Chapter 293 Departure (3)
Is it my carelessness or your intentions, Ji Su asked the sky speechlessly, when did he provoke these two people, and why did he mess with him like this.

Ji Su in "Heavy Pain" didn't see the corner of Duan Yunsu's raised lips. In fact, it was just a commonly used meatball for clearing away heat and detoxifying. Zhao Hechen couldn't help but echoed what he said. Believe it.

There is only one conclusion, Ji Su's thinking and combat effectiveness are declining rapidly when he is sick, so he should be taken care of carefully.

The weather was getting colder day by day, Duan Yun looked up at the empty farmland in the village, felt the chill in the air, closed the courtyard door and went back to the courtyard.

The three chickens had grown up and been slaughtered long ago, and even the two ridges of vegetable fields had never been sown again. Soon there would be news from the prince, and the family would have to leave by then.

Duan Yunsu looked at the three low tile-roofed houses, and suddenly felt a little reluctant. The life here is very quiet, and the family is happy and harmonious. Xiaobao has grown up here little by little, no matter how you say it, he is somewhat nostalgic .

When the cold wind picked up, Duan Yunsu was a little worried.Zhao Hechen made a new set of silver needles for her, and is currently wiping them carefully.This set is somewhat different from acupuncture, the length is the same, and the needles are extremely thin.He put the things neatly, handed them to Duan Yunsu, and said, "Young lady, you must always carry it with you. If you encounter something that doesn't please you, just take action. If something goes wrong, I will take care of it."

Duan Yunsu took it, feeling touched but unable to laugh.She looked at Xiaobao who was asleep, and asked softly: "When Xiaobao is weaned, it will be winter, and the days are quite different from the previous forecast. Is it really okay?"

"It's okay, it's good to spend more time preparing. It's just this year's New Year's Eve, and I don't know if the family will be able to reunite." The two sides deal with things separately, and the time has diverged. If they want to rush back, it may be too late.

"Chenchen is here, it's the same wherever the festival is. I just feel sorry for Xiaobao who might get used to it."

Zhao Hechen's heart warmed up when he heard the words, where there is you, there is home, why is he not like this.He held up Duan Yunsu's small face and kissed her deeply, and let her go only after hearing the slightly panting voice, with a hoarse and low voice: "After the matter is settled, our family can stay together forever, little girl." Although Bao is small, he is not noisy, we will go early and return early, and the family will be reunited."

Duan Yunsu can only nod his head, the comfortable life will make people lose their guard and make progress, and they will always go back to that place.

"It's almost the end of the day, isn't it? If you don't leave, the river might freeze over." Duan Yunsu's worries were not superfluous. It snows every year in Xiguo, and the river is frozen and difficult to pass through.Of course, there are also merchant ships that smash the ice, but the time-consuming and expensive journey is extremely inconvenient.

Zhao Hechen pondered for a while, and he didn't know what he thought of. He carried Duan Yunsu to the bed and covered her with a quilt: "Miss, rest first, I'll be back soon."

After Zhao Hechen finished speaking, he turned around and went out the door. Duan Yunsu lifted the quilt and sat up, thought for a while and then got out of bed, walked to the simple desk to write and draw, frowning slightly, very focused.

It was night, Zhao Hechen was walking out of the door, and when he turned around, he saw a black shadow falling in front of Ji Su's door, his body flashed past the window on one side, and soon he saw a person walking out of the room. It's Ji Su.

The two talked face to face for a long time, Zhao Hechen came out from the shadows, Ji Su was slightly startled when he saw it, and then smiled coquettishly: "Xiao Chen'er also has a hobby of voyeurism?"

"You don't want people to look at you, but you still stand here aboveboard?" Zhao Hechen looked at the person next to Ji Su, who watched Zhao Hechen vigilantly, always on guard.

Zhao Hechen saw the man's attire, he was dressed in black, and the sleeves were red plums blooming as coquettishly as blood.His eyes darkened slightly, he already knew that this person was going out.

Ji Su, it really wasn't easy, even if she came to this small village, she just lived leisurely on the surface.This person's attire is exactly that of a dark pavilion called the Red Chamber, rumor has it that the people inside are good at plundering information from everywhere, and their martial arts are even more outstanding.Thinking of the time when the Red Mansion was built, and looking at Ji Su who came out today, Zhao Hechen's eyes flashed darkly, and he said with a smile: "Young Master Ji is very capable."

"Mr. Zhao is also smart." Ji Su waved the man in black to back down, and asked without further ado, "Mr. Zhao, would you like to make a deal with me?"

Zhao Hechen raised his eyebrows, motioning for him to continue talking.

"I will use my power to help you get what you want, and when your wish is fulfilled, come back and help me?" Ji Su saw Zhao Hechen's deep and quiet eyes in the dark night, and continued with a coquettish smile: "This Mr. Zhao of the Red Chamber looks How about it? If you agree, I will give you the Red Mansion, and I will never mention anything about the Red Mansion, let alone participate in it."

Zhao Hechen smiled, "Master Ji is really generous."

"It also depends on who it is for?" Ji Su took out a black jade from her bosom, "A little sincerity, Mr. Zhao, is he willing to accept it?"

The red building has been built for more than seven years, and this black jade is a token of it.When he returned to the Northern Kingdom and got the position, the Red Mansion would be nothing; besides, keeping such a secret pavilion in another country would easily attract other ideas, and if he handed it over today, there would be no loss.

The two stood facing each other in the dark night, Zhao Hechen looked at the black jade and thought for a while, then reached out to take it: "Mr.

"According to Mr. Zhao's auspicious words, I will send a message to you tomorrow. As for whether the people in that building believe you, it depends on your ability." Big, if Zhao Hechen can't control it, then the red building will be taken for nothing.

The cold wind is bleak, the dead leaves in the forest have already fallen, and the bare branches add a sense of loneliness and depression.

Several guests came to the room that day, Zhao Hechen said, they were veteran soldiers from General Huo's camp, and they came to escort Prince An and his party today.Upon hearing this, Duan Yunsu turned around and went back to pack his things silently.

Finally, we have to leave.

The family at the end of the village came suddenly and left suddenly.

Aunt Lin passed by the end of the village and couldn't help sighing, remembering that it wasn't even a year ago, and this person had already left again.

"Aunt Lin, are you reluctant to part with it?" A woman in blue was carrying a half-worn basket, and looked back at the closed courtyard door.

"How can there be any reluctance? The Jiang family knew at a glance that they were different from us peasants. They were also close to the villagers. It was a bit unaccustomed to leave as soon as they said it." Aunt Lin said.

"I'm leaving this time. I'm afraid I won't come back again? I saw so many people coming to pick them up. There are carriages and horses. I'm afraid I will go back to enjoy the wealth."

"Who knows." Aunt Lin recalled that her husband had said before that her son's stupid brain is the material for reading, if he can keep reading, he will have a good future.But now this gentleman is gone, and the money is also lacking, even if he can be admitted to Tongsheng, without money to manage, how can he have a bright future?

(End of this chapter)

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