The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 148 Mr. Visiting

Chapter 148 Mr. Visiting (3)
The two came out from Ningcui Zhai, listened to the moon to look at the sky, and said: "Young Madam, it's time for lunch, do you want to go back?"

It was rare for him to come out for a trip, Duan Yunsu naturally didn't want to go back so soon.Besides, Zhao Hechen is by his side, does this count as a date?Well, although this guy doesn't understand anything, there is a string of light bulbs behind him...

Several people came to the Zuixiang Building, Duan Yunsu stared at the plaques hanging in front of this building, feeling a burst of emotion in his heart.I remember that the first time I saw Zhao Hechen was in this place. At that time, this guy was being bullied.Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, I had already married him as his wife.

Finding a seat by the window and sitting down, Duan Yunsu looked down at the people passing by on the side of the road, and said doubtfully: "This East Street seems to be more lively than before, but there are many people from other places, what is there recently? matter?"

Just now I felt strange when I was walking on the street, but now I sit down and take a closer look, and I see people passing by wearing foreign costumes from time to time.Look at that attire with tight short skirts, long trousers and leather boots, you can tell at a glance that you are not from Xiguo.

The guards around him knew a thing or two about this, and replied: "In a few days, there will be a feast for the Four Kingdoms, and the palace will prepare a feast, and the other three kingdoms will send people from the royal family to visit, and these people will come in advance stop."

Duan Yunsu nodded.

The northern country is the country where Ji Su was born, and there is a small country in the southwest of Xi country, which is the small country Yu country that Ji Su had mentioned to her, and the Gu art was passed from there; It is Tianxian Kingdom, although its territory is not comparable to that of Xi Kingdom, its strength is comparable.It is rumored that most people in Tianxian Kingdom like to do business and have a lot of financial resources.

A hundred years ago, these four countries often fought fiercely, and the wars continued. In the end, the people were in dire straits, and the people were devastated.This five-year grand meeting is the link to maintain the relationship.

Duan Yunsu was contemplating with frowned, but was interrupted by a sneer from behind.

"Hey, isn't this a fool from Prince An's Mansion, he finally came out today?"

A mocking and disdainful voice sounded from behind his ears, Duan Yunsu frowned, and heard the man say again: "Since this man got married, he hasn't slipped out again, but the money is all controlled by the lady at home. No chance to come out and find us to play?"

"No, if this fool doesn't come out, no one will pay for us when we go to the restaurant every day."

Duan Yunsu put down the tea cup in his hand with a "bang", and the crisp sound attracted the attention of those people.One person glanced at Duan Yunsu's face, couldn't help being stunned, and then smiled nastily: "It turns out that this idiot came out with his wife, which is really rare, little lady, does this idiot know how to love others?"

That wretched look made Duan Yunsu sick. She picked up the teapot and poured a cup of hot tea slowly. Her elegant and willful appearance fascinated several people.Unexpectedly, after the woman filled it up, she leisurely picked up the teacup and threw it at the person who spoke to Fangci without saying a word.

It was already hot, and everyone was wearing flimsy clothes. The hot tea instantly scalded the man's skin, and he let out a roar and cursed, "You little bitch, how dare you burn my young master?" !"

Duan Yunsu took out a handkerchief and wiped the tea sticky in his hands, and said lightly: "It's not you who are hot, this noisy fly is really annoying. Madam Ben's hand trembled for a while, and she accidentally spilled it on you."

What does it mean to open your eyes and talk nonsense?The tall and thin man said angrily: "You are simply talking nonsense, everyone can see clearly, don't try to deny it!"

"When did I say I'm going to deny it? Have you all forgotten? I, Duan Yunsu, am such an arrogant, ignorant, reckless person. It's really normal to pour a cup of tea today." Duan Yunsu looked up Looking at the tall and thin man, I had some vague impressions: "Chenchen, do you still remember who this person is?"

Zhao Hechen nodded his head, Wuwu stared at the man with big eyes, pouted his mouth, and said: "He said he was playing with Chen'er, but he pushed Chen'er down after taking Chen'er's money, and that round one, scolding Chen'er You are a fool, Chen'er remembers."

"You two young masters, what my husband said is correct?" Duan Yunsu smiled lightly and looked at the two of them, his eyes flickering faintly, there was no trace of a smile.

The two of them had forgotten about it long ago, but they didn't expect this idiot to have such a good memory. Looking at Duan Yunsu, there are quite a few people on his side, and they didn't feel apologetic after hearing Zhao Hechen's accusation: "Then The silver is what Mr. Zhao is willing to take out..."

Duan Yunsu didn't want to listen to the words anymore after listening to the words for a while. Seeing that the two men were stubborn and uttered obscenities again today, he let out a cold snort in his heart, waved to the two guards, and said, "Did you see that, my master?" The madam ordered you to clean up these two, and if something goes wrong, Prince An's mansion will be taken care of!"

The two guards stepped forward to carry out the order without saying a word, those people didn't expect Duan Yunsu to order someone to beat them in public, and they were beaten upright if they didn't pay attention.The few of them have spent too much time together, and they are pampered young masters, whose bodies have long since worn out. Wherever they are the opponents of the two guards, they will be beaten with blue eyes and blue eyes.

Duan Yunsu on the side said leisurely: "Tingyue, go and have a look, why hasn't this Xiao Er come up to offer food? Your young master is going to starve to death."

There was a lot of movement at this table, people in the building all looked sideways, listening to the woman's words, they couldn't help but sigh.Those people who were beaten up had some identities, but this woman only cared about ordering food after beating them up?It looks like a hard backstage.

The few people who were beaten didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing when they went out. During this period, Yunsu dared to attack in full view!Those people struggled to get up, supported each other, and said fiercely to Duan Yunsu and the two: "You wait for me!"

"Naturally, we have to wait. It's best to find Prince An's Mansion, so that we can settle our new and old debts together, which will save trouble." Duan Yunsu glanced at a few people with disdain, only bullying others, and it was her Chenchen who bullied How could she let it go when she saw it? Princess An felt sorry for Zhao Hechen the most. If she knew that these people had bullied Zhao Hechen, she might go to the government every minute to seek justice.

"Susu is so powerful." Zhao Hechen tilted his head and looked at Duan Yunsu, his smiling eyes were shining, and he pursed his lips lightly, looking very happy.

"Susu is not good, but father is the one who is good. Chen'er should tell Susu when he encounters something in the future. Susu will definitely get justice for you." Duan Yunsu handed over a cup of tea and watched him cry Looking, eyes full of tenderness.

The few people left just like that, and Duan Yunsu still stayed in Zuixiang Tower.After eating casually, I didn't see these people coming back again, so I knew that those people didn't dare to make things big.

When it was time to return to the palace, Duan Yunsu walked back to the courtyard, looked at He Zheng under the eaves and pushed something back to the person opposite, and seemed to be talking anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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