The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 395: Awu Protector

Chapter 395: Awu Protector (2)
Duan Yunsu took the list with a smile, and carefully checked the items on it for any omissions.

Seeing Sui'er's reckless appearance on the side, Ziyue saw that Princess Shi Zi was watching intently, and couldn't help pulling Sui'er aside and poking her on the forehead: "Why are you so reckless, why are you running into the house?" Run, Shi Zifei doesn't care, you also have to serve snacks, do you know the rules!"

Sui'er stuck out her tongue secretly: "Xie Ziyue sister taught me, Sui'er remembered."

Ziyue let her go when she heard the words, and stood quietly beside Duan Yunsu.The master didn't say anything, probably because he likes Sui Er's innocent temperament, but the palace is no better than other places, it would be bad if outsiders saw it.She also likes the innocent Sui'er, but as a big girl, she has to watch more.

"Follow the list and buy it. Have you delivered today's account book?" Duan Yunsu handed the list to Sui'er and asked.

"The concubine has already been sent here. Grandpa Chen, who manages the garden, said that when autumn comes, many flowers in the garden will wither. Ask the concubine whether they will all be replaced this year?" Zi Monthly report.

"What to do in previous years or what to do this year, just ask the accountant to allocate money." Duan Yunsu took a sip of the tea on the table and asked, "Is this year's autumn clothes starting to be made?"

"The sewing room has already started preparations, and the pattern will be delivered later, and I will wait for you to finalize the style, Shizifei."

Duan Yunsu chuckled, what was she deciding on, the clothes of the prince and concubine, of course the concubine had to choose.However, as his husband-in-law, he can spend some time thinking. When he is done with the matter at hand, he might as well try to design some tricks for him.

However, I still have to be busy at this time, and I have to go to the Renhe Hall later.It's the holidays, so think about whether it's time to let the cabbage honeysuckle and the others go home for the holidays.There are so many medicine halls in Beijing, it doesn't matter if her house is closed for a day or two.Duan Yunsu looked outside, originally wanting to see if Zhao Hechen had returned, but happened to see A Wu passing by.

Awu is growing stronger and stronger now, and he is no longer the harmless and fluffy little guy back then.She couldn't hold back Zhao Hechen, and she used raw meat to feed Awu.Thinking of what A Wu ate, Duan Yunsu remembered another thing: "Ziyue, is there still less chicken in the kitchen now?"

"Keep an eye on the kitchen, the chicken has never been lost again."

Duan Yunsu secretly smiled as he imagined the scene where Awu went to steal the chicken and couldn't get it.If Awu wasn't hungry, he wouldn't have brought his idea to the kitchen: "You catch a chicken alive today, and Awu doesn't need to prepare food."

Ziyue was secretly taken aback, what does the master mean, could it be that A Wu took all the chickens in the kitchen?God, she almost forgot that Wu was a wolf.

At this time, the people from the sewing room came over, Fushen bowed to Duan Yunsu, a maid took out a soft ruler, and another nurse, who was about thirty years old, took out a small book and said, "My concubine, slaves Come and tailor the clothes, this is the fashionable style in the capital this year, please take a look, Princess Concubine."

"Has the prince and concubine measured it?" Duan Yunsu opened his hands, and the maid measured her waist.

"Never before, the prince is still in the study, and the slaves dare not disturb. The princess told the slaves to go there tomorrow."

These are people who are used to making clothes in the palace, and their movements are also agile, and they got the size in a short while.Duan Yunsu asked them to retreat first, and picked up the tricks and went to Princess An's courtyard.

The original hibiscus flowers in the yard were no longer in bloom, but five new ones were planted inside, with pink double-petaled flowers blooming on them, but they were a little wilted because they had just been transplanted.

Duan Yunsu approached and sniffed lightly, this book of rites would suit him well, this ceremony was right in the eyes of Princess An's house.

Today, the flowers in the garden have not faded, and the branches and leaves in the garden are considered verdant, Duan Yunsu was about to turn around and leave, when he happened to see Shui Sheng coming in from the outside, which seemed to be the direction to the study.

Shui Sheng lowered his head slightly, and two maids came towards him. Seeing Shui Sheng stopped, he bowed and bowed, "Young Master Shui Sheng, but you want to go to the study? Your lord said you don't want to be disturbed."

Shuisheng looked at the two big sisters in front, his cheeks were slightly red, and he said, "It was the prince who asked Shuisheng to go..."

"Ah, so that's how it is. It's a crime for the servants to block the way of Young Master Shuisheng." The two maids hurried out of the way.

"It's all right... sisters, let's go to work." Shui Sheng hurriedly waved his hands, turned and ran away embarrassedly.

Duan Yunsu originally wanted to go forward to walk with Shuisheng, two steps forward, but saw the two maids with their backs behind her, pointing at Shuisheng.Ziyue was about to call out to those two people, but was stopped by Duan Yunsu's hand.

"Look at the child just now, what does it have to do with the palace?"

"Who knows, I heard it was a beggar picked up on the street."

"Ah! No, it's really bad luck! I wanted to salute him just now." The girl gave Shuisheng a disgusted look.

The other sneered and laughed: "Young master, maybe it's something that the son of the world picked up for entertainment. Fortunately, he can stay in the palace without shame, so he is not too impatient!"

Ziyue glanced at Duan Yunsu cautiously, and saw that her face had sunk, and she was staring at the two maids coldly.

"Cough..." Ziyue coughed.

The two maids turned around when they heard the voice, and when they saw the person standing behind them clearly, their little faces turned pale and they knelt down with a plop.

"Send the two of you directly to the house." Duan Yunsu glanced coldly at the two on the ground, and said to Ziyue.

The two maids didn't expect that the concubine would convict herself without asking a word. Seeing Duan Yunsu turn around and leave, the maid hurriedly said, "Concubine Shi, the servants are from the concubine's courtyard."

It means that as a daughter-in-law, she can't just dispose of people in the mother-in-law's courtyard?Duan Yunsu sneered: "My concubine is a maid who picks lotus in front of me now, and she wants to use her to suppress me? You are so bold. Ziyue, sell this person to the house."

The girl's face turned as white as a piece of paper in an instant, and Ziyue on one side had already summoned her mother-in-law, and she forcibly dragged them down despite the howling two.

In the room, Princess An was hugging Xiaobao to try on the newly made shoes for him. When she saw Duan Yunsu coming in, she asked, "What's the matter just now, I seem to hear a noise."

"There are two maids who don't know the rules, they belong to my mother's yard, and they were sold out by Yunsu." Duan Yunsu said.

Princess An raised her eyes to look at Duan Yunsu, and saw that her complexion was not very good. She guessed that she was irritated by the two maids, so she persuaded: "Just sell it, don't make me unhappy. Come and see, this These are the little shoes I made for Xiaobao, are they pretty?"

Duan Yunsu bowed his head, the red uppers were extremely festive, with little unicorns embroidered on the left and right, and the small cloth shoes with thousand-layer bottoms, Princess An must have put a lot of thought into them.

"Mother did a great job." Duan Yunsu touched Xiaobao's head and said with a smile, "Xiaobao, do you like the shoes made by grandma?"

(End of this chapter)

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