The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 376 Apprenticeship, is this all right?

Chapter 376 Apprenticeship, is this all right? (2)
Xiaobao just woke up, he was very clingy, he refused to go to Prince An and Princess An's side no matter what.Duan Yunsu had nothing to do with him, these two days she had to go to Renhe Hall frequently, and she had less time to spend with Xiaobao, so she just followed him and took him with her first.

Xiao Bao was holding Zhao He's painting brush, curiously tugging at the hair on the tip of the brush, poking and poking on the book case, destroying every good brush in a short while.

"Xiaobao, don't break Daddy's things."

"Daddy's stuff," Xiaobao bit the pen directly.

Duan Yunsu took it helplessly. Xiaobao likes to imitate adults' speech, but he is getting more and more skinny.Mother pampered her blindly, saying that active children are smart.The father turned a blind eye when he saw the trouble, and completely followed Xiaobao.

Duan Yunsu can also understand, after all, the concubine only has one son, Xianggong, and Xiaobao is the grandson she has been looking forward to for a long time, so it is a little indulgent for those who are single-handed.But if she pets a dude in the end, then she really can't wait to put Xiaobao back in the furnace and remake it.

"Xiaobao, don't bite that thing, be careful to poke your throat." Duan Yunsu put the pen on the other side.

Seeing that the fun stuff was taken away, Little Treasure looked at the ink that Duan Yunsu was grinding with his dark eyes again, tentatively trying to reach in.Duan Yunsu grabbed it, and the black thing was all over her body. She didn't have the time to hug him to wash it.

"Yes, yes." Xiaobao moved forward.

"Look, Ah Wu has come in." Duan Yunsu pointed at the door to divert Xiaobao's attention.

Sure enough, Xiaobao still liked Awu a little more, so he simply forgot about the ink, and looked to the ground to think about it.As soon as Duan Yunsu lifted him off, he saw him slapping his feet and walking quickly towards Awu, reaching out his hands to hug the wolf's head.

Suddenly, a white shadow rushed in from outside the door and bumped into Xiao Bao's arms.Xiaobao staggered and fell to the ground.After seeing clearly that it was Xiao Hei, he giggled again, hugged the rounder rabbit with difficulty, and leaned against A Wu's body.

Ji Su stepped in, saw Xiao Hei in Xiao Bao's arms, gritted his teeth and said, "You little bastard, if you have the guts to bite me, why are you so cowardly that you want to hide on Xiao Wa'er?"

In the painting, Duan Yunsu raised his head slightly and resumed the work at hand. He didn't need to think about it to know that Ji Su must have provoked the rabbit again.

Ji Su disgustedly took Xiao Hei away from Xiaobao's arms, and threw him in a corner. She picked Xiaobao up in her arms and said, "Xiaobao, call him godfather."

"Beauty sorghum, black and black."

Ji Su glared at Xiao Hei on the ground, very dissatisfied with Xiao Hei's mind being occupied by it, and turned around to coax him: "Godfather, call him godfather."

What is a godfather?Xiao Bao bit his little finger.Although you are good-looking, Shu Shu, your father said that Xiaobao can't be called someone else's father.

Ji Su carried Xiao Bao back to the desk, looked for the carved chair and sat down directly, and poked Xiao Bao's soft face with her slender fingers, but was slapped away by Xiao Bao impatiently. A slap is very crisp.

Ji Su gritted her teeth secretly, it was indeed not her own, she didn't hit his father so hard, why did she feel that this godfather was a bit sad.He shook his head and said: "Little lady, what are you thinking about, let Xiaobao worship me as a teacher, and I will teach him all the unique knowledge in him."

"You will have a son sooner or later, why do you always think about my son." Duan Yunsu lazily closed the ledger, leaned back in the chair and raised his eyebrows at the evildoer in red.

Xiaobao is the eldest grandson of the family, and she will have to bear more and more things in the future. Although she is good at learning martial arts, as a mother, she wants Xiaobao to choose the path she likes, and hopes that Xiaobao can live an easy life some.

"Xiaobao is good at practicing martial arts. Is he afraid of losing money if you follow me?" Ji Su smiled charmingly, and with a wave of her sleeve, she rolled up the brush on the side and handed it to Xiaobao to play with.

"Following little Jiji is a great blessing." Duan Yunsu said in a dark voice.

The corners of Ji Su's eyes twitched, this little Ji Ji, really...

"Xiaojiji," Xiaobao was playing with the coquettish red clothes, seeing the red luster of the hairpin in Ji Su's hair sharply, his eyes lit up, he threw the brush and stepped on his legs to stand up, stretching out his little hands to explore.

Duan Yunsu looked at the direction of Xiaobao's attack, and secretly said hello.Ji Su's body is full of good things, and he has seen the hairpin a long time ago, so what kind of gemstone is it that is so rosy and shiny?Or Millennium Ruby?

Ji Su turned his head and refused, Xiao Bao became anxious and grabbed his hair.Hearing the sound of "hissing" inhalation, Ji Su frowned fiercely, the little guy must have done it on purpose, with a lot of strength.Well, you little Chen'er, why did you give birth to such a strong baby, and you only targeted him.

The red hairpin was caught by Xiaobao, and he pulled it out all at once, ignoring Ji Su's darkened face, and shouted joyfully, it was finally consummated.

Ji Su's head was covered with black hair, which half covered his bewitching face, adding a hint of evil spirit.He narrowed his Danfeng eyes, looked at Xiaobao for a long time, and suddenly laughed softly: "I have accepted all the gifts for the teacher, and the little lady doesn't have to think about it anymore."

Does this work?
Duan Yunsu looked at Xiaobao who was having a good time, and said with embarrassment: "Just pay it back, there is no rush business."

"Master, do you want to take and return my things if you want?" Ji Su raised her eyebrows slantingly, looking at Xiaobao with a bit of unruly and willful smirk.

Xiao Bao blinked and raised his head, his dark eyeballs were full of confusion.The beauty Shushu is so strange, she laughs inexplicably!

Duan Yunsu was speechless, and when Xianggong came back, he would definitely blow up again when he heard about it.

"Little lady, are you interested in taking a look at the soldiers from the frontier of Xiguo?" Ji Su patted the young disciple's head contentedly.

Without raising his eyes, Duan Yunsu said casually, "No."

"...Little lady is really not fun, don't you want to see what kind of opponent your husband is going to face?"

Duan Yunsu just became interested, but he didn't respond right away, he still had doubts in his heart: "What's going on, the teacher is going to return to court all of a sudden."

Ji Su looked at Duan Yunsu suspiciously, and joked: "I really doubt whether you are from the Xi Kingdom, and I don't know anything. Your Xi Kingdom has always had a law, and the frontier soldiers return to Beijing every ten years. , this is the rule."

"Naturally, my little girl doesn't know about these things in the court. Even you, Mr. Ji, who are from the northern kingdom, know so well. Yunsu is really ashamed."

Duan Yunsu stood up, carried Xiaobao back from Ji Su's arms, put him on the ground, and said, "Xiaobao is going to his father's side at this time, does Mr. Ji want to go with him?"

Ji Su thought for a while and nodded, watching Xiaobao in front of him being held by hand, walking slowly step by step with his calves, his heart softened, and he suddenly looked forward to a home.

Originally, Duan Yunsu had already moved his heart and wanted to go to the east street that he had to pass to see the heroic appearance of the army returning to court, but the plan was far behind the change.

(End of this chapter)

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