The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 398: Awu Protector

Chapter 398: Awu Protector (5)
"As long as you are willing to leave, my prime minister's mansion can give you wealth and glory, and you can be with the person you like. Isn't it killing two birds with one stone?" Yuan Chuyingyou said.

"Little Treasure, look, there is a strange aunt here who is talking nonsense and she has lost her mind. In the future, Little Treasure must not go up and answer her when she sees it." Duan Yunsu bent down and taught his son attentively.

"Brain Twitch." Xiao Bao giggled, curious about the new words he learned.

"That's right, Xiao Bao is really smart."

"You! You!" Yuan Chuying took a step forward angrily, reaching out to push Xiaobao.what!How dare she laugh at her even without all her teeth!
A cold light flashed in Duan Yunsu's eyes, he stretched out his hand to block it, and a cold light flashed in his fingertips.That Yuan Chuying screamed "Ah", and suddenly withdrew her hand. The sharp pain went straight to the bottom of her heart, and when she raised her hand, there was no trace of it.

"How dare you plot against me!"

"What conspiracy? Where is the evidence?" Duan Yunsu said slowly.

"Forget it, forget it, Awu Awu!" Xiao Bao happily waved towards the flowers.

Duan Yunsu didn't understand what his son meant, so he raised his eyes to look in the direction where he was waving, and it turned out that Awu was strolling here.

Hearing Xiaobao's voice, Awu turned his head to look, Youzai Youzai walked over here, with a small white ball in his mouth, and he pretended to be dead with his four legs drooping, it was Xiao Hei?
Xiaobao is attracted, where does Awu want Diao Xiaohei to go?He broke away from Duan Yunsu's hand, and ran towards Awu with his feet.

"Ziyue, quickly watch over the young master."

When Yuan Chuying saw it, she became even more anxious, leaving her aside and caring about a dog instead? !
"Duan Yunsu, can you speak clearly today, don't think you can sit in this position with your appearance!" Yuan Chuying finally couldn't bear it anymore, how could she come to be a concubine if she was a daughter of the prime minister's mansion?A concubine is also a concubine!Her father was too old to have such an idea.If you want to take advantage of the influence of Prince An's Mansion, what is more convenient than letting her act as the royal family!
"Miss Yuan, do you know what happens to women who covet my husband?" Duan Yunsu walked forward with a smile, his eyes radiating coldness.When Yuan Chuying saw it, she wanted to strike first, and raised her hand to greet Duan Yunsu. She didn't know what this woman was capable of!

Duan Yunsu narrowed his eyes, turned to one side, and raised his backhand, with a crisp "pop".

"Ah!" Xiaobao on the other side looked at this side blankly, then turned around suddenly and ran out of the garden.

"Where are you going, young master!" Ziyue hurriedly followed.

Hearing the voice, Duan Yunsu turned his head to look, and was relieved when he saw Ziyue following. Unexpectedly, Yuan Chuying took the opportunity to rush up, and Duan Yunsu was hit hard.

The pain on the shoulder angered Duan Yunsu, some people are really unreasonable, dare to yell at her in her territory? !
Yuan Chuying seemed to be going crazy, and she didn't know what was going on in this person's head.When she tugged forward, Duan Yunsu stretched out his foot and kicked on the kneecap mercilessly, the man fell unsteadily to the ground.

"Don't forget what this place is!" Duan Yunsu stepped forward coldly, saw her get up, and slid the silver needle in his hand directly to her neck: "Master Prime Minister taught you to talk to this concubine like this ?”

Yuan Chuying gritted her teeth fiercely, feeling extremely angry in her heart, she never thought that she would be in such a mess!Her father's words had long been forgotten, and seeing Duan Yunsu being so rampant and seeing no one around, Yuan Chuying showed her original temperament: "Duan Yunsu, what are you pretending, at least I dare to say that I want Yes, and you... hum."

"So I still want to praise you for your sincerity?" Duan Yunsu was amused, and the silver needle plunged in: "You think this concubine dare not do anything, that's why she is so arrogant? You are completely wrong. "

The stabbing pain from her neck finally frightened Yuan Chuying, and she trembled in a high-pitched voice: "You...don't act recklessly!"

"Scared?" Duan Yunsu sneered: "Isn't he very powerful just now, why are you so sluggish?"

"Yes... it was Ying'er's mistake, Shi Zifei, take the things away." Yuan Chuying was too frightened to move.

Duan Yunsu withdrew his hand and admitted his mistake so readily, let's see what other tricks you have!
Sure enough, when Yuan Chuying saw that the threat was not there, she suddenly got up and rushed towards Duan Yunsu. Duan Yunsu was already prepared, and the person on the side of her body rushed to nothing.Duan Yunsu stretched out his foot and tripped, Yuan Chuying fell to the ground again with a muffled "bang", her hair in a bun and her clothes in a mess.

"There will be more dust on the road in the garden, Miss Yuan, you don't have to wipe it with your body so hard." Seeing that she was about to struggle, Duan Yunsu stepped on her waist with one foot, and Yuan Chuying's small face came back again. Sticking to the ground, glaring.

"If you want to come to the palace to be a concubine, you have to kneel down and beg your concubine, do you understand?" Duan Yunsu sneered, really thinking of her as a clay figure that anyone can handle? !
"Let go of Miss Ben! Be careful that my brother will fix you severely!" Yuan Chuying cursed loudly.

Duan Yunsu was about to speak, but he heard a deep and cold voice behind him: "Brother Yuan, you are so capable, how can you still fix my wife?"

Seeing that Zhao Hechen and his group had already walked over, the little treasure in Zhao Hechen's arms pointed at Yuan Chuying on the ground with her little finger, and said in a childish voice, "Bad guy! Bullying mother."

Zhao Hechen put Xiaobao on the ground, stepped forward to protect Duan Yunsu, looked carefully and saw that he was not injured, then turned his gaze away, and said in a cold voice: "Yuan Chushang, this is your good sister, you are the one who took her away Going out of the mansion, or this prince called someone to throw him out!"

That Yuan Chushang's face was as black as ink, this man really disgraced the prime minister's mansion!It's okay to be brainless in the mansion, but you don't know how to pretend when you come out!He roared angrily: "Yuan Chuying, get out of here!"

"Why, it's clear that she, Duan Yunsu, bullied him!" Yuan Chuying didn't expect her brother to reprimand her without saying a word, and seeing her embarrassed appearance, she felt aggrieved and resentful.

"come over!"

What Yuan Chuying was most afraid of was Yuan Chushang's anger, her eyes seemed to be seeping with poison, and she didn't care that she was his sister at all!Yuan Chuying walked over aggrieved, and Yuan Chushang yelled at the servant behind him: "What are you doing, take Miss to the Huifu!"

"Yes, yes, yes." The boy stepped forward, grabbed Yuan Chuying and walked out.

"You lowly slave, how dare you touch this young lady! This young lady can leave by herself!" Yuan Chuying became angry from embarrassment, she took all her anger on the servant, and kicked him a few times to discourage her.

She stamped her feet and took two steps, looking at the lotus pond in the garden, her heart filled with malice.She stared at Little Treasure who was playing with this porcelain figure on the ground, it was this little thing that actually called everyone over, seeing all her jokes!

She pretended to be calm and took a few steps forward, walked up to Xiaobao, and suddenly stretched out her hand to push him away!

(End of this chapter)

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