The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 208 Finding the Root

Chapter 208 Finding the Root (4)
Nian Qiu's body paused.

The person seemed to have sensed the sight from this side, and saw her turn her head, her body froze first, then she let out a soft sigh, and continued the movements just now.

Duan Yunsu saw Nian Qiu's reaction, and said, "That person is Qingmei?"

"Young Madam, haven't you seen Qingmei before, how do you know?" Nian Qiu lowered his eyebrows, a little more absent-minded and lonely than before.

"Looking at your reaction, Madam Ben took a guess." Duan Yunsu stepped forward.

I saw that although the beautiful woman was wearing old clothes, she was tidy and tidy.The facial features are exquisite, but the complexion is a bit dull, the slightly dry and frizzy hair is tied with a wooden hairpin, there is no half decoration on the body, and the body is a little thin.

Duan Yunsu looked at those almond eyes, this beautiful woman, she must have been pretty once.

When Qingmei saw Duan Yunsu approaching, she couldn't remember who this person was. She thought that she had been here for so many years, and she had long forgotten what the people outside looked like.Seeing the beauty of the woman in front of me, for a moment I thought it was a new beauty from the harem.But Nian Qiu was released, so she will not serve the concubines in the palace.

"Why did this lady come to the cold palace? This is not an auspicious place, so let's leave quickly."

Listening to her calm tone, Duan Yunsu looked into her desireless eyes, and had a vague understanding of this person's character: "You are Qingmei? Nianqiu always thinks about you."

"I'm just a commoner now, so I'm not a beauty." Qing Mei looked at Nian Qiu behind Duan Yunsu, sighed and said, "Since you have served other masters, how can you still miss me? You should concentrate on serving this lady, why do you have to come back?"

Nian Qiu's tense face collapsed for a moment, his eyes dodged and he didn't speak.

On the contrary, Duan Yunsu said with a smile: "Nianqiu is a kind and righteous person. The emperor sent her here just because he wanted someone to protect Yunsu when she was pregnant, and he didn't say that this person should stay by his side all the time."

Qingmeiren paused, and Duan Yunsu clearly saw the worry in her eyes.She only heard her say: "This madam seems to be a kind person, maybe let Nian Qiu stay with her? What hope can there be in this cold palace? If the madam can find another relative for Nian Qiu, then Xianqing That is very grateful.”

Hearing this, the affection between Qingmei and Nianqiu's master and servant is not shallow, and she is a little puzzled by the indifferent temperament of this person.

Harumi, has it always been like this, or has she developed such a temper in this cold palace?

"Does Qingmei still remember Song Cheng?" Duan Yunsu asked.

Qingmei's body froze, and she smiled after a while, but the smile was a bit far-fetched: "Xianqing has forgotten all about the people and things in the past."

Duan Yunsu suddenly felt a little bored in her heart, she looked at Eunuch Cen who was standing far away, and said softly: "Song Cheng has been waiting for a person, if he knew that the person said he had forgotten everything, how would he feel sad? "

Seeing that the clothes in Qingmei's hand slipped to the ground, she picked it up slightly trembling, and said with a wry smile: "Madam, don't ruin Mr. Song's reputation, how can such a person deserve his attachment."

Duan Yunsu pursed her lips, saying this, she was really impulsive.It's just that seeing such a good man as the second uncle, but such a bumpy road in love, makes her feel very uncomfortable.

"Now he doesn't even have a single person by his side, he only knows how to wait for someone infatuatedly. Tell me, Harumi, how should this infatuation be cured?"

Harumi looked up at the woman in front of her: "I don't know who is Madam?"

Duan Yunsu sighed slightly: "He is my second uncle, Yunsu just happened to pass by today, and he remembered it when he saw you."

"Xianqing is already a married woman, so it's inconvenient to inquire about this foreigner. Ma'am, you can go back and tell that man, don't wait any longer, lest you get the head and leave no regrets."

Everyone understands that after entering the palace, how can there be a chance to get out?

Duan Yunsu felt sorry for the hurt that Qingmei showed. He didn't expect that Qingmei also had feelings for each other. The two fell in love with each other but had no choice but to come to this point.

When Duan Yunsu came out of the cold palace, he was in a low mood. Seeing this, Nian Qiu helped her to walk, seeing her expression, he hesitated to speak.

She has been by Harumi's side all the time, and these things are also clear.Harumi didn't want to enter the palace, but her family forced her to do so.She was favored in the palace, but no one knew her inner pain. Finally, one day, the emperor noticed that Qingmei had other concerns in her heart, and in a fit of anger, she was demoted to the cold palace. Watch the joke.

"Madam Zhao, this is Wenyuan Pavilion." Eunuch Cen said.

Duan Yunsu was thinking about something, but he didn't expect to arrive here so soon.She raised her eyes and saw that the scenery outside Wenyuan Pavilion was not much different from other palaces.Just walked in, but inside was full of bookshelves lined up.

A small eunuch inside was arranging the books, and when he saw Eunuch Cen coming in, he hurried forward to greet him.

"Xiao Lizi, you have to serve this lady carefully. The emperor has already told you that Mrs. Zhao can look through them at will, so don't be negligent."

Xiao Lizi complied naturally.Seeing this, Eunuch Cen went back to serve. Duan Yunsu walked inside a few times, and saw that most of them were some treasured historical books and economics, and he didn't know where the things he wanted were in.

"Little Lizi, is there any book that records the rare and rare herbs of the four countries?"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lizi replied: "They are all hidden on the shelf in the south, but there are not many such books, Madam might as well move over there."

Nian Qiu stood on one side, his eyes following Duan Yunsu closely, for fear of any accident.Watching Duan Yunsu look carefully at the bibliography, she just didn't understand, what is the eldest young lady looking for?

Time passed like this, Duan Yunsu put all the books back, a little disappointed.At first, I thought there might be some clues, but the only one I saw mentioned the rare treasures of Yu Kingdom, but I didn't spend much time on them, but it was not as real as the few books sent by the old woman in the mansion.

I'd better go back and read those few lonely copies carefully.

Duan Yunsu walked out of Wenyuan Pavilion, and saw a eunuch greet him, and said: "Mrs. Zhao, the prince asked the servant to report. Mr. Zhao is now talking with the prince in the Wenhua Palace. If Madam comes out, go directly That Wenhua Palace."

Chenchen went to see the prince?Duan Yunsu recalled that Zhao Hechen had indeed been talking about the prince these days, so maybe he pestered the emperor to agree to go to the prince's east palace today?
"Since this is the case, then I have to trouble my father-in-law to lead Yunsu the way." Duan Yunsu said.

When they arrived at the Wenhua Palace, the eunuch who waited outside the door didn't go inside to report, and invited Duan Yunsu in, thinking that the prince had an explanation before coming here.Duan Yunsu walked in softly, and happened to see the prince quietly handing something to Zhao Hechen, and Zhao Hechen stuffed it into his arms with a grin.

(End of this chapter)

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