The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 256 The Joy of Long Zhang

Chapter 256 The Joy of Long Zhang (3)
Mrs. Wang doesn't mind seeing others anymore, and she doesn't want to get involved.At this time, Aunt Lin and Aunt Liu's family also came out, closed the door to prevent the wind from blowing in, and said with a smile: "Aunt Jiang, it's better now, and you don't have to worry about it in the future."

Princess An's smile couldn't stop, she summoned Gu Qiu and said: "Gu Qiu hurried to my room to get the money, I don't have anything at home, this money is a little less, I hope you don't want it Strange."

"What's the matter?" Aunt Liu waved her hands indifferently, and smiled brightly: "The neighbors in the neighborhood can help, of course, you can send two red eggs."

Inside the room, the woman on the bed closed her eyes, her breathing was shallow, she was already extremely sleepy and fell asleep.Zhao Hechen walked over quietly, sat down beside her bed, looked at her sweaty hair sticking to her face, stretched out her hand and brushed it twice, and put her fingers on the lips with tooth marks in distress , caressed lightly.

Zhao Hechen looked down at the person on the bed with gentle eyes, narrowed his thin lips slightly, and stroked her face with his big hands.

Duan Yunsu was so tired that he didn't notice the person in front of him at all.Then the door opened again, and was quickly closed.Seeing that Gu Qiu was coming in with a bowl of chicken soup carefully, seeing the person next to the bed, he was taken aback for a moment, then came to his senses, brought the chicken soup over, and said, "Miss is asleep?"

I didn't even have time to drink the soup, it seemed that I was exhausted.

Zhao Hechen gave a soft "hmm", looked at the bowl of chicken soup, and then looked away.

Gu Qiu resignedly packed up his things again, and said: "Young master, when you see Miss wakes up, call me. I'll go and warm up this chicken soup first, and you can drink it anytime when Miss wakes up."

The sound of the door being gently closed came from next to his ears, Zhao Hechen held Duan Yunsu's little hand with both hands, put it on his lips and kissed it lightly, and remained silent.

When Yunsu gave birth to the child, the sky was already full of sunset clouds. Duan Yunsu fell asleep as soon as he fell asleep, and when he opened his eyes after a long time, he saw that the room was dark, and the doors and windows were closed and he couldn't see the outside.She moved slightly, but found that her hand was being grabbed by something, and she struggled to get it out, but a black figure in front of her suddenly moved.

Duan Yunsu was startled, and the black shadow leaned forward in surprise: "Susu, Susu is awake?"

Zhao Hechen? !

I saw that shadow just now walked around a few times, fumbled and lit the candles in the house.Duan Yunsu widened his eyes and looked at the familiar face of the person in front of him, his heart was beating "plop plop".

The man came over and sat on the edge of the bed. Duan Yunsu half propped himself up, and stretched out his hand to pinch his face.

"Hiss—Susu hurts." Zhao Hechen complained with his misty peach blossom eyes.

Duan Yunsu felt the temperature in his hands, and seeing that person's face turned red all of a sudden, his heart suddenly felt sour, feeling that all the grievances of these days had flooded into his heart, with a "woo", tears filled his eyes and he began to cry up.

"Ai ai ai ai, Su Su don't cry." Zhao Hechen was taken aback, and he reached out his hand to wipe her tears clumsily, panicked in his heart, his eyes were full of tension, and there was still the confusion just now.

Gu Qiu outside had been paying attention to the movement here, and when he saw the light in the room, he came in with something, but he was shocked when he saw it.

Why is the lady crying? The princess said that people who have given birth can't cry!
"What's the matter, miss?" Gu Qiu put the things on the table, and walked over nervously, seeing his uncle coaxing at a loss, he said: "Miss just gave birth, don't cry, be careful of hurting your body. "

Zhao Hechen became even more anxious when he heard this: "My lady, but I'm not good? Don't cry, be careful."

After a long series of words came out, Gu Qiu looked at Zhao Hechen strangely, seeing that his eyes were full of anxiety, and he didn't know what to say for a while, thinking about my uncle's words and expressions today, he always felt that something was wrong.

Duan Yunsu also knew that this was not good, so he suppressed his crying in embarrassment, and laughed "puchi" when he saw Zhao Hechen's disheveled clothes and about to go crazy.

Zhao Hechen finally felt relieved after hearing this, and Gu Qiu brought something to him as soon as he saw it: "Miss, drink the soup first, and eat something later."

As soon as he smelled the fragrance, Duan Yunsu felt hungry. He reached out to take it and drank it in small sips, and then heard Gu Qiu complain: "Miss, tell me, uncle, you haven't eaten all day. When I wake up, I will stay by Miss's side, even if I persuade you, I can't persuade you to leave."

Holding the bowl in his hand, Duan Yunsu patted Zhao Hechen's thin face, and said with some distress: "Chenchen has been lying down, and hasn't eaten seriously for many days. Is there still porridge in the kitchen? Qiu brought it to Chenchen."

She didn't know how Zhao Hechen's body was carried down, but she was already very happy that this man could stand in front of her properly.Now the child was born safely, and Zhao Hechen woke up, which is really gratifying.

A baby's cry came from outside the house, Duan Yunsu's heart tightened, and he raised his head to look in the direction of the cry.Princess An brought the child in and gently patted and coaxed her: "It's just right that Yun woke up, the child must be hungry."

Duan Yunsu hurriedly took the child over, and was about to undress to feed the baby. Looking at Zhao Hechen in front of him, his pretty face blushed. Seeing that he was watching curiously with open eyes, he turned his back directly.

"Tomorrow, I'll go to the old man Chen who catches fish in the village. If there are crucian carp, we can make some milk-promoting soup." Princess An looked at Duan Yunsu's thinner body than before, and sighed slightly. One sound.

Originally, when the child was born, he should have hired a nanny to nurse him, but in the current situation, everything has to work hard for Yunsu.She could only try to make up for Yunsu, as well as Chen'er, who was very weak when she just woke up, and the days suddenly became tense again.

Duan Yunsu lifted half of his clothes, and as soon as the child approached, he began to suck the milk by himself, but this time the milk was not easy to suck out.The baby seemed to be stubborn, closing his eyes and sucking desperately.Duan Yunsu has really experienced what it means to "eat milk".

"Miss, have you thought about the name of the child?" Gu Qiu said.

Princess An smiled: "Master is thinking about breaking his head now. He always felt bad thinking about it before, but now he doesn't even sleep. Yunsu might as well give the child a nickname first, so it's convenient to call him."

Zhao Hechen's eyes lit up, and he secretly stretched his head to take a look, only to see the baby was feeding comfortably: "Xiaobao, Chen'er Susu's little baby."

"Xiaobao?" Duan Yunsu turned around slightly, his eyes fell on the child lovingly, and he smiled softly: "Chen'er likes it, so let's call it Xiaobao. Xiaobao, if you have any opinions on this name in the future, just directly Go to daddy, you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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