The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 295 Yunsu is jealous

Chapter 295 Yunsu is jealous (2)
That's no wonder, Prince An doesn't have a good impression of Father Wen, this house has long since given up his mind.Even when he was demoted to a commoner at that time, he would rather go to the village than this place, so he could guess what Prince An was thinking.

It's just that Zhao Hechen arranged the resting place here, which is really strange.The two of them will enter the barracks tomorrow, and it's okay to stay overnight.

That night, Zhao Hechen accompanied Duan Yunsu to rest early.Seeing that the person on the bed closed his eyes and breathed lightly, Zhao Hechen bowed his head and kissed him lightly, got up and left the room.

The study room was at the southeast corner. Zhao Hechen walked in with a lamp, lit a candle, looked at the many books on the bookshelf, and searched carefully.

Not long after, a black figure came into the room, the dots of red plums on the sleeves became more and more coquettish under the candlelight, he stopped silently, bowed his hands and said: "Young Master Zhao, everything in the pavilion has been properly arranged. , when will you go there?"

"Let the four above come over first, I have something to explain."


"Ji Suke is here?" Zhao Hechen asked.

"Already on the way, but met an old acquaintance on the way, I'm afraid it will take a while."

old acquaintance?Thinking of Ji Su's plan, Zhao Hechen knew very clearly that when Ji Su said to go north together, he happened to have something to do.Ji Su will be a helper when she comes over, but she doesn't know if she can make it in time.

He raised his hand, and the man in black instantly disappeared into the darkness without any trace.

Zhao Hechen's face was calm, and he flipped through the pages of the book in his hand, looking for something.

There was a picture scroll on the side of the bookshelf, Zhao Hechen opened it, and inside it was a painting of a woman in a Chinese dress, Emei Xueliu, with red lips in a cloud bun.When he was a child, he secretly saw a portrait made by his father. The woman in this painting was exactly the young Princess An.

How could this thing fall here?Zhao Hechen frowned.The portrait of the woman is never exposed, and it shouldn't be forgotten when the father leaves.

It was more than 20 or [-] years old, and the scroll was a bit outdated. Zhao Hechen looked at the portrait that was still in good condition, and originally wanted to replace it with a scroll, so he reached out and removed the old one.The scroll was in hand, but it was unusually light.Zhao Hechen tapped the left and right sides, and what was hidden inside was actually a piece of yellowed letter paper.

The handwriting in the letter was suddenly that of Emperor Jing, and the content inside was incomplete, so that Zhao Hechen couldn't think of the original meaning of the context.

This thing was an unexpected discovery, Zhao Hechen put the letter paper into his wide sleeve.After a round of searching, he found nothing else, so he put the books he took out earlier into the distance, blew out the candles and walked out.

As soon as the sky was bright, Duan Yunsu woke up, hugged the person beside him, and said good morning.Zhao Hechen glanced out the window, estimated the time, and hugged Duan Yunsu who was lying still.Seeing her limp appearance, he rubbed the messy hair, and said with a light smile, "I got up, I'm going to the military camp today, didn't I say I wanted to go back to see Xiaobao earlier?"

Duan Yunsu rubbed against each other twice, then got up while yawning.

Since he was going to stay in the military camp for a while, all the things had already been prepared.Zhao Hechen got off the bed, took out the prepared clothes and handed them to Duan Yunsu.

Shaking it open, it turned out to be a set of men's clothing that had been changed to a smaller size. Duan Yunsu raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhao Hechen who was dressing.

"It's inconvenient for women in the military camp to walk. These days, the ladies are all wearing men's clothing and follow me. Don't walk around casually." Zhao Hechen was dissatisfied when he thought that the military camp was full of men, and he really wanted to solve it and leave early.

Duan Yunsu changed into this clothes according to his words, looking at the bulging female features on his chest, he felt a little ashamed.Seeing Duan Yunsu's gloomy look, Zhao Hechen laughed muffledly, found a cotton coat to wrap him around, and finally blocked it a bit.

Duan Yunsu looked at it, and if he was pretending, he had to pretend.She found a piece of wrapping cloth, half-wrapped her full chest, ignored Zhao Hechen's dissatisfied gaze, and then put on the clothes.Fortunately, the weather is cold and the clothes are thick, so I am satisfied after looking around.

She stretched out her hand to pinch her earlobe, thinking of finding something to cover her piercing, Zhao Hechen simply pressed down a velvet hat, it was a coincidence that it was tightly covered.

"What are you in a hurry for? I want to comb a man's hair." Duan Yunsu sat in front of the brass mirror and was about to do it. Zhao Hechen took the comb in her hand and awkwardly tied her hair into a bun. Exactly the same as his hair.

Duan Yunsu smiled so that his eyes curved like crescent moons: "My husband's technique is not bad."

"When you enter the camp, you are not allowed to look at other men."

"Yes, no one is good-looking."

"Don't talk to them casually."

"...Okay, let's not talk much."

"Don't laugh at them."


Duan Yunsu stood up straight to straighten his clothes, ignoring the man's domineering thoughts.

The high collar just blocked the missing Adam's apple, Duan Yunsu thickened his eyebrows, and applied some powder to hide the too soft lines on his face.Apart from the fact that he couldn't change his height, he could be regarded as a handsome young man when he stood up like this.

Zhao Hechen nodded in satisfaction.

When the two went out, they happened to meet Zhao Fang who was coming over, and said, "Let's go now."

Zhao Fang looked at Duan Yunsu's attire in surprise, and was shuddered by Zhao Hechen.He chuckled and said, "Sister-in-law's men's clothes are also good-looking. Such a handsome little brother is really eye-catching."

Duan Yunsu covered his mouth and smiled coquettishly, then remembered that he was a man now, so he lowered his voice and saluted like a man: "Hello, Brother Fang."

"Hi Mr. Su." Zhao Fang replied with a smile.

Seeing these two people come and go so close, Zhao Hechen's face darkened little by little, he dragged him into his arms domineeringly, glared at Zhao Fang fiercely and said: "What are you dawdling about, hurry over!"

The three of them rode horses out of the city and headed north. They saw that the road became more and more desolate. The sky seemed to be overwhelmed and gloomy. The horses stepped on gravel and withered grass, and the light dust was raised by the horses, and they went away with the wind.

There happened to be a col between the two mountains. This place was desolate and no one passed by, so it was not easy to find, so the army was stationed here.The branches on the top of the mountain are bare, and the cold wind blows through the mountain stream, which is a bit colder than the outside.The three of them walked to the entrance, and the guarding soldiers looked at Zhao Hechen and Duan Yunsu vigilantly, and they were willing to let them in only when they saw Zhao Fang was by their side.

Rows of soldiers are patrolling with spears in their hands, their steps are neat, their military postures are dignified, and the sound of soldiers and horses can be heard faintly.Duan Yunsu looked at the square camp and said, "Didn't most of General Huo's troops stay with the prince? I didn't expect that there were quite a few people here."

Zhao Fangdao: "Originally they were all on the prince's side, but these were all temporarily transferred."

Recalling what Zhao Hechen said at the time that the crown prince specially asked her to come to this barracks, and adding what Zhao Fang said now, Duan Yunsu guessed that some important situation must have happened here, so that the original plan was broken up.

(End of this chapter)

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