The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 194 The Trip to Xiangguo Temple

Chapter 194 The Trip to Xiangguo Temple (2)
When Eunuch Liu beside the emperor saw it, he hurried forward: "Madam Zhao, hurry up and take a look for the emperor."

Duan Yunsu moved forward according to his words, and the two imperial physicians stepped aside to make room.I saw Emperor Jing lying on the couch, the clothes on his chest were blood-red, with an arrow stuck in his chest, his face was bloodless, and he had passed out in a coma.

If this part of the chest directly penetrates the heart, it may be impossible to recover, Duan Yunsu felt the pulse, turned to the two imperial doctors and said: "The two imperial doctors, who knows the method of trauma? Your Majesty has lost too much blood, it is better to take the arrow earlier to stop the bleeding."

An imperial doctor stood up and said, "I know a thing or two, but the emperor's wound is too dangerous, I don't dare to do it rashly. Besides, after the arrow is pulled out, the bleeding will not stop. If the bleeding cannot be stopped in time, I'm afraid It's also a crisis."

"Isn't there a herb to stop bleeding? You can see some powder to stop bleeding in the past. Why don't you use it?" Duan Yunsu frowned and said, "Since I know that the emperor is critically ill, but I am so hesitant. If my wife doesn't come, I plan to keep going Wasting so much?"

The two imperial doctors wiped off their sweat and said, "The medicine powder used to stop the bleeding is not effective enough, it can't stop at all, and the old man can't help it. This wound is really special, what if..."

"The two imperial doctors can take a closer look. It took a lot of time from the time the palace servants delivered the letter to when I came to Xiangguo Temple. If the heart veins were directly pierced, would the emperor still wait until now?"

If the heart is damaged, people will go into a coma or even enter a state of shock, a large number of brain cells will die due to lack of oxygen, and the heart will stop beating. How can the emperor wait for her to come under such circumstances?I'm afraid the arrow missed, but if it is not treated in time, it will get worse and worse.

"Since you are proficient in the way of trauma, then go ahead and do it. Yunsu also has some hemostatic medicine here, which will definitely protect the emperor's life." Duan Yunsu got up when he heard the words, and was about to take it from Gu Qiu's hand. The medicine box, but I heard Ling Yi said, "Mrs. Zhao is well versed in medicine. I'm afraid you won't be able to pull out the arrow? The equipment is already prepared here, let Mrs. Zhao come."

Duan Yunsu looked sideways at the small thin knife that looked like a scalpel in later generations, his eyes stabbed with pain, and the memories in his mind instantly churned.She pursed the corner of her mouth lightly, and said in a low voice: "This imperial doctor, you think too highly of Yunsu. Yunsu only knows how to play with herbs, but can't cure this trauma. I'm afraid you have found the wrong person."

Seeing that Duan Yunsu's face seemed a little unhappy, Princess An thought she was tired, so she went forward: "The emperor's situation is not good, let's deal with it quickly. What Yunsu wants, I made it clear with the abbot, and I have to hurry up." Just be ready."

Duan Yunsu raised his eyes to look at Emperor Jing who was on the couch, then turned his head and said to the young monk in the room: "Little Master, there are so many monks in this temple, so they must have prepared medicinal materials on weekdays, right? You go and get the drunken flower, and there are others Shengcaowu, Xiangbaizhi, Danggui, and Chuanxiong are four qian each, and Tiannanxing is one qian, and the decoction is taken with the emperor."

"What kind of prescription is this?" The imperial doctor was a little surprised, he had never seen such a combination method, is it also Mrs. Zhao's unique skill?

Duan Yunsu said: "Just call it Mafeisan, and give it to the emperor to drink later. When you draw your sword and arrow, the emperor won't wake up in pain halfway."

The imperial doctor was surprised, there is such a formula?Many patients have been awakened by pain before. If this thing really works, it will be good news for the patients.

I also saw Duan Yunsu fetching a medicine bottle from the medicine box: "This is a hemostatic medicine made from herbs such as Panax notoginseng root, puffball, and puhuang charcoal. It is better than the ones I have seen in the past. I will use it for now stop."

Seeing Duan Yunsu's words and deeds in a calm and orderly manner, Doctor Chen felt certain, maybe the emperor's situation is not as bad as he imagined?Since Duan Yunsu had already refused, he might really not be able to draw the arrow.

Seeing this, the two imperial doctors stopped talking. After the emperor took the Mafeisan, one of them cut the clothes open, and with a thin knife in his hand, he cut open the arrow.

Duan Yunsu seemed to be in a daze, and Princess An stepped forward to support her gently, and said worriedly: "But the smell of blood makes you uncomfortable?"

Duan Yunsu shook his head, stroked his flat stomach lightly, and said with a slight smile: "Mother, don't worry, Yunsu is fine."

The emperor's condition stabilized, Princess An saw that the imperial doctor was carefully waiting on her, thinking that there was nothing wrong with them, so she told Eunuch Liu, and took Duan Yunsu out of the meditation room.

"Yunsu, is the emperor really okay?" Princess An was a little worried. If the emperor was not well, there would be chaos in the court.

"The emperor will recover if he takes care of it carefully, but Yunsu finds it strange, why did the emperor come out of the palace when he was well?"

Princess An received some news, and she only heard her say: "Since the frontier war, the situation seems not to be very good. It has always been the habit of Xi Kingdom to come to Xiangguo Temple to offer incense. Today, the emperor came here for this. I just didn't expect the emperor to be with me." There are so many bodyguards, but they were still captured."

Duan Yunsu recalled the arrow tip he saw just now, and said thoughtfully: "This person could sneak in and hurt the emperor. I don't know if the news about the emperor has been leaked, otherwise, how can there be any news?" Such a coincidence."

"This matter needs to be investigated carefully, and you and I can't guess." Princess An looked at the magnificent palace in front of her and said, "Since you have come to Xiangguo Temple, let's offer a stick of incense and add some sesame oil money." Ask for some blessings for the child in your belly."

The Buddha statue in the hall was sitting upright, surrounded by sandalwood, and the two got closer. Because of the emperor's incident, there was no one else in the hall.Princess An lit a stick of incense, knelt on the futon, clasped her hands together and worshiped three times devoutly.

Duan Yunsu looked at the Three Treasures Buddha with the golden body, thinking about the myriad of mysteries in this world, even this science can't explain why she appeared in this time and space.Duan Yunsu frowned as he looked at the three Buddhas who looked kindly and universally saved, and followed Princess An to light incense.

When Princess An saw her, she said, "Yunsu is pregnant, so don't kneel down, sincerity will help you, and if you don't become a mother, I will beg for you."

Duan Yunsu looked sideways at the princess's gentle face and smiled sweetly. His heart was already full of someone who could treat him sincerely.

After the two stepped out of the hall, Princess An looked at the sky and said, "I think it's better to go back. The emperor has an imperial doctor waiting on him. Your health is important. If the emperor knows about it, he won't blame you."

The loud and thick bells came from the temple, and the distant view of the mountains and forests added a bit of ancient charm to the picture.Just as Duan Yunsu was about to leave, he saw a monk approaching and saluted, "Amitabha, this benefactor, Master Huihe, please."

The footsteps of the two paused, Master Huihe was not often in the temple, and it was difficult for others to ask to see him, but unexpectedly they found Duan Yunsu today.

Thinking of what Master Huihe had said, Princess An was not surprised when she heard the words. Instead, she looked at Qian Momo and Nianqiu, and said, "You are all with the young lady, don't make any mistakes. My princess Let's walk alone in this temple with Juyue, and go back to the mansion directly when you come out."

(End of this chapter)

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