The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 214 This Gu is not a Gu, there is no solution

Chapter 214 This Gu is not a Gu, there is no solution (3)
Hearing Zhao Hechen's words, Duan Yunsu talked to Prince An again, and sent someone to Ji Su to inquire about the news. No matter what, it's all good, and I can't give up even a little bit of hope.For Ji Su to have such a book, there must be some opportunities in it.

This Gu is not a Gu and has no solution.

This sentence is always like a stone in her heart, weighing heavily on her heart.

All things generate and restrain each other, just like this time the saha fruit can attract the soul to appear, then there must be another thing that can restrain it.That book seems to have a bit of history, and there is no explanation. It was just what he said when he wrote the book. Duan Yunsu would rather believe that after so many years, there will always be a conclusion that is contrary to it.

Duan Yunsu waited quietly for the letter. She looked at the lonely copy left by the old woman, searched for notes on explaining Gu, and carefully comprehended the essence of acupuncture and moxibustion in it.He even boldly injected a needle on Zhao Hechen once, but he still didn't see Zhao Hechen's reaction at all. Thinking about it, the Gu really hid himself again, silently.

No matter why you came up with the words "non-gu" and "no solution", she will not give up so easily.

Prince An's body is getting better and better, except for the legs that are still unable to stand up, his complexion is getting better.Prince An entered the palace more than once, and stayed in the palace for a long time each time. Duan Yunsu didn't know what the prince did when he entered the palace, but he could always learn about the recent fluctuations in the court from him.

For example, these days, the second prince who was in the limelight annoyed the emperor, so he was criticized for a while, and the prince's party took advantage of the opportunity to play, and they decided to take the opportunity to suppress this person.

When the crown prince Zhao Huanzhen came to Prince An's mansion, Duan Yunsu was talking to the steward of the dowry shop outside, when Nian Qiu who was beside him came in to complain, and he let these people go out.

Zhao Huanzhen came in, looked around for a week and smiled, "Why don't you see Brother Chen?"

"Chenchen is still attending lectures with Mr., and I don't know what he said. He should have come back at this time in the past. But the prince wants to find Chenchen? Now he is still in the Qingyin Pavilion in the west side hall."

Duan Yunsu stood up with his waist supported, and was about to salute, the crown prince hurriedly stopped him, and sat casually aside: "The weather is getting colder now, and the snow in Xiguo has been coming early, brothers and sisters should pay attention to their bodies." Recently I heard that Brother Chen seems to be in poor health, but is it true?"

Duan Yunsu was taken aback, not knowing what he meant.

Seeing this, Zhao Huanzhen smiled and said: "Brother Chen's matter, as a brother, I have to take care of it. I heard that the emperor's uncle sent people and delivered letters to the North Kingdom recently. I can't just sit around and send it off Those BMWs who travel thousands of miles a day must have found the news earlier."

"The prince is concerned. Yunsu sees that the prince has lost a lot of weight. He should pay more attention to his body." Duan Yunsu looked at Zhao Huanzhen. Compared with before, the prince has lost a lot of weight , but the spirit is good, the prince can come out of the palace today, I think he has planned a lot.

Her eyes fell on Zhao Huanzhen, and she couldn't help being a little surprised to see that there was a sachet hanging around his waist.I had noticed it at the beginning, the prince was not very interested in these things, but liked to hang a glass dragon jade pendant on his waist: "The prince's sachet is really exquisite, but which master in the palace has a new technique?"

Zhao Huanzhen lowered his eyes for a moment, stretched out his hand to play with it a few times, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect my younger brother and sister to be sharp-eyed. This sachet is indeed exquisitely made."

Seeing that he avoided answering, Duan Yunsu didn't ask any more questions, but just looked at the stitching method and felt vaguely familiar, but she couldn't directly ask the prince for a closer look, so she just laughed it off.

"Since brother Chen hasn't come back yet, then I should go talk to the emperor's uncle first, so the siblings can get busy first."

Zhao Huanzhen went out the door and walked in the direction of Muqingyuan, Duan Yunsu looked at the figure of the man and said, "Did Gu Qiu see the sachet just now?"

"The servant just heard the young lady talk about it, and when the tea was served, she secretly took a look at it. Seeing the way the needle was narrowed in the end, the servant recognized it at a glance."

Hearing this, Duan Yunsu affirmed the thoughts in his heart: "But it was given by the third sister?"

Gu Qiu nodded, and quietly looked at Duan Yunsu's face.She remembered that the young lady found out that the third young lady was in contact with the prince before, and fortunately she explained it.It's just that today, Miss San still can't control her heart?
Seeing this, Duan Yunsu sighed slightly, the prince seldom leaves the palace, when was this sachet given?It is impossible for the third sister not to know the meaning of the women's gift of men's sachets.Duan Yunrong, in the end still failed to listen to her persuasion?

Besides, in the study room, Prince An was writing and writing, and he found a cinnabar pen to circle around.When Zhao Huanzhen came in, he saw Prince An sealing a letter.He lifted his feet and walked in, looked at the books on the desk, and said, "Uncle Huang, don't get tired, your body is the most important thing, don't just get well and then collapse."

"The prince is here?" Prince An looked at the person in surprise, got up and said, "The prince sit down quickly, do you have something important to say today?"

Zhao Huanzhen smiled: "Can't you come to the emperor's uncle if you have nothing to do? The palace is very boring, today I came out specially for a walk."

"Prince, are you afraid that someone will take the opportunity to talk nonsense inside?" Prince An shook his head with a smile: "The emperor still thinks about the brotherhood with the emperor's uncle, so the emperor's uncle can think of a way to let you out." Come on. It’s just that the road will be long in the future, the prince must open his eyes wide, and don’t want to be bound by others.”

"Thank you for the teaching, but is it true that the emperor intends to marry the Liu family? Prince An's residence will not compromise with those people, right?" Zhao Huanzhen frowned suspiciously.

"This marriage is bound to end. I always feel that there must be some kind of trick hidden in it. I'm afraid that the prince will also provide me with snacks. If I get bitten back, it will be terrible." Prince An teased.

"Of course, I will take care of it. It's just that the frontier has become more and more rigid recently. Father seems to have the idea of ​​sending another general to go there."

"But you've chosen someone?" Prince An frowned, Xiguo's military strength is not weak, logically it should have ended the war between the two sides, but unexpectedly, it dragged on for longer and longer, this is not a good symptom.

"This is unprecedented. My father has to think twice about many things recently. I'm afraid he won't make a decision so quickly."

"I heard that the emperor's body is not comfortable. Although the affairs of the court are important, the prince must not forget his duties as a son of man. You are often in the palace. You should spend more time with the emperor."

Zhao Huanzhen nodded thoughtfully.

It was getting colder, Duan Yunsu stood in front of the window, watched the yellow leaves falling slowly, and tightened his clothes.Gu Qiu came in from the outside, with a few embroiderers beside him, and said: "Miss, these are the embroiderers in the mansion. The princess asked them to come over to measure your size and make a few more winter clothes. Miss's belly is going to be so big." It's getting bigger, so I'm afraid it doesn't fit well."

(End of this chapter)

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