The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 138 It's a good thing to study hard

Chapter 138 It's a good thing to study hard (1)
Ji Su looked at his fair face showing a slight blush, and smiled secretly, teaching the idiot how to do things, just talking about it.Then Zhao Fang is considered a brain, and he can come up with such a method, but he is helpless, and he can't control his young master at the critical moment.

"Xiao Chen'er can see clearly?" Ji Su smiled charmingly.

This stimulation was really great, Zhao Hechen stared at the person in front of him, followed his heart beating faster and faster, unexpectedly left that person and ran outside.

Susu is still the best, the people here are inexplicable!Woo... Chen'er is going to find Susu.

Duan Yunsu over there was walking on the street looking around, there was a road next to it, it looked cooler than other places, just as Duan Yunsu wanted to go in and have a look, Gu Qiu pulled him back.Gu Qiu whispered: "Miss, you are not allowed to enter this place."

Duan Yunsu was puzzled: "Why?"

"The places here are all the places where men flirt. Miss is a woman from a good family, how can she go to that place."

Duan Yunsu paused.

But at this moment, a figure hurriedly ran out on the road, and bumped into Duan Yunsu without looking at the road.

Duan Yunsu subconsciously stretched out his hand to help, and looked at this person, but was dumbfounded.

This... Isn't this exactly Zhao Hechen, why is he wearing a woman's attire!And coming out of this place, what happened?

"Tsk tsk, the young couple is really destined, and you all ran into it." Seeing Ji Suzheng leisurely appearing beside her, this elusive appearance surprised Gu Qiu, who was not paying attention.

"Young Master Ji, can you explain to me why my husband-in-law is dressed like this?" Duan Yunsu only felt a vein twitch on his forehead. This person just likes to wear women's clothes, so why did he spread his bad taste on others!
Hearing the words, Ji Su raised her sleeves to cover her lips, her peach blossoms trembled with a smile, her winking eyes turned slightly, and she said, "Little lady, don't you think this outfit is really suitable? You see, everyone is blinded by it."

Duan Yunsu looked around, and saw that passers-by who passed by looked back and looked back and forth, the amazement in their eyes was undisguised.

"Master Ji, then tell me again, what is the purpose of taking my husband to that romantic place?" Her behavior is so simple, she actually brought people into that wolf-like place, those People's hearts are filthy, and it's good to tarnish her body.

Unexpectedly, Ji Su smiled instead of saying a word, and her slanted Danfeng eyes were a bit sly: "Little lady will soon understand Ji Su's intentions. When you give birth to a baby, don't forget my favor."

"Whether I'm alive or not is none of your business?" Duan Yunsu really wanted to spray him to death with a mouthful of salt water. This person must have something wrong with him, so let him take care of this matter? !
"Why is it none of my business? It has a lot to do with it." Ji Su's eyes flashed slightly, but she smiled coquettishly: "Little lady, do you want to spy on me? That's not okay. If people find out, it's okay It's not fun anymore."

Duan Yunsu choked, when did he want to spy on him?This man has no limit to his imagination.Hearing what he said, she actually knew the secret of this man, so she really had the urge to inquire about it.

"Chenchen, you can't go to that place, do you know?" Duan Yunsu turned around and said to Zhao Hechen, frowning tightly.

"Chen'er didn't come, it's him!" Zhao Hechen pointed at Ji Su, his cheeks puffed up, and his tone was filled with anger: "He caught Chenchen out, Susu, Chenchen must become very powerful." Great, when the time comes, crush him flat with one foot!"

How dare he bully Chen'er and make Susu worry!Chen'er will be stronger than you one day, every time I see you, I will beat you up!
"Good ambition!" Duan Yunsu's eyes lit up, with a bit of anticipation in his eyes, Zhao Hechen can't beat you now, but knowing that Feng Shui takes turns, she doesn't believe that Ji Su can continue to be coquettish.Her eyes flicked around on Ji Su's charming face, and she said, "Chenchen must remember what he said today, and he must call Susu when the time comes. Let's go wherever he doesn't like it." step on."

"Chen'er doesn't like everything about him!" Zhao Hechen stared, and said seriously.

Ji Su's back burst into a layer of sweat, these two people really spoke with enthusiasm.He raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Xiao Chen'er, even if you become powerful, your kung fu is still not as good as mine. How can you catch up with me?"

"Chen'er has money, Susu has medicine, Chen'er finds a group of people who are better than you, and give you medicine!"

Duan Yunsu laughed with a "puchi", his husband's idea is not bad.

Ji Su didn't expect this idiot to say such words, her voice sank and she pretended to be wronged: "Xiao Chen'er, why don't you understand my good intentions? Sigh..."

Zhao Hechen turned his face away with a snort, raised his haughty little head, and didn't listen to him at all.

The man looked at Zhao Hechen's small appearance, and was instantly happy, with a smile in his eyes, and said jokingly: "Then I will wait for you, don't let me down."

It's just that he doesn't know, if Ji Su finds out about Zhao Hechen's method in the future, will he regret what he said today?
Zhao Hechen was brought back to the mansion by Duan Yunsu, and many people were shocked by the woman's attire.Seeing Zhao Hechen's appearance, Princess An couldn't help not being angry. On the contrary, the light in her eyes suddenly lit up, and she turned around the person twice curiously. The smile on her face made Duan Yunsu jump: "It turns out that I, Chen Er wears women's clothes like this, he really deserves to be my son, no matter how he dresses up, he looks good. Mother wanted to do this when Chen Er was young, but the prince has been blocking it, and I didn't expect to see him today."

Princess An giggled, and the corners of Duan Yunsu's mouth twitched. Could it be that mothers have a preference for pretending their sons are daughters?
"Mother, Ji Su's actions are too casual. Today, she quietly took Chen'er to the Yizui Building. What if something happens?" Duan Yunsu rubbed his forehead.

"It's okay, it's okay, Zhao Fang also took Chen'er there, Chen'er doesn't like those places, so don't be nervous." Princess An said casually.

Zhao Fang also took Chen Chen to the brothel?Duan Yunsu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Mother, Chen'er is going back to the room..." Zhao Hechen tore at his clothes indiscriminately, the anxiety on his face became more and more intense, his brows frowned and wrinkled, and he wanted to take off his clothes.

Chen'er doesn't want to wear this dress, Zhao Fang said, Chen'er has to look like a man, and the wife will like it.Chen'er doesn't want Susu to hate her, and mother, why are you laughing all the time!
When the two returned to the room, Zhao Hechen pulled off his clothes without saying a word, Duan Yunsu dug out the clean ones and put them on for him, then summoned Gu Qiu and said, "Gu Qiu, where is Zhao Fang? But I haven't seen him for a long time."

"Miss, did you forget? Zhao Fang got a leave and went back to his hometown, but it will take some time before he comes back."

This man ran away at the right time, Duan Yunsu smiled softly: "When he comes back, tell him to come over and say that he is very attentive to the young master, and the young lady should reward him well."

(End of this chapter)

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