The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 401 Medical Hall

Chapter 401 Medical Hall (1)
Duan Yunsu was about to go up and explain to Princess An, but was dragged away by Zhao Hechen with a half hug and half hug.Princess An didn't forget to scold Zhao Hechen worriedly when she saw it, and she did what she could to take him back to the yard. The man is so rude!

Back in the courtyard, Duan Yunsu felt something was wrong no matter what he thought.Cailian is a big maid beside Princess An, these news should have passed through Cailian's mouth, so where did Cailian hear it?Wait for her to ask about it tomorrow.

"Lady, why are you frowning? Look, you don't need a housekeeper anymore, isn't that what you want?" Zhao Hechen leaned on the bed wantonly, looking sideways at Duan Yunsu.

"Hmph!" Duan Yunsu turned around to prevent him from looking at him: "Where is Xiaobao, bring him over to sleep with us for one night."

How can that work!Zhao Hechen got up and walked over, saying: "Xiaobao is used to sleeping alone now, and the beds in our room are a bit smaller if we squeeze together."

small?Duan Yunsu looked at the bed that was big enough for several adults, and was speechless for a while.Back then, Zhao Hechen pestered Princess An to make this bed bigger before they got married, and the reason was that it was comfortable to roll on.

Princess An directly misunderstood what she said, but it's not that Chen'er is making out with the bride, we can customize as big as Chen'er wants!
"Miss, didn't you say you wanted to go to the Song Mansion, I'll accompany you tomorrow?" Zhao Hechen reached out and removed her hairpin, watching her three thousand strands of hair scattered gently, the mahogany comb in front of the dressing table, Comb the hair gently.

His appearance was reflected in the brass mirror, and the sword eyebrows were vaguely flying into the temples, under the high bridge of the nose, and the thin lips were lightly pursed.Duan Yunsu smiled lightly, and said, "Did I ever tell you that my husband is really handsome?"

Zhao Hechen smiled, showing his tenderness: "It is an honor for my husband to be in the eyes of my wife."

"Poor mouth." Duan Yunsu scolded, lightly blocked his hand to comb his hair, stood up and said: "Isn't it going to enter the palace tomorrow, I wonder why the emperor called me to go there?"

"I heard that it was about the poppy. Now that the situation has settled, the emperor wants to get rid of the cancer in the Southwest. He probably wants to ask you how to get rid of the drug addiction."

Duan Yunsu thought for a while, she didn't know the situation in the southwest, so she had better go to the palace before making plans.She habitually walked towards the desk, only to belatedly realize that there was no need to take care of the housekeeper's business tomorrow.It was supposed to be easy, but my mother mistakenly thought that she was pregnant with a baby.

Thinking of this, Duan Yunsu couldn't help but glared at Zhao Hechen.

Zhao Hechen chuckled, and held her tightly in his arms: "Lady, I'm going to Yuzhou in a few days, my lady will be with you as a husband in the next few days."

"What are you going to Yuzhou for?"

"Get some news."

Duan Yunsu was even more puzzled: "Isn't there a red building?"

"There are some things I still want to go and see for myself. My wife should stay at home obediently. Don't stare at other men, don't go up to talk, and don't go out casually."

Duan Yunsu glanced at him: "Why don't I just stay in the courtyard and not go anywhere?"

"So good."


Duan Yunsu struggled a bit and wanted to leave, but Zhao Hechen held her tightly with his arms: "Lady, my husband is leaving, and you still react like this."

"Didn't you leave yet? It's so long-winded!"

"My lady is really cruel, and I didn't even ask how long I was going." Zhao Hechen took him to the bed, and directly pressed him to lie down: "My husband will miss my lady day and night. I gave birth to my baby today, so my lady is fine." There is an explanation."

Duan Yunsu stretched out his foot and kicked: "Go if you want to go, if you don't come back, I will run away with Xiaobao."

Zhao Hechen's face darkened, and he opened his mouth to bite the red lips: "If you dare to run, I will chase you back to the sky for my husband!"

I don't know if she has been starving this guy for the past two days, or if she deliberately wants to plant a seed in her stomach, and is desperately pestering her to eat and wipe out the people under her.

If it wasn't for Zhao Hechen to let her go, Duan Yunsu wouldn't have had the chance to resist. Zhao Hechen was determined not to let her go today. Duan Yunsu thought he was going to Yuzhou, and it would take a long time to go back and forth. mind.

The maid who was on duty outside at night blushed impatiently when she heard the ambiguous voice inside, lowered her eyes to look at her toes, and was a little too slow to react when she remembered that the imperial concubine was pregnant, and wondered if she should stop it.

The sharp-eyed Ziyue saw her and reached out to grab her.If you disturb the good things of the son of the world, you are not afraid of peeling her skin tomorrow!She has been paying attention to the daily life of the concubine Shi Zi. Others don't know, but she is very clear. Maybe after today, her master is really pregnant.In the next few days, she has an arduous task, no matter what she can't let others disturb the love of the masters!
The next day, in Chaojin Courtyard.

"Concubine Shizi, the carriage is ready." Ziyue came in softly and reported.

"Why have you been gone for so long? Where is your son?" Duan Yunsu hung the other half of the mandarin duck jade pendant on his waist, and asked Ziyue.

"The concubine specifically asked to cushion the carriage softer, so it took some time. The son came from the prince's side, and he should be here soon."

Duan Yunsu put his hands on his stomach and counted the days, it was funny and helpless.Since Chenchen is unwilling to tell the truth to Princess An, let's forget it for now, these two days are just the days of conception.It's just that when the time comes, you still have to talk to the princess about whether you are pregnant or not, otherwise even if you are pregnant this month, it will not be right, and sooner or later it will be known.

Zhao Hechen was also dressed in Hajj formal attire today, wearing a purple fringed gown with a jade belt around his waist, walking towards her with big strides.Seeing Duan Yunsu caressing his stomach thoughtfully, he smiled and said, "The lady also wants a child, right?"

Duan Yunsu gave him a coquettish look. Originally, she meant that she hoped that Xiaobao would grow up, and that it would be convenient to take care of him.But if the child really comes, it is also fate, and I will not fail to have it, right?She just wasn't happy with the man's smiling fox-like eyes: "Let's go? I still want to see Third Sister."

"It's still early, lady, don't worry, be careful with the child."

Still playing?I don't know if there is him!Duan Yunsu reached out and pinched his waist.Zhao Hechen grinned and didn't care at all, the lady pinched her as much as she liked.

The carriage drove leisurely towards the palace. Duan Yunsu sat for a long time without seeing the carriage stop, so he raised the curtain to see where he was. Unexpectedly, he saw the majestic palace, and said in surprise: "Have you entered the palace? You can't do it in the palace." Let's go?"

In the past, one would enter outside the palace gate, what happened today?

"What the emperor means is that my wife should be more comfortable now that she has two bodies."

Duan Yunsu was speechless for a while, if Zhao Hechen wasn't in good health, he would have wondered if he had delusional disorder, where did the child come from?

"Okay, we're here, let's get out of the car, lady."

After the carriage paused, Zhao Hechen jumped off first, and stretched out his hand to help Duan Yunsu down.Under the sunlight, the man's bright and tender eyes made her heart move, she pursed her lips lightly, took his big hand and got out of the car.

(End of this chapter)

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