The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 238 A Secret You Should Not Tell Easily

Chapter 238 A Secret You Should Not Tell Easily (1)
That King Cheng nodded, but Zhao Heqi, who was only caring about the concubine Wen, suddenly stood up, with a hint of venom in his eyes: "There is nothing wrong with my Zhao Heqi's yard, if you want to check it, King Cheng, go check the study." And Chaojinyuan."

Zhao Hechen shot over with a cold light, and Prince An's face became even more ugly after hearing this: "Zhao Heqi, you can say these words at will!"

Zhao Heqi sneered: "Prince An never taught me how to speak, and you are just a heartless person, how can you teach me a lesson?"

Heartless?Duan Yunsu felt amused in his heart, Prince An's affection for the concubine is obvious to everyone, must he be attracted to all women to be affectionate and righteous?

Prince An was obviously in a hurry, reached out his hand to the dowry, picked up a glazed vase, and threw it directly on Zhao Heqi: "Don't think that if this king can't stand up, he won't be able to teach you a lesson. Keep the rules of my palace!"

The glass bottle hit Zhao Heqi's arm directly, and it fell to the ground with a "bang" sound and it all shattered.Zhao Heqi clutched his arm that was hit, his eyes were full of disgust: "You think I'm willing to stay in this palace!"

Since he became sensible, he knew that he would not please him. If his mother hadn't been begging for help, he would have endured it until now!Now that he has the ability, he must make these people look good, so he directly obeyed his mother's wishes and planned this Prince An's Mansion!As long as he can accomplish something, he can directly trample these people to the bottom of the mud!
"If you don't want to, get out!" Prince An roared, not caring about the other people around him, and said in a cold voice, "Go and ask your good mother why I treat you like this! There is no name on your genealogy. Wherever you go, who will stop you!"

Duan Yunsu was startled, Zhao Heqi didn't even have a family tree?Although Zhao Heqi is a concubine, male heirs have always been valued, and this concubine must also be recorded in the genealogy.

When Zhao Heqi heard that his heart was on fire, he was furious.He looked at Concubine Wen who was already in a coma, and couldn't ask anything else.

"Prince An, why get angry." Cheng Wang said with a calm face, "Now is not the time to give you the whole family."

The people who searched in the courtyard outside also came back a few: "My lord, Chaojinyuan didn't find anything."

"My lord, the Muqing Court did not find it."

"My lord, Xinlanyuan didn't find it."

Cheng Wang's face darkened bit by bit.

"You see, King Cheng?" Prince An sneered, "I don't know where you heard the news, but you want to deliberately slander my palace?"

Those who searched came back one after another. King Cheng's face was frosty, and he took a deep look at the person in front of him.Just as he was thinking about what to do next, he heard the counselor say: "My lord, I found a secret passage in the mansion, and there are quite a lot of things like armor, spears, bows and arrows hidden in it. Please go and have a look, lord."

A trace of complacency flashed in Cheng Wang's eyes, and he snorted silently as he looked at the people whose faces changed suddenly.

How is this possible!Duan Yunsu looked at Prince An in shock, with doubts in his eyes.

Prince An said in a deep voice, "Follow me and have a look."

Hearing this, is it possible that even Prince An doesn't know about this?That's a real disaster. Could it be that someone else secretly made a move? !

Under the rockery not far from the study room, the weapons found there were placed in the open space. I saw some soldiers went down the secret passage and came out again. I don't know how many weapons were left.

"Prince An, how do you explain this?" Cheng Wang put his hands behind his back and looked down at Prince An who was sitting in a wheelchair.

Prince An pushed the wheelchair back and forth, reached out to pick up a spear, only to see faint rust on it, and the tip of the spear was no longer sharp.The heavy armor is clearly the style of more than 20 years ago!Reminiscing about the past...

Prince An's heart was shocked, and he figured it out all at once.

Those swords today are just a cover to give King Cheng a reason to enter the mansion.It's better if you can find it, but if you can't find it, there are still these things waiting for him!

What a conspiracy, you actually set it up more than 20 years ago!

Seeing Prince An's silent expression, Duan Yunsu stepped forward and was shocked.I don't know how many years these things have been hidden, but someone planned everything back then and deliberately wanted to destroy this Prince An's Mansion? !

Even if there is no Wen Mansion and Liu Mansion today, this plan is still feasible. What happened more than 20 years ago?The grievances and grievances of several families, the strife in the royal family, and countless intrigues.At that time, the prince was still in good health, but he didn't expect to let others take advantage of it!

"Father, what's the matter with the secret passage?" Only then did Prince An mention that there was only the study room, but it had already been sealed.Could it be that there are still people digging tunnels in the palace without being discovered by others?What a joke, Prince An is not so incompetent.

Prince An did not answer Duan Yunsu's words, but instead focused on King Cheng, and said coldly: "King Cheng's subordinates are very capable." This situation really caught his palace by surprise.Today, he knew that something was going to happen but he still followed these people's ideas. He wanted to see what kind of tricks these people were trying to play, but he didn't expect that such a big conspiracy would be drawn out directly!
"Could it be that Prince An is still thinking about this sophistry? Just look at the secret road and you will know that it has been built for so many years. What are the weapons in stock, but what do you plan to use?" King Cheng narrowed his eyes and waved: "Come on, general Prince An All the people in the house are waiting to be detained in the sky prison, waiting for the emperor to make a decision!"

"Wait a minute." Duan Yunsu looked at King Cheng without fear: "The Prince's Mansion is no different. Even if you are imprisoned in the sky prison, you must have the emperor's will. Is this King Cheng trying to overstep his authority?"

Cheng Wang Shen looked at the woman in front of him, reached out his hand to take out his sleeve, and threw the imperial decree on Prince An: "I'll let you take a good look at it. Before coming, the emperor has explained that if there is something wrong, he will be imprisoned directly. How could the king do such a thing without any proof!"

All of this is so logical, and the preparations are so thorough?Duan Yunsu glanced at the words on the imperial decree, and said coldly: "King Cheng can see clearly, there is only the word "detention" written on it, where is it not closed, why is it the sky prison you mentioned? Cheng Wang Mo is trying to figure out the holy will indiscriminately."

When King Cheng heard this, his eyes turned hard. The old emperor had no choice but to make a sound. It turned out that he was playing word games with him!
Sometimes things come too suddenly and you don't have time to react at all.Unsurprisingly, this time the palace was plotted against. Prince An said that the incident probably dates back to 24 years ago.

But looking into the events of those years carefully, Prince An is unwilling to go into details, it seems that there is still some secret that cannot be easily revealed.

Prince An mentioned that he was transferred to Jingzhou back then, and when he came back half a year later, everything seemed to have undergone some unknown changes secretly.But the emperor is still diligent in government and loves the people, and all the officials make pilgrimages to speak, and it is normal in the capital, so Prince An rested his mind.Until I was injured in my leg, got a Gu, and was bedridden for more than ten years, I feel powerless when I think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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