared to kiss her Chenchen, even thinking about it would never forgive her!She stretched out her hand and pressed down on the man's wrist, and the man escaped her attacks again and again, and the timing was not to be underestimated.

Unexpectedly, this press really made a name for itself.

Habitually feeling the information sent by the pulse condition, Duan Yunsu was startled, and looked at this person again strangely, his eyes flickering slightly.

The woman's smile was comparable to a sedan chair, and she leaned on the couch as if she was boneless, holding the orchid flower and pointing to the red jade hairpin on her bun. slave?"


"The lady is so fierce, I don't like it, she is not as cute as the young master just now." The man gave Zhao Hechen a wink, his clothes slightly revealed the white skin in front of him, and his chest was flat, what a woman it is!
Duan Yunsu didn't expect that it was a man who molested her husband-in-law. She looked at the attire of the man in front of her, and saw that he was wearing a red gauze wide-sleeved dress, which was obviously a woman's clothes, with a slanted hair on his temples. The red jade hairpin, with a face like a sedan chair, and a slender figure, is captivating with every frown and smile.

This is a man?This is obviously a mermaid!

The winking eyes frightened Zhao Hechen, and he felt that this person was really scary, so he hurriedly took a few steps back and looked ahead vigilantly.

"Why did you abduct my husband here?" Duan Yunsu didn't care whether he was a man or a woman, looking at his wanton eyes, he calmly pulled Zhao Hechen to his side.

"I just wanted to find my white rabbit, but I didn't expect to meet a bigger one, so I picked it up." The man covered his mouth and smiled lightly, his eyes were shining, full of charm.

Duan Yunsu's body trembled at the sound of slave, it was okay not knowing just now, but now knowing that this is a man, calling himself slave is really unbearable.

Thinking of the stupid rabbit I saw in the forest just now, it turned out to be this guy's thing?She turned her head to look at Zhao Hechen's reddish eyes, and the timid look in her eyes, she really had the image of a rabbit.

"My lord, are you treating me as a pastime?" Duan Yunsu's eyes darkened.

The man turned his hair, and his tone was a bit complaining: "No, I am idle at home, and I am happy to find it. It's just that the young master doesn't seem to be happy. It's really annoying to call the lady all day long. Could it be that I Don't you look good without you?"

The corner of Duan Yunsu's mouth twitched, this person is really addicted to pretending to be a woman, and the sound of "Nujia" aroused her goosebumps.This man is more beautiful than a woman, isn't it something worth talking about?

"My lord, you are the prettiest. If you replace this slave, it will be even more beautiful." Duan Yunsu said, "My lord's rabbit is still in the forest. I'm not just playing with you, my lord." Children's things, this will take people away."

"Little lady, this son's name is really ugly, but my family's name is Ji Su." The man stood up with his slender waist folded, and approached Duan Yunsu: "Little lady, don't leave, let my family take a good look at it. "

Ji Su raised Duan Yunsu's chin slightly, and said twice, "Xiao Chen'er is really blessed. She married a daughter-in-law in no time, and left her servant alone. It's so lonely."

Duan Yunsu's eyes twitched and he slapped his hand away.

"Oh, look at your temper." Ji Su shrugged, lazily leaned back on the couch, and said in a light tone: "Let's go, let's leave my slave who no one wants and dies in this woods." inside."

Duan Yunsu glanced at him suspiciously, seeing that this man was just lying on the couch without any other movements, and without saying much, he led Zhao Hechen outside.

The beauty on the couch narrowed her long and narrow Danfeng eyes slightly, looked at the two figures accompanying them, and smiled.

Outside the small building, Zhao Hechen looked back at the pavilion with lingering fear, pouted and pulled Duan Yunsu to run out in a hurry: "Susu, go, Susu, go."

That man is still so scary!Why do you like to bully Chenchen...

"Chenchen, why are you there? Do you know that person?" Duan Yunsu held Zhao Hechen who was running anxiously. Since that person didn't come downstairs, he definitely wouldn't be chasing him, and they didn't have to. hurried.On the contrary, just now, from the tone of that person's speech, it seems that he knows her husband-in-law, what is going on here.

Hearing this, Zhao Hechen's head drooped suddenly, lowered his head, Sunbai's long fingers clenched his sleeves tightly, and pulled them repeatedly: "Chen'er feels uncomfortable, Chen'er ran into the woods, every time he suddenly Appeared, and lifted Chen'er away..."

Hearing the aggrieved voice, Duan Yunsu remembered what Zhao Heqi had done just now, so he softened his voice and said softly: "Chen'er is angry? What if Susu didn't have a relationship with Zhao Heqi? Susu only likes Chenchen. "

Zhao Hechen secretly raised his head, looked at the serious look in Duan Yunsu's eyes, hurriedly lowered his head again, and said sullenly: "Chen'er knows that some people say that Chen'er is not good enough for Susu, Susu will definitely abandon Chen'er of……"

A cold light flashed in Duan Yunsu's eyes when he heard the words, who was talking nonsense behind his back, Chen'er was simple-minded, but he could be easily deceived.Thinking of Zhao Heqi who had stumbled today, Duan Yunsu narrowed his eyes slightly. If she and Zhao Hechen had a disagreement, then he would know who the ultimate winner would be without even thinking about it.

"Those people are envious of Chenchen, so they say this on purpose. Chenchen, you have to trust Susu, otherwise Susu will be very sad to know, won't you?" Duan Yunsu gently held his head, forcing him to look up Looking at himself, he saw that his lowered eyes had already been fogged up, his lips were biting a little white, and he nodded seriously.

"Be good, Chen'er, isn't Chen'er also very powerful, why did you see that person touch Susu, and didn't just hit him like before?" She remembered that those people had some thoughts about her before, Or slanderous words, this Zhao Hechen would be annoyed and hit up without saying a word, why is today different from before?
Zhao Hechen glanced at Duan Yunsu cautiously, and said, "Chen'er saw that Susu rushed over..."

Duan Yunsu paused, what do you mean, she took the initiative to let this idiot go sad on his own?Didn't he look very domineering before!Duan Yunsu choked hard, but he also knew that this idiot had also learned to read her thoughts and feelings, so he said: "Chenchen, how can Susu do things you don't like? Don't do this in the future, you know?" , What you see with your eyes may not be true, you must confirm it yourself.”

(End of this chapter)

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