The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 270 Full Moon Wine

Chapter 270 Full Moon Wine (3)
After speaking, he directly reached out his hand, seeing the situation, he wanted to grab it directly.

Duan Yunsu snorted coldly, hugged Xiaobao to hide, and got out of bed directly.Seeing that there was no one in the room, and the little boy had disappeared, the plum blossom became more courageous.She walked over, and for some reason, she stared at the baby in Duan Yunsu's arms and stretched out her hand to snatch it away.

Duan Yunsu was furious, he didn't expect that no matter where he was, there would always be some people who didn't know how to live or die.She stretched out her foot and kicked the chair beside her, hitting Mei Hua's calf directly, the sharp corner of the chair just hit her, and Mei Hua let out an "ah" in pain.Duan Yunsu grabbed a teacup casually, and threw it at her Huantiao acupoint, Mei Hua felt her lower limbs go numb, and knelt down with a "plop".

"You want to play tricks in front of me? Don't forget what I did. Even if I cripple you, no one would be able to find out what's wrong!" Duan Yunsu looked down at the man on the ground. In his own house, it is not impossible for him to kill and maim her.Dare to hit Xiao Baoshen with his idea?I'm so tired of living!
"My lady, you don't need to dirty your hands." The door was opened, Zhao Hechen walked in with a sullen face, and Shuisheng followed him quietly.

Seeing the person on the ground, Zhao Hechen ignored her struggle, grabbed the person by the collar and mercilessly threw it out the door, and closed the door again with a "bang".

I didn't expect this person to dare to make a fuss. Today is a good day for Xiaobao, so I will let you be happy for another day, until tomorrow... Zhao Hechen's eyes flashed a cold light.

Seeing Zhao Hechen's actions, Shui Sheng opened his eyes wide in admiration, and looked at Zhao Hechen with admiration.Zhao Hechen patted his head, looked at his right hand that had lifted the woman's clothes, frowned, walked directly into the basin, and wiped his hands clean vigorously.

"What's going on with this plum blossom!" Duan Yunsu said angrily.

"My lady, don't be unhappy. Chen'er won't let her off if she bullies her and Xiaobao!" Zhao Hechen looked at Xiaobao, whose nose was red from crying, and hugged him distressedly, humming an unknown song. Xiao Qu'er was relieved to see Xiaobao calm down.

Seeing Shuisheng's envious eyes, Duan Yunsu beckoned him over, straightened his loose hair, and said, "Shuisheng is such a good boy, and he knows how to protect his brother."

Feeling the warmth of that hand, Shui Sheng was stunned for a while, smiled shyly and lowered his head.

The banquet outside was about to be scattered, when the people in the courtyard saw the plum blossoms being thrown out suddenly, all of them opened their eyes wide, completely unaware of what happened.In fact, some people had already seen the plum blossom go in, and thought they were going to visit Miss Su, but they didn't stop her. Now her embarrassed appearance surprised everyone present.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, no matter how thick-skinned people are, they can't bear it.Mei Hua blushed and left the Jiang family's yard in despair, but her heart was dark and cruel.The face I lost must be to make those two look good!

After the banquet, Princess An found a skilled person to cut Xiaobao's fetal hair, wrapped the cut hair with red cloth, and then sewed it into Xiaobao's jacket. It is said that this will help the child grow up healthily and smoothly Big.

For the guests who came to drink, Gu Qiu sent four boiled and dyed red eggs for everyone to take back. It was considered a favor, and the rules of the full moon wine were fully fulfilled.

The Jiang family was full of excitement. At first, everyone thought that the village would be quiet for a while. After all, this happy event is not seen every day, and gossip is not every day.

But everyone never expected that in just two days, such shocking news came out of the village, and Xiahe Village was blown up all of a sudden!
Plum Blossom from the village actually hooked up with Shi Manzi from the neighboring village. I heard that the two were having an affair in the woods in the village one night!It happened that the son-in-law and daughter who lived in the village came back from their natal home and took a shortcut when they saw it was dark. When they heard the happy voices of men and women, they went over to have a look and caught them!

Originally, she thought Meihua was such a good girl, but she didn't expect to do such a shameless thing.The big girl with yellow flowers actually got fucked with a man!I heard from the woman there that the plum blossom didn't mean to be wronged at all. The two of them were doing that. I don't know how happy they are, and I don't know how many times they have been together.The people in the village were surprised, and the person who wanted to marry him said it was unlucky.

How could such an unchaste and unclean person be kept, the villagers were all angry.Meihua did such a thing, but directly ruined a village girl's reputation outside.If when talking about the girl in Xiahe Village, others would directly say that she is a dissolute, so what can I do!Some people said that this person should be driven out of the village, and some people said that the plum blossom would be soaked in a pig cage.

There were rumors in the village, and the plum blossom was imprisoned and knelt in the ancestral hall, utterly ashamed.I can't even figure out what's going on!Hearing what the villagers said, his face suddenly turned ashen.She knows what kind of temperament her mother is, she is as timid as a mouse, she will definitely not come out to speak for her, her father has long passed away, and there is not even a single person to help her!Mei Hua only felt that the road ahead was dark.

On the other hand, Fu Yang, who lived in the back mountain, passed by, glanced at the plum blossom indifferently, and said, "Shi Laizi said that he wants to marry her back, village chief, what do you think?"

Shi Manzi, the unlearned and incompetent sneaky person in the neighboring village, is even more of a womanizer and wretched, if you marry such a person, you might as well just die!
Plum Blossom gritted her teeth, and bumped her head against the stone pillar, the blood flowed out directly, some people couldn't help turning their heads away watching it.

It's just that I don't know if the plum blossom is plagued by bad luck, but after this collision, there is still a sigh of relief. I don't know when Shi Manzi came over, and I don't know what he said to the village chief, so he took him away.

Seeing this, the villagers also dispersed one after another, feeling a little regretful in their hearts, when did the girl who was good at first become like this.Hurry up and go home to preach to your daughter, don't imitate this man!

When Gu Qiu told Yunsu about this as a joke, Duan Yunsu's first reaction was to look at Zhao Hechen, but he saw that he was just fiddling with the bent wood in his hand without paying attention at all.

When Gu Qiu went out, Duan Yunsu looked at Zhao Hechen motionlessly with his head propped up.The scorching eyes kept falling on him, Zhao Hechen finally couldn't calm down, and said uncomfortably: "Why are you looking at Chen'er like this, lady?"

"What is Chenchen holding?" Duan Yunsu was not in a hurry.

"Yew, Chen'er intends to make a bow and follow Brother Fu to hunt in the mountains. Chen'er also dug a hole in the mountain, grabbing wild game to nourish his wife."

"Chenchen is really getting more and more capable. Susu doesn't know anything, so I feel really sorry." Duan Yunsu said.

Zhao Hechen squinted at her and smiled: "My lady doesn't need to do anything, Chen'er takes care of my lady."

(End of this chapter)

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