The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 142 Chen went crazy, Qi was beaten

Chapter 142 Chen went crazy, Qi was beaten (2)
The prince sat for a while, looked at the sky and was about to leave. Duan Yunsu was about to send him out, but was stopped, so he gave up.

Originally planned to go to the house to rest, but saw Ting He rushing in, with beads of sweat on his forehead, panting as if he was extremely anxious: "Miss, it's not good, go and save me quickly." Help Sister Bamboo."

Duan Yunsu was startled when he heard the words, what happened to Zhu?
Gu Qiu is a prudent person. Seeing Ting He's anxious appearance, she has a bad feeling in her heart, but she still wants to ask the matter clearly: "What's the matter? But if you explain it clearly, the young lady will have a good time." way."

"Sister Tingzhu was entangled by the second young master in the garden, Tingzhu didn't want to, her head was smashed and bleeding!" Ting He finished speaking in one breath, thinking of the scene just now, his face paled for a while.She couldn't stop her with little strength, so she hurried back and reported to the young lady.

Zhao Heqi?Duan Yunsu narrowed his eyes slightly: "Hurry up and take me there, Gu Qiu will report to the princess first."

Gu Qiu was taken aback for a moment, and then his heart was moved.She and Tinghe and Tingzhu are just girls, so they are not qualified to alarm the princess. Miss did this because she really cared about them.

The two walked very fast, Ting He led her to the garden in the mansion, and stopped after going around a few paths.Duan Yunsu looked around, but he didn't find Tingzhu's figure, he frowned and said, "Where's the person?"

"It's here just now!" Ting He looked around anxiously, pointing to a small pool of blood on the rockery and said: "Miss, this servant did not lie, look, that is the blood that Sister Ting Zhu shed. "

Duan Yunsu looked over, the blood on the stone hadn't dried completely, obviously it happened just now.

"Why did you come here?" Duan Yunsu asked in confusion, this is the garden in the mansion, there should be many talents there, why no one has seen it now?

Ting He was about to answer, when a scream came from behind the rockery, Duan Yunsu and Ting He heard it, and hurried there.

I saw Zhao Heqi was grabbing Tingzhu's hair, and slapped Tingzhu's face with a slap, and kept cursing: "Little bitch, why are you pretending to be steadfast, you dare to hurt my uncle, but you're tired of work! "

At this moment, Ting Zhu was being pressed to the ground, his clothes were messy, his tender green bellyband was half exposed, and there were a few bruises on his neck.Blood was gushing from his forehead, dripping onto his face, it was amazing, his face was even paler, and his eyes were staring blankly at the front.After seeing Duan Yunsu's figure, his eyes gradually focused, and his bloodless lips murmured weakly, "Miss..."

Duan Yunsu felt a pain in his heart when he was stung by this scene. Although Zhu followed her later, but the relationship has grown deeper day by day. Seeing that she was bullied to the point where only half of her life was left, she felt complacent. Annoyed and ruthless.

She moved forward to fend off Zhao Heqi's slap and was about to slap her, a strong smell of alcohol came to her nostrils, Duan Yunsu frowned, is this Zhao Heqi drunk?
Seeing this, Ting He hurried forward, reached out to support Ting Zhu's body, looked at the blood that was still dripping, and was anxious: "Miss, come and have a look, Sister Ting Zhu has left a lot of blood."

The clothes were all stained with a pool of blood, Ting He looked at her with panic, she left so much blood, what would happen to Sister Ting Zhu? .Why is this second young master so cruel, knocking people onto a rockery!

"Let me take a look." Duan Yunsu knew that something was wrong when he saw it, his brows were deeply wrinkled, and he was about to squat down, but someone grabbed his hand.

"It turns out that there is a more beautiful one, haha, little lady, let the master love you..." Zhao Heqi was about to press down on Duan Yunsu with the smell of alcohol all over his body, Duan Yunsu's eyes sank, and he said nothing He raised his leg and gave him a blow to his lower body, but he didn't feel the slightest bit of force.

The man let out a scream of "Ah", and fell to the ground in pain while clutching the place. Sweat broke out on his face, and he curled up and howled.

Duan Yunsu ignored the man, leaned down to check Tingzhu's situation carefully, heaved a sigh of relief, took out a clean handkerchief to hold the wound, and said, "Go back to the courtyard, I'll put her on the bed." Medicine. The wound looks ugly, but luckily it didn’t go deep.”

Tinghe heard the words and hurriedly put Tingzhu on his body with half back and half support on his shoulders. When Duan Yunsu saw it, he also stretched out his hand to help.The two were about to leave, when Zhao Heqi on the ground suddenly rushed towards Duan Yunsu like crazy, and cursed: "You dare to hurt me, I want you to look good!"

Duan Yunsu didn't expect that this person could get up so quickly after receiving that kick, he was caught in the middle of the moment carelessly, and was slammed into the rockery, his back was violently hit by the protruding stone. pain.She frowned and snorted.

The man completely lost his mind, and stretched out his hand to pinch Duan Yunsu's neck.Ting He was startled when he saw it, and hastily put Ting Zhu down, and stepped up to reach out to try to push Zhao Heqi away, but the drunken man shook a few times, but he didn't move away even half a step.

Duan Yunsu felt uncomfortable from being pinched, she felt short of breath and her lungs hurt. She reached out and fumbled on the rockery, just in time to grab a loose rock, and threw it on the man's head without thinking!

Zhao Heqi tilted his drunken body, and by chance, he just avoided the front, but a wound was still smashed on his forehead.As soon as he felt the pain, he let go of his hand, Duan Yunsu hurriedly shook off the man's hand, and stood aside panting.

Just now, this man really wanted to strangle her to death!

Zhao Heqi stretched out his hand and touched his forehead, looking at the dark red blood stains on his hand, his eyes suddenly turned red, and he stared fiercely at the person in front of him in a daze.

When Duan Yunsu saw it, his heart suddenly became vigilant, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. If this person dared to kill her again, he would not be afraid to fight back and take his life!

The man walked in with a swaying body, with a stern smile on his mouth, fearing that he had long since lost sight of who the person in front of him was, and if he hurt her, it would cause some trouble to his plan.He shook his head, the delicate face in front of him overlapped with the person in his mind, his eyes showed obscene and greedy light, and he stretched out his hand to grab Duan Yunsu.

Duan Yunsu tightened his body, and was about to kick him up while he was not paying attention, but found that someone was a step faster than her, and the figure flashed, and Zhao Heqi had already been kicked by someone and fell down a few steps again and again, hitting on the ground. It stopped above the protruding boulder.

When the faint sandalwood came, Duan Yunsu's heart relaxed, and he called out to the person in front of him: "Chenchen."

Zhao Hechen in front turned his head, his eyes were already stained with red silk, he turned around and hugged Duan Yunsu, a cloud of mist rose in his eyes, and asked in a panic: "Is Susu okay? Scared Chen'er to death gone."

"Susu is fine." Duan Yunsu comforted with a smile.Her idiot husband will always protect her when she needs it most. Although that person can deal with it a little bit, but being protected by others like this, I am very moved in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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