The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 160 A Good Thing Comes

Chapter 160 A Good Thing Comes (1)
Duan Yunsu laughed out loud.

About half an hour later, Duan Yunsu talked with the wives and ladies, listening to the gossip in the capital, and he got to know a few ladies.She looked sideways at Concubine Wen who was sitting quietly today, feeling puzzled.This person is so quiet, it's really not like her style, could it be that this person can still think about a better life and stop tossing?
Concubine Wen looked at Duan Yunsu's empty wine glass, and winked at Bi Xiao who was behind her, and Bi Xiao quietly backed away.

After a while, a maid went to Duan Yunsu's side and said softly: "Young Madam, did Eldest Young Master go back to the courtyard? Wangfei didn't see her anywhere, do you want to look for her?"

Duan Yunsu took a look at the girl, and said, "Which yard are you from, why do I look so unfamiliar?"

"The servant girl is the maid who sweeps the concubine's garden. Today, there is not enough manpower to let the servant come out to help. Elder sister Tingyue who is next to the young lady knows the servant girl. Sister Tingyue was also the maid who cleaned the concubine's garden." That maid He bowed his head and replied.

Duan Yunsu thought for a while, then nodded and said: "I'll look for it first, did the princess send someone to look for it?"

The maid nodded, and Duan Yunsu walked ahead when she saw this, and walked back directly to her own yard. The maid seemed a little anxious: "Young Madam, the young master's yard has been searched, but if you want Looking elsewhere?"

Duan Yunsu's footsteps paused: "I'll go and see first, to see if my husband has been back, so I can guess where he will go."

"But it's in the woods behind the mansion? The young master loves going to that place the most." The girl pretended to be casual and said.

Duan Yunsu's eyes narrowed slightly. Since the weather got hotter and hotter, Zhao Hechen seldom went to the forest, but the pool in the mansion was cool, so he often moved his painting tools to the pavilion by the pool to paint.Why does this maid look like she wants to lure her elsewhere?

Seeing the girl's white fingertips grabbing her sleeve, she smiled softly, turned around, took two steps in the direction the girl said, suddenly stopped, and said, "Ah, look, that Isn't it the young master? I'll go there now, you go back."

The girl panicked, and hurriedly turned her head to look, suddenly felt a pain in her neck, her body went limp and she fell down.

Duan Yunsu withdrew his hand leisurely, and dragged the man to hide behind the rockery. Seeing that there was no one around, he clapped his hands and went straight to the courtyard.

The courtyard was quieter than usual, presumably because of today's birthday banquet, some maids were sent out to work.Duan Yunsu raised his foot and approached the room, only to see Zhao Hechen lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, there was nothing missing.

That girl, was it written by Concubine Wen?
Looking at the lightly covered bed curtain, thinking about the weather, Duan Yunsu moved forward and hung it up.

That Zhao Hechen seemed to be sleeping very restlessly, turned over and pulled his clothes, his fair face was slightly red, a thin layer of sweat was on his forehead, his long and curly eyelashes fluttered, his mouth was slightly opened and his brows were slightly wrinkled.

It's August now, and an ice basin has been placed in the house long ago, why is it still so hot?
Duan Yunsu walked forward suspiciously, put his hand on Zhao Hechen and pushed him: "What's wrong with Chenchen?"

Duan Yunsu frowned at the temperature coming from his hand, and a bad guess arose in his heart.

Zhao Hechen heard someone calling him, and opened his eyes slightly, his eyes misty: "Susu, Chen'er is hot."

hot?Duan Yunsu put his hand on Zhao Hechen's forehead, the temperature seemed to be two points higher than before, the skin on his chest that was slightly exposed by him turned red.

Duan Yunsu got up and walked to the table, picked up the teacup and sniffed it lightly, but found nothing wrong, and there was no incense in the room.Just as she was about to ask a question, she found that there was no maid in the room.

With Zhao Hechen's appearance, as a doctor, how could she not know what's going on, but just don't know when that person drugged him?Duan Yunsu thought of the glass of wine in the theater just now, but Zhao Hechen took it without even smelling it at that time, and he didn't dare to conclude that there was something wrong with it.

Could it be that the person actually wanted to harm himself, but unexpectedly, Zhao Hechen drank all the wine inadvertently.When she came, the girl wanted to lure her to another place, but unexpectedly, she found out that something was wrong.

Today is a birthday banquet, and there are quite a lot of guests. Does that person want to ruin her reputation and lose her reputation?
What a ruthless scheming, if this is the case, I really can't stay in Prince An's Mansion any longer.Everyone would think that she married a fool just for power, but in private she was a lowly person who couldn't stand loneliness.

Duan Yunsu's eyes flashed coldly, trying to harm her?She wants to live more freely than anyone else!

She walked to the bed, stretched out her hand and untied Zhao Hechen's clothes, and said, "Chenchen, Susu will take you to take a bath."

At this moment, the banquet was halfway through, and Princess An would look for her at any time when she saw that she had disappeared.Most of these aphrodisiacs are pilose antler, aconite, cinnamon, actinolite and other drugs that can help the desire. The ancients often used compound prescriptions to take the effect.However, most of these drugs stimulate the brain to amplify the physical desire and reduce the recognition ability of other senses. If they are stimulated by the outside world, they can restore some sanity.

At this time, Zhao Hechen was already in a blur, how could he be analyzing the properties and pharmacology of these medicines as calmly as Duan Yunsu.He only felt that the hand on his body was so cool, and felt that it seemed to be leaving, and he was anxious in his heart, so he grabbed it hastily and whimpered uncomfortably.

Duan Yunsu saw his distressed appearance, so he had no choice but to follow his wishes and unbuttoned the outer clothes with one hand.Just thinking that there was no cold water in the room, he got up and planned to go out.Unexpectedly, Zhao Hechen grabbed her really tightly, as soon as he felt that the cool thing was about to run away, he subconsciously pulled it back.

Duan Yunsu was unsteady and fell on top of him.The woman's fragrance is so familiar, and the cool feeling on his body makes him very comfortable. Zhao Hechen directly stretched out his arms and hugged her, unwilling to let go, and yelled in a daze: "Susu..."

His body was trapped, and the people beneath him were like a furnace. Duan Yunsu felt hot and uncomfortable in no time.She looked at Zhao Hechen's blushing face, and her slightly opened black eyes were full of longing, but the man didn't know what he wanted, so he was so uncomfortable that he gasped for breath for a while, and only knew that he hugged him tightly. Only in the heart will you be satisfied.

Zhao Hechen turned sideways and pressed the person halfway down, buried his head and rubbed against the other person's body. The more he did this, the hotter his body became, but he still felt comfortable.Such contradictory psychology made Zhao Hechen even more anxious. Originally, he just rubbed gently, but now he can't wait to rub someone into his body.

The clothes were pulled by him impatiently, Duan Yunsu looked at the person on his body, his fair face was already red as if it was about to bleed, and there were red threads in his eyes, and he was tossed so that beads of sweat fell on his forehead For her, there was both distress and helplessness in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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