The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 272 The Beauty Trap

Chapter 272 The Beauty Trap (1)
"Chenchen, don't be too tired. What would Chen'er want to eat, Susu will make it for you tonight." The confinement is also done, and of course I have to go out to work, besides, cooking food for the one I love, that feels amazing abnormal.

"Chen'er wants to eat Susu's spicy cabbage."

kimchi?Duan Yunsu looked up at the fierce sun, the weather is so spicy, can you bear it?Besides, the wound on his arm is still not healed.

Duan Yunsu was about to ask him to change it, but saw him thinking to himself: "Didn't Susu say that spicy cabbage needs to be marinated for several days? Chen'er will be fine by then..."

Yo, do you know the reason she originally wanted to refuse?Duan Yunsu smiled, it's not that difficult, just do as little as possible.

Duan Yunsu squatted beside him, watching him busy, helping him from time to time.She looked at Zhao Hechen's serious expression, the sweat that fell into the slightly open skirt, the firm muscles on his arms, and the wheat-colored skin. Duan Yunsu's face turned red.

Zhao Hechen seemed to feel her gaze, and raised his head to smile at her. The handsome smile made Duan Yunsu's heart thump, and it was actually sweet like a girl in Huaichun.

The knock on the door from outside the courtyard startled her, and Duan Yunsu gave Zhao Hechen a guilty look.Then I remembered that this was my husband, what's there to be embarrassed about?She despised herself fiercely, turned around and went out to open the door.

It was Fu Yang who knocked on the door. Seeing that it was Duan Yunsu who came to open the door, he was stunned for a moment and then looked at the courtyard. Seeing Zhao Hechen busy inside, he heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Miss Su, are your parents here?" ?”

"Brother Fu is looking for my father? He's inside."

Fu Yang seemed a little embarrassed. He rubbed his hands and said, "I'm looking for you. I'm here today to propose a marriage, but I can't invite a matchmaker, so..."

Propose marriage?Duan Yunsu was astonished, Gu Qiu was the only girl in their family, so Fu Yang wanted to ask Gu Qiu to go?It's just that there was no sign of it before!

"You come in first, I'll let parents out."

When Fu Yang came in, Duan Yunsu closed the courtyard door and walked in.I wonder if Gu Qiu knows about this?Gu Qiu often went to the back mountain to collect herbs, could it be that the two of them fell in love at that time?
Gu Qiu kept saying that she would follow her, but she didn't want her to live alone for the rest of her life.Although Fu Yang is a bit poor, he still has a good temper. It would be a good thing if this matter can be accomplished.

Fu Yang looked at Duan Yunsu's back anxiously, he really didn't understand the Jiang family.Logically speaking, it's just that Gu Qiu is Miss Su's older sister, not Zhao Hechen's older sister. Why do these two families live together, and now even the marriage is decided by the husband?It's really strange.

Looking at Zhao Hechen who was planing the wood in silence, Fu Yang became a little anxious. Obviously he told himself that the husband who came up to ask for marriage at this time would definitely agree, but he refused to tell himself why.If this gentleman refuses to agree to the marriage, what should he say when he sees Gu Qiu in the future?Now that he came over, this person was only focused on planing wood, and he didn't know if he would speak for him later.

Prince An and Princess An came out after a while, glanced at Fu Yang, and greeted Fu Yang directly to the house.Duan Yunsu sat beside Xiaobao with his arms in his arms, and wanted to hear what Fu Yang had to say.

"You said you want to propose marriage, and you want to ask my family, Gu Qiu, to go back?" Prince An asked directly without making any detours.

Fu Yang hurriedly returned the gift, and stretched out his hand to send the things he brought over.I saw that the fur in the coarse cloth bag was tanned.There was a yellow and black fur inside, and it was only when I took it out that I saw it clearly. It turned out to be a tiger skin!
The price of this tiger skin is quite a lot, unexpectedly Fu Yang used it directly as a betrothal gift.If you sell this thing, you won't have to live in that dilapidated thatched hut anymore?

"There are tigers on this mountain?" Prince An looked at this thing, thinking that Zhao Hechen went up the mountain every day, and couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"This is not hunting in the back of the village. I stayed elsewhere before I came to Xiahe Village." Fu Yang explained.

Only then did Prince An feel relieved, he looked at the betrothal gift, apart from a few high-quality furs and a few ingots of silver, there were not so many miscellaneous things as ordinary people: "Does Gu Qiu know about this? "

Fu Yang felt a little embarrassed: "I didn't dare to mention this to her, for fear that she would not like it. There are only so many valuable things in the house, sir, look..."

"I think it's better to let Gu Qiu come over. Let's not be so jealous. If the two of you are willing, it will be a good thing." Princess An interjected.

Fu Yang didn't expect it to be so simple. His family is poor, and what he brought today can be regarded as all his belongings. If the two elders look down on him, there is really nothing he can do.

It's just how could Fu Yang know that Prince An and Princess An had already discussed it when they heard the news.Thinking of the news that Zhao Hechen brought back from the town, Gu Qiu looked outstanding in this village. Although he was a bit older, if the people who picked him had any crooked ideas in their hearts, they might really hit Gu Qiu. Qiu body.Fu Yang is also a good person. If he is right, he will feel more at ease after marrying him.

Duan Yunsu went out and called directly to the kitchen, Gu Qiu came out when he heard the sound, wiped his hands clean, and said, "Miss looking for me?"

"Fu Yang came to propose marriage, let you go and have a look."

Gu Qiu blushed when he heard the words, the figure of the man walking in the mountains with a bow and arrow flashed in his mind, he hesitated and said: "Gu Qiu said that he would always follow the lady, but the lady refused for me."

Duan Yunsu knew that she would say this, and persuaded: "This time is different from the past, if you still say this after going in and listening, then I will follow you."

Gu Qiu looked at his young lady puzzledly, wondering why she would say that.The two walked in, and they heard Prince An say: "If Gu Qiu agrees, you two will get married directly, and those cumbersome rules are for people to see. There has been news from the town that the new emperor is going to be drafted." , this wedding should be sooner rather than later."

Draft?Gu Qiu paused when he came in, thinking of the cold place like a cage, he felt a little chill in his heart.Is this what the lady meant?But she has already come to the age of election, so it should have nothing to do with her?

Prince An had already shared the news with Duan Yunsu before, and Duan Yunsu made up his mind after seeing Gu Qiu's changed expression.Gu Qiu has been with him all the time, how can he be willing to let her encounter any accidents again: "You and I have seen too much about the darkness of the officialdom. Let me tell you first, do you reject Brother Fu in your heart?"

Fu Yang was already very worried after hearing Prince An's words, but when he heard Duan Yunsu's question, he immediately looked at Gu Qiu nervously.

Seeing that Gu Qiu blushed at Duan Yunsu's straightforward question, he glanced at Fu Yang in embarrassment, lowered his head and shook his head gently.

(End of this chapter)

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