Chapter 246 Trivia (1)
"It's only been eight months, and we still have to wait for some time." Princess An felt a little uncomfortable when she saw the man coming in like that.But remembering that this village is like this, I can't be too independent, so I slowly accepted it.

"Aunt Jiang's needlework is really good." Holding the half-embroidered bellyband, Li couldn't help but praise: "The little baby is about to be born, and we as relatives want to pray for him Aunt Jiang must have suffered a lot when she came to Xiahe Village. It is better to make a hundred clothes for the child, so that she can live a long life and be strong. These are some small steps I brought, and I can do it after asking for some more gone."

Seeing that Princess An was a little moved, Li said with a smile: "Aunt Jiang just came here, and I don't see many people here, but it's strange, why don't I go with you."

Then Mrs. Li packed up the needle and thread for her after she finished speaking. It was the first time Princess An met someone who gave her orders like this.

"Mother, you can go together. Dad and I will watch in the room." Duan Yunsu walked out from the inside with his waist supported at this time, and the coarse clothes on his body couldn't stop the bright smile.

"Hey, this is your daughter-in-law? She is so beautiful, she can't even compare with the most beautiful plum blossom in the village." Mrs. Li looked at the little woman in front of her in amazement, and secretly clicked her tongue. Where did she grow it? The girl is really juicy.She set her sights on Duan Yunsu's stomach again, and the crow's feet at the corners of her eyes smiled: "Aunt Jiang is so lucky, look at this sharp belly, she must be someone with handles."

Princess An smiled when she saw it: "It doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman, as long as you are healthy and healthy."

Mrs. Li chuckled, picked up the half-worn bamboo basket beside her, and pulled Princess An out together.

Anyone in the village who doesn't want to have a boy for the first time can be regarded as passing the incense.In addition, she had heard that Aunt Jiang's son hadn't woken up yet. If he continued like this for the rest of his life and didn't conceive a boy, the incense would be cut off.

Seeing the figures of the two leaving, Duan Yunsu sighed with emotion.The concubine has been a dignified person since she was a child, and now she has to learn how to deal with the women in the village, and I don't know if she can handle it.

Princess An went out for a whole day and came back in the evening.When he came back, he couldn't hide the smile on his face, and looked at Duan Yunsu in a daze.

She put down the broom in her hand, put the dustpan in the corner of the yard, and asked doubtfully, "Why is mother so happy?"

"The old mother and son of Aunt Lin's family in front of the village laid eggs. Aunt Lin said that when the chicks hatched, she would send two of them to our family. It will be easy for Yunsu to want to eat eggs." Princess An put down the basket, Carefully picking out the rags that one family begged for, thinking about how to sew a nice little dress.

Duan Yunsu's eyes turned hot when he heard this, Princess An has always been in a high position, she should have been arrogant, but she didn't expect to be so satisfied with two eggs now, in fact, it's hard to feel like this, isn't it?

Princess An fixed her eyes and saw that Duan Yunsu's eyes were slightly red, she was anxious: "Why is Yunsu uncomfortable? But the little guy is torturing you again?"

"No, it's just that I suddenly feel that my mother is really kind." Duan Yunsu said sweetly with his arms around Princess An's arm.

Seeing this, Princess An breathed a sigh of relief, poked her forehead, and scolded with a smile: "I'm going to be a mother, and I still love to act like a baby."

Duan Yunsu smiled, picked up the Baijia cloth, and looked through it carefully. He saw that there were some clean corners of the cloth, which seemed to be the leftover corners of the villagers' tailors: "This cloth should be processed first before sewing." , there are too many people passing by, so we should pay more attention.”

The child's skin is delicate, so it is still necessary to wear some soft and breathable clothes: "I will find Chenchen's old clothes and remake one."

If you don't wake up again, I will change all your clothes and let you sleep naked!Duan Yunsu walked directly into the tile house with a hand on his waist.

Princess An looked at the figure of Duan Yunsu who couldn't stop for a moment, and sighed almost imperceptibly, and the smile on her face gradually faded.

When I went out today, I also heard some gossip, and some even whispered that Yunsu married into his family because he wronged the girl.Some people who have met Yunsu said that with such a temperament, even with a child, someone would be willing to ask him to go, why stay in this desolate home without even a man to rely on.

The news suddenly spread in Xiahe Village, and the villagers all exploded, a little unbelievable in their surprise.Unexpectedly, the crippled head of Jiang's family in the village is actually a gentleman who can read and write, and now he wants to teach their children in the village.

"But really? Then why didn't you say it before, but now you are talking about being a husband?" A tall and thin woman who was busy in the field wiped the mud off her hands directly on her body, and reached out to pick up the big mouth on the ridge. Teapot, pour a porcelain bowl in three or two sips and drink it clean.

The little woman talking on the opposite side looked at the sun, wiped off her sweat, and said, "Of course it's true. Didn't Aunt Jiang ask for cloth to make hundreds of clothes yesterday, and she told several families about it."

"That gentleman looks gentle, but he looks different from us. I think his little lady is about to give birth, and he is thinking of getting some bundles repaired for her to confine her to confinement?" The old woman also came over.

This argument is plausible, but this Xiu... those people are in a dilemma: "If we have money, we have already sent the child to the town, just like the village chief's house, how can we wait until this time."

"I saw Aunt Lin passing by with eggs and vegetables. You said it was for his family's leftovers? Why don't we try it too, because the vegetables in the field can't be eaten up. That little lady doesn't charge much for her medical treatment. , should be a kind-hearted family?"

Hearing what the woman said, those around felt that this was the truth, and dispersed one after another.There is some copper money in the family, and it is not a loss to take it out for the sake of the child today.There are more hens in the yard and they eat more, so it is better to catch one and look more sincere.

The small courtyard at the end of the village became lively. Gu Qiu, who had returned from picking herbs, watched people coming and going in and out of the courtyard from afar, wondering what happened today.It was only after I went to have a look that I realized that these were all for admission.

The population of the village is not too large, and the family members of the girls will not send them here, and there are not many boys who are old enough to go to school. That ten or so.In today's situation, I am afraid that the people in this village are used to idleness in their daily life, so they came to join in the fun when they saw Mr. You today.Hearing that this bunch of repairs was less than the ones in the town, some people were curious to see how it was so small, and wondered whether they should send a letter to relatives in the neighboring village.

"Sir, my Gousheng is just eight years old this year. Although he is skinny, he is clever. This is the copper coin that my family collected..." Aunt Lin clumsily took out a small cloth bag, presumably there were copper coins in it. .Her hands trembled a little, she put something on the basket of eggs she brought with her, and handed it directly to her, her words were no longer as clever as before: "Sir, don't dislike me, I... my dog ​​leftover... "

(End of this chapter)

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