The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 132 The Conspiracy of the Queen of Medicine

Chapter 132 The Conspiracy of the Queen of Medicine (2)
The person named Xiaotong also came out to speak, and the rest of the people also testified to each other. For a while, there was really no one who had a chance.

Duan Yunsu certainly wouldn't let this matter go so easily, as long as it was done by an individual, there would be signs of it.She picked up the medicine bowl that had been thrown from the ground, checked it carefully, and found nothing unusual, then said, "Where is the pot for boiling the medicine? I brought it together. I don't believe it. This medicine can still be cured for no reason." It's unbelievable to be added!"

When Princess An heard this, she also realized that since the medicine dregs were not found inappropriately, it is necessary to check the utensils for boiling medicine.Looking at the group of people kneeling before her eyes, Princess An groaned coldly in her heart.

The casserole for decocting the medicine was brought up, and it had already been cleaned once the medicine had been decocted.When Duan Yunsu took it, he still smelled the faint fishy smell from above, he couldn't help but pause, and put the thing on the table.

"Who usually takes care of these pots and pans?" Duan Yunsu asked.

A woman came out and knelt down and said, "It's the old slave."

"But has anyone touched something?"

The old woman was really complaining in her heart. The pots and bowls were used many times on weekdays, so how could she remember them all: "Princess, Madam, this old slave cleans up the utensils every day. Clean, Gu Qiu also cleaned it again when he used it, it really shouldn't be stained with something."

Gu Qiu also nodded when she heard the words. Seeing that the lady was nervous, she naturally became more careful when doing things. The casserole was indeed cleaned carefully.

That being the case, why are there those things on the casserole?Duan Yunsu looked at the deep marks left by the side of the pot, his eyes sank, and a bold idea popped up.

"Mother, look at this casserole, it seems to be different from the one used in the past?" Duan Yunsu carefully noticed the difference.

Without waiting for Princess An to reply, the woman explained: "Excuse me for talking too much, this casserole is old, and the new ones have been used, and the old things in the palace will be replaced. It’s also been put away. Seeing that Gu Qiu seems to be in a hurry to use it today, those new ones are still being used, and the old slave turned them out.”

"Don't think that you can shirk responsibility by saying this." Princess An said angrily: "Juyue, go down and check to see who has been to the pharmacy in the mansion, and check them out one by one for me. Ask me one by one! I want to see how deep this person can hide!"

Juyue withdrew as she said, and the remaining maids who had nothing to do with each other all withdrew.Duan Yunsu looked at the casserole in front of him, and suddenly said: "Gu Qiu, use this pot to cook another medicine, it's the same recipe as before."

"What's Yunsu thinking?" Princess An hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with this pot?"

"Mother, I suspect that this pot may have been soaked in medicine. There are two situations. One is that it was made this way deliberately, and the pot is covered with such a medicine inside and out; the other is that someone took it This pot has been fried with the prescription that added sterilization powder, and it has been infiltrated into the body of the pot over time."

Princess An was even more startled when she heard that, the former is fine, but the latter... has been decocting this medicine, but who drank it?

When Gu Qiu brought the medicine up again, Duan Yunsu took it and sniffed it lightly, with a conclusion in his mind.The taste is the same as the one just now, and it hasn't diminished at all, so a lot must have seeped into the casserole.

Princess An looked at Duan Yunsu's slightly changed expression, and felt a "thud" in her heart. Could it be that someone took Chen'er's medicine on purpose today, but just happened to use a "remarkable" casserole to become What does this look like?
"Mother, when Yunsu entered the palace for the first time, he still hasn't fully understood many things, so I hope you can guess, who are the people who act like this?"

Princess An didn't even think about it, so she wanted to reply to her with "Concubine Wen", but at this moment, the matter was of great importance. Although Concubine Wen was crazy, no matter whether it was true or not, she couldn't just make a conclusion like this. Side concubine, isn't that letting others take advantage of the loophole?

"Gu Qiu, send this medicine to Concubine Wen, I want to see if that person will react when he sees this thing." Princess An said lightly.

Gu Qiu looked at his young lady and nodded, then put away the medicine bowl as he said, put it on the tray, and walked to Xinlan Courtyard.

All Duan Yunsu could think of was this side concubine Wen. She was the only one in the mansion who was arrogant, and she was very popular. It was normal for people to suspect something happened.Coupled with her past demeanor, it is really easy for people to think of her at once.

In the Xinlan Courtyard, Wen Yuanyuan looked at the medicine bowl on the table and snorted coldly: "What's the matter, why did you send a bowl of medicine over there without thinking, but you want to curse me to get sick soon?"

The servant girl who served beside him replied: "Your Majesty, I heard that the Eldest Young Master was ill, but found that the medicine had been tampered with. There was a lot of commotion over there, and many maids and wives were interrogated."

Concubine Wen chuckled when she heard the words, prescribe medicine?Didn't expect anyone to be more anxious than her?She hasn't done anything yet, but she is definitely happy to watch when someone makes a move.Sending this bowl of medicine now, but wanting to stimulate herself?It's really funny, so what if she really did it, would she, Wen Yuanyuan, be afraid of such a little threat?
"Did someone say what kind of medicine was given?" Concubine Wen said gloatingly.

"The maidservant is only outside, and I don't know what to hear. If the empress wants to know, the maidservant will go and ask."

"No need, it's definitely a good thing to arouse Yin Fu's anger." Concubine Wen pursed her lips and chuckled, looking at the medicine bowl on the table, she thought it was extra cute, so she reached out and picked it up. Put it on the tip of your nose and sniff it lightly.

This smell made her face turn pale.

She threw the medicine bowl on the table again with a "bang", and the medicine juice swayed a few times and all spilled out.Concubine Wen's face turned slightly pale, and there was no doubt that there was a trace of panic in her eyes.Isn't this thing all disposed of!
Seeing the master's sudden change of expression, the maid next to her was a little puzzled, what was it, Concubine Wen's eyes were so taboo as if she had touched something dirty?

Concubine Wen's heart thumped wildly a few times, and then slowly calmed down.The people over there definitely don't know about it, otherwise they wouldn't have sent this medicine over like this, and I can't let myself get confused, no one can rely on her for such unfounded things!

In Chaojin Courtyard, Zhao Hechen drank the medicine and fell into a deep sleep again. He had nothing to say all night. When Duan Yunsu woke up the next morning, he stretched out his hand to touch his forehead and found that the fever had subsided.

Zhao Hechen also opened his eyes in a daze, and seeing Duan Yunsu lying beside him, he hugged Duan Yunsu and refused to let go.Perhaps it was because of his illness, but Zhao Hechen had a special attachment to Duan Yunsu, he would stare at Duan Yunsu as soon as he left, and hastily leaned on Duan Yunsu as soon as he came back.

(End of this chapter)

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