The genius doctor lady is crazy

301 Chapter 4 It’s Wonderful to Understand

301 Chapter 4 It’s Wonderful to Understand ([-])
Duan Yunsu waved his hand: "I don't even know where I will go when I collect the medicine, so don't make this trip in vain."

After finishing their grooming, the two went out after breakfast.Huo Qi's acupuncture is necessary every day, Duan Yunsu thought of the medicinal materials to be collected this time, hoping to have some effect.When Huo Qi woke up, his mission was completed. He had been thinking about Xiaobao in his sleep for the past two days, and his heart felt so empty.

The soldier Zhao Fang sent was called Ah Hu, but he looked about seventeen or eighteen years old, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and he spoke a little shyly.When Duan Yunsu asked, he found out that this man had joined the army on behalf of his father when he was 12 years old, and it has been five or six years now.

Duan Yunsu admired in his heart, 12 years old, but a child, can survive in this strict military camp.Joining the army on behalf of the father should have been a good story.

What he was going to this time was in the mountain forest. Duan Yunsu walked through the mountain the day before yesterday and accidentally found a Jiangxiang sandalwood.Sandalwood grows in the hillside sparse forest, but the climate in Yuzhou is not suitable for its growth. I was really surprised when I saw its existence.Duan Yunsu has never seen this medicinal herb named Jiangxiang in Xiguo, he thought it didn't exist, but he happened to meet it.

The two climbed up the mountain. Fortunately, the slope was not high, so walking was not strenuous. The surrounding vegetation was withered, and the north wind broke a lot of branches and leaves, making a "creak" sound under their feet.

Ahu followed behind with a spear in his hand, always on guard against the surrounding environment.Duan Yunsu walked over according to his memory, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief seeing the bald Jiangxiangtan in front of him.The exhaled air turned into a puff of white mist, Duan Yunsu tightened his clothes tightly, the weather was getting colder, and it might snow heavily in a few days.

There was a chirp in the sky, and Duan Yunsu looked up and saw an eagle flying by, flying towards the direction of the barracks.Looking at the direction the eagle was flying towards, Duan Yunsu's heart tightened. Is it the capital city or Pingzhou?
She smiled helplessly, she really thought too much.

The eagle flew into the barracks, flew over the drilled soldier's head, and finally landed on Zhao Hechen's shoulder.

Situ Wei looked at it strangely, and was quite interested in the black eagle: "Young Master Jiang is really domineering in sending letters with a black eagle. Those little white pigeons of other people have to give way to it, haha."

"Uncle Situ was joking, eagles fly faster, that's why I came up with the idea of ​​delivering letters." Zhao Hechen untied the envelope from Eagle's feet, and the contents inside made him chuckle.

"But a letter from home? Laughing so happily."

Just as Zhao Hechen was about to answer, one person hurried forward and reported: "Report, a suspicious person has been found outside the army, do you want to bring him here?"

Zhao Fang, who was quietly looking down, frowned when he heard this: "Bring it here."

A disheveled man was tied up, and he was actually wearing the clothes of their soldiers, and someone who wanted to pretend to be him mixed in.Seeing a group of people on the stage looking at him, the man didn't appear to be in the slightest panic, he looked deathly as if he was at home, but he had a bit of a temper.

"Who sent you, tell me!" Situ Wei shouted.

The man looked at them coldly and remained silent.

"Yo, I have a tough temper, I think it's better to torture him directly to extract a confession." Yu Baiqi interjected.

Situ Wei glanced at Yu Baiqi indifferently: "General Yu, Mr. Jiang's formation has been revealed, and you haven't done what you should do. First fulfill your promise before speaking."

General Huo's subordinates, how can there be someone who doesn't believe what they say!
"You!" Yu Baiqi choked, this Situ Wei Tiansheng was against him, and he never gave himself a good face when General Huo was alive: "The formation has not been displayed yet, who knows if it will be useful! Now the most The most important thing is to deal with the inquirer, what is more important, Situ Wei, don't you know?"

"There are so many people interrogated, and there is no shortage of generals."

Early this morning, Zhao Hechen explained the formation method in the tent, carefully explaining the steps of deploying soldiers to attack in formation, while Yu Baiqi remained silent, did he think he could get past it?After leading troops for many years, he saw the beauty of the nine-character chain formation at a glance, and he couldn't believe that Yu Baiqi couldn't understand it at all.

As soon as the two met, they quarreled again, and Zhao Fang had no choice but to step forward to mediate.Zhao Hechen looked at the two preachers, then glanced at the spies who were kneeling on the ground, picked up the small letter and wanted to leave.

When Situ Wei saw it, he hurriedly stopped him: "Mr. Jiang, where is he going? Why don't you think about how to get this person to tell the truth first?"

"Start with hunger for a few days, and take turns with knives, whips and irons. No matter how strong a person is, they can't stand it." Zhao Hechen clenched the letter paper in his hand tightly, thinking whether Duan Yunsu had returned from collecting herbs, and felt a little worried.

The sharp-eyed Situ Wei caught Zhao Hechen's gaze towards the camp, and said with a loud smile, "Master Jiang is worried about Mr. Su. It turns out that what the soldiers below said is true. Mr. Jiang really cares about Mr. Su."

"Mr. Su is young, so he should take care of him more."

"I don't think so, you are so caring, does your wife know?"

The corner of Zhao Hechen's mouth twitched, and he didn't bother to explain the misunderstanding of these people: "Uncle Situ, I have some things to deal with first, and this spy will trouble you to deal with them."

Before they could answer, Zhao Hechen left first, and could vaguely hear Yu Baiqi's yelling and cursing behind him.Zhao Hechen's footsteps paused slightly, the other hundred relatives should think of a way to replace him.

It is said that Duan Yunsu went back after collecting the medicine early, mainly because there were not many medicinal materials in winter, so the root heartwood of Jiangxiang would be enough.The north wind was too strong, Duan Yunsu looked at the gloomy corner of the sky, heavy snow was coming soon, and the return journey would be difficult.

After returning to the tent for a while, Duan Yunsu felt his body warm up.She put the things down, weighed the amount of incense, thinking about giving some of it to Dr. Sun, and keeping the other part for her own use.

The curtain was raised, and Duan Yunsu raised his head joyfully. It was Zhao Hechen who came back later, but it was Huo Ying who saw him unexpectedly, his face turned cold, and he suppressed his joy.This person could not have come to look for Zhao Hechen again, but he really became more and more courageous with frustration.

This attachment was good, but she didn't mind ruining it when it was used on her husband-in-law.

"Master Su, Mr. Jiang hasn't come back yet?" Sure enough, the man asked Zhao Hechen as soon as he opened his mouth.

"What's the matter, Miss Huo, I'll tell you."

"It's okay. I came here today mainly to find you, Mr. Su." Huo Yingchuo sat down gracefully by herself, and poured herself another cup of hot tea, assuming that this was her territory.

Duan Yunsu glanced at her indifferently, and said: "Why are you looking for me? Could it be that you want to try to find me when you see that chasing Zhao Hechen is not going to work?"

"You..." Huo Ying's face turned red, how could this person talk, her daughter's family's reputation is still important, and how could she be the generation of Qin Muchu!

(End of this chapter)

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