The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 404 Who Played Chen's Gu?

Chapter 404 Who Played Chen's Gu? (1)
"What are you doing?" In the carriage, Duan Yunsu complained dissatisfiedly.

"Your Majesty is so nervous about your third sister, even if you search the palace, you will find her. There are no other concubines in the harem, and it's not like we can listen to all of them whether it was an accident or not." Zhao Hechen explained.

Is it because you are afraid of involving the secrets of the royal family?Duan Yunsu lifted the curtain of the carriage and looked back at the majestic palace.She understands that things about the royal family should be avoided, but it happened to her relatives, and she was a little too angry: "The battle in the palace has never stopped, I hope my sister will be more powerful in the future."

Zhao Hechen smiled lightly, and placed a kiss on her frowning brow: "As long as the emperor is willing to protect you, your sister will be fine if the sky falls. I'm afraid he was negligent about today's matter, and there are no other women in the harem, so let it go." alert."

Duan Yunsu leaned in his arms and remained silent for a long time.

With the clatter of horseshoes and the sound of wheels, the carriage drove all the way to the palace.The people in the car stopped talking and stayed close to each other.

Duan Yunsu heard the yelling outside and knew that she had reached the East Street. She opened the curtain and looked outside. The street was as lively as ever, with crowds coming and going, and the car slowed down.

Duan Yunsu looked at it for a while, and was about to put down the curtain of the car, when she passed an alley, she stopped suddenly when she saw a black figure.She suddenly opened the curtain of the car and looked back there.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Hechen asked after seeing her slightly restrained expression.

"Stop!" Duan Yunsu yelled, the horse stopped, the carriage stopped, and Duan Yunsu jumped off before the carriage stopped.

Zhao Hechen frowned and followed, who did the lady see, so nervous?

The empty alley leads quietly to the depths of the city. Duan Yunsu ran into the alley, and looked around without seeing anyone.

"Miss." Zhao Hechen followed her closely, held her to move forward again, and said, "Who did you meet, so nervous?"

"It's mother-in-law. I clearly saw her just now." Duan Yunsu looked in anxiously. Her mother-in-law walks in a different posture from others, and she prefers to wear a black robe. She clearly saw that she was coming in this direction in the carriage.

"The old man who relieved daddy?" Zhao Hechen frowned: "What is the lady looking for her for? If the mother-in-law wants to see you, she will definitely go to the palace to find the lady."

Duan Yunsu's footsteps stopped, she didn't think about what to do with her mother-in-law, her mother-in-law is kind to her family, since she met her, she just wanted to see how her mother-in-law is doing well now.

Seeing Duan Yunsu's depressed expression, Zhao Hechen felt uncomfortable: "Qingshu, go ahead and have a look, but there is an old man in black robe."

Qing Shu appeared in the air, and flew forward with a breath.In the empty alley, the hustle and bustle of the market outside could no longer be heard, Zhao Hechen surrounded Duan Yunsu, and said softly: "Young lady, you don't have to do everything yourself, Duanchen is always guarding in the dark, you can call him if you have something to do. "

Duan Yunsu looked around her, and sure enough, he saw a black shadow flashing, and Duan Chen appeared three meters away, holding his long sword and standing upright.

"Didn't Duanchen want to go back to the Red Mansion?" Duan Yunsu's expression collapsed, and he said with a slightly puckered mouth, "Or is it because the date for Xianggong to go to Yuzhou has already been fixed, so he sent someone here?"

"After Duanchen, I will follow the lady." Zhao Hechen held her face, saw that she was unhappy, lowered his head and kissed lightly: "I will set off after the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the lady and Xiaobao should wait for me to come back obediently."

"I'll go with you." Duan Yunsu bit his lip.

"Hey, aren't you pregnant?"

Actually want to use this as a reason to stop her?Duan Yunsu was annoyed, and was about to argue, but Qing Shu flew back, saluted in front of Zhao Hechen, and said, "My lord, I saw a person in the alley on the left side ahead, and he has passed out. I don't know if it was caused by the lord The one who said it?"

"Let's go and have a look." Zhao Hechen didn't wait for Duan Yunsu to speak, and walked forward with his arms around her.Qingshu and Duanchen were guarding behind them, paying attention to the movement around without any trace.

Sure enough, as Qing Shu said, the two of them saw another small alley on the left not far ahead, which was full of low and half-old houses, as if it was silent, and no one came out to walk around.From a distance, it seems that this is a dead end.

In front of the frontmost room, leaning on the mottled wooden door was a man in black robe, who was already dying.

Duan Yunsu stepped forward in two or three steps, and gently lifted the black hat, revealing a face full of wrinkles, with a scar the size of a baby's palm on his face, and closed eyes.

It's just... Duan Yunsu gently reached out and touched her mother-in-law's white hair. What happened to her mother-in-law? Her hair, which was once black, has now turned white.

She looked at her mother-in-law's body, the ink-black robe still couldn't hide the blood on her body, Duan Yunsu gently took out her mother-in-law's pressed wrist, felt the pulse, and her face gradually became serious.

Grandma's situation...

The grievances and grievances that have been said to be broken, is this broken, or not?Why did you make yourself so embarrassed?

"Sir." Duan Yunsu set his sights on Zhao Hechen.

"Qing Shu, get the mother-in-law into the carriage." Zhao Hechen's expression was no more relaxed than Duan Yunsu's. The old woman's condition seemed to be very bad. If the old woman hadn't helped her back then, his father would have been eroded to death by Gu insects.

Qingshu supported her mother-in-law on her back, but her injury was worse than expected. The legs that were hanging down were obviously seriously injured, and they were probably broken. Duan Yunsu went to Qingshu to carefully pick up her mother-in-law. to the carriage.

In the carriage, Duan Yunsu and Zhao Hechen were sitting by the side, remembering that when they first met her mother-in-law, her mother-in-law was also seriously injured, this time they still met, it was considered fate.

All the way back to the palace, Prince An was very surprised when he saw the person brought back by his son and daughter-in-law, and he didn't bother to ask how the two of them entered the palace. He wondered: "Chen'er, this person is..."

"Father, this is the old man who cured Gu for you back then." Zhao Hechen replied.

Prince An had heard Yunsu and his wife talk about such a person. He heard that Yunsu was taught by an expert to untie the Gu.He was grateful and thanked the person who freed him from the poisonous poison. He wanted to thank him personally but heard that the master had already left. He did not expect to see him today.

Princess An also led Xiao Bao out, and when she saw the situation, she hurriedly explained to Cai Lian: "Cai Lian, clean up the guest room in the mansion, and take care of my mother-in-law."

She looked at the old woman wearing a black robe up and down, and with the scar on her face, she looked a little eerie.Xiaobao gently broke free from Princess An's hand, looked curiously at the newcomer, at Qingshu, and at her mother-in-law, but she was not frightened by her appearance.

Duan Yunsu was relieved to see that the princess was willing to entertain her.She pulled Xiao Bao over, squatted down and kissed that tender cheek, stood up and said, "Mom, I'll go and treat my mother-in-law first."

(End of this chapter)

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