The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 392 A Rare Infatuated Person

Chapter 392 A Rare Infatuated Person (4)
It was night, without Xiaobao's troubles, Zhao Hechen threw his wife down as he wished, and entangled him to death. Seeing the delicate woman in his arms panting lightly and passionately, he secretly thought that the lady would say something wrong.In the long night, a certain person didn't care about his wife's begging for mercy, and asked for it again and again, heartily.

In the early morning of the second day, when Zhao Hechen woke up, Duan Yunsu was so sleepy that he didn't know how to wake up. Zhao Hechen saw the marks on her chest, his mind was shaken, and he couldn't help kissing her.

Duan Yunsu frowned slightly, slapped the annoying thing away, turned over and fell asleep again with a mutter.Zhao Hechen saw the ambiguous red marks on her snowy back, coughed clearly, pulled the quilt over her, washed her softly and went out.

The dim sunlight woke up Duan Yunsu, she stretched out her hand to lightly cover her eyes, got up sleepily and yawned, and realized that she was still naked, cursed Zhao Hechen secretly, and hurriedly put on her clothes.

Sui'er heard the sound coming in and saw that her master had already put on her clothes, she was wondering, Ziyue poked her quietly, Sui'er quickly reacted and brought the warm water for washing.

After tidying up, Duan Yunsu went to greet Princess An and had breakfast together, Xiaobao woke up and was carried here directly.Princess An directly sent Duan Yunsu back to take care of things, holding Xiaobao in her arms and unwilling to let go.

Duan Yunsu had no choice but to get up, he was the housekeeper every day, and he had to listen to the servants' reports on matters big and small.After finishing the processing early, I will go to Renhetang in the afternoon.

The time to leave the court came early, Duan Yunsu didn't see the figure of Zhao Hechen coming back, remembering that he vaguely heard last night that he was going to Roufu Palace, and he didn't know when he would come back.After she handled the matter well, she reported it to Princess An and did not wait for him.I went to Renhe Hall in a sedan chair.

Duan Yunsu felt that she should thank God for allowing her to marry into this family. The elders in the family did not obstruct her going to Renhetang, and even said that she had no objection to being a doctor here.However, according to Princess An's wishes, there are still some restrictions on the time. After all, Duan Yunsu's status is different, and there is still a family to take care of.

After the opening of the Renhe Hall, Duan Yunsu became the strangest doctor in the capital. He only sat in the hall for an hour and a half every day, and no one could force him to keep him after the time passed.The fee for this consultation is even more strange. Those rich people with upturned nostrils will definitely be slapped with a knife if they go in; but they are ordinary people who have fun secretly, and they don’t spend much money on medical treatment, so they won’t cheat They choose expensive and useless medicinal materials.

Duan Yunsu's actions made Gan Lan scratch her head in annoyance, if this continues, Renhetang can still make money?It's just that there is a plaque bestowed by the emperor on the Renhe Hall, and wealthy families really like to come here. Seeing Duan Yunsu's temper, he has no choice but to provoke the majestic guards outside the door.

Liandong had a calm face, and every time Duan Yunsu came forward to collect materials for medicine, he followed beside him.Duan Yunsu saw that the two people had a lot of talent, so he wanted to teach them something.

"Calbage honeysuckle, you two come here."

The two put down the things in their hands and went forward. Duan Yunsu handed the two books to the two of them, and said, "You two should study this medical book carefully. If you don't understand, come and find me."

Lonicera showed surprise on her face, is the hostess planning to teach them medical knowledge?He knelt down and bowed in joy, which frightened Duan Yunsu.

"What are you doing on your knees, get up quickly, practice depends on the individual, whether you can learn it or not depends on your ability. If one day you don't want to work in Renhetang, remember to say hello first."

Duan Yunsu didn't mind spreading these things out. Those two were medical books in the palace. Since they were recorded, someone would definitely read them. They were not originally her exclusive knowledge.

What she cares most about now is to repeatedly study the medicinal properties of herbs. Different medicinal types and dosages make the pills prepared with different medicinal properties.She wants to make the most simple and unremarkable herbs bloom amazingly.Zhao Hechen once joked that his wife would definitely be able to make pills of the flesh and bones of the living dead.

The sky slowly darkened, and it seemed that it was going to rain. Gan Lan was worried that it would be inconvenient for the hostess to go back, so she said: "My hostess, you should go back first, it is also coming at this time, and it will be difficult to walk when it rains."

Duan Yunsu nodded, put down the medicinal materials in his hand and was about to go back, a maid hurried in outside the door: "Doctor! Doctor!"

"Why do you need a doctor?" Liandong asked forward.

The girl seemed to be in a hurry, her forehead was covered with sweat, and she panted, "I beg the doctor to come to the house to see the madam."

"The doctors in Renhetang don't do outpatient consultations, so you should go to another doctor." Liandong refused.

The maid became even more anxious: "Please, I'm afraid there will be too little time. My wife's fetus is gasping, so I beg the doctor to come over."

Duan Yunsu glanced at the girl.

Seeing that there was no movement from the people in the hall, the maid thought that the doctor was worried about the consultation fee, so she hurriedly explained the reason: "I am the maid in Huo's house, doctor, please do me a favor, your medicine hall is the closest to the house."

The Huo family?Duan Yunsu paused: "Which Huo family?"

"It's General Huo's family who just settled their grievances."

Duan Yunsu's expression darkened: "Let's go."

Honeysuckle kale blinked, the owner's wife obviously doesn't accept outpatient consultations, what's the matter with her nervous look?People you know?
Huo Mansion is a mansion bestowed by the emperor. After so many years, the former Huo Mansion is long gone.

Duan Yunsu was not in the mood to look at the scenery in the mansion, and followed the maid directly into the backyard.The girl didn't expect that the doctor in Renhetang was actually a woman, she thought it was one of the two men.But that's okay, it's more convenient for a female doctor to see a doctor for his wife.

The two went straight into the yard. As soon as Duan Yunsu entered the house, he saw many people standing inside, a group of beautiful and beautiful family members, and Zhao Fang was also inside.

The one lying on the bed was Ting He, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, and there was already a lot of blood on the mattress.When Zhao Fang saw that it was Duan Yunsu who had come over, he glanced at the girl, and before he had time to ask any more questions, he hurriedly said, "Sister-in-law, show Ting He quickly."

Duan Yunsu glanced at the people present, and found Huo Ying inside, and asked in a low voice, "What's going on?"

"Ma'am didn't know she was pregnant, so she just fell down..." the maid hurriedly reported.

"Where did you invite the doctor? Is it reliable?" A woman asked softly with a voice like a yellow warbler.

Duan Yunsu shot his cold gaze over, and the woman was so frightened that she stood still and dared not speak.

"Come here." Duan Yunsu pointed to the maid who invited her, and then said coldly: "Leave the rest to me!"

Knowing Duan Yunsu's temper, Zhao Fang hesitated and walked out first.The people in the room took a look and followed out of the room one after another. Huo Ying looked back cautiously and hurriedly followed.

"Listen to He Xingxing, can you hear me?" Duan Yunsu asked.

Ting He opened his eyes and smiled palely: "Miss, I didn't fall asleep. I am so happy that Miss is here. Child... Is the child lost?"

(End of this chapter)

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