The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 418 The Lady Should Be Confused

Chapter 418 The Lady Should Be Confused (1)
Duan Yunsu raised his eyebrows, originally he wanted to talk about Tinghe: "Then what should Miss Huo say?"

Huo Ying said: "Ying'er didn't mean to look down on the concubine of the world, Ying'er thought, it's better to marry a flat wife for her brother, firstly, she won't let down her sister-in-law's love for her elder brother, and secondly, there can be more people in the backyard to take care of her." .”

Does not disappoint?Duan Yunsu smiled, but there was no smile in his eyes: "Miss Huo is really virtuous, but you are afraid of finding the wrong person. I am the eldest concubine of Prince An's residence, and that is your Huo family's business."

Seeing that Huo Ying wanted to argue, Duan Yunsu continued, "Is this your idea, or Zhao Fang's idea?"

"It's Ying'er's idea, brother doesn't know." Huo Ying pulled the handkerchief and looked at the person in front of her.

"That's it. As long as Zhao Fang and Ting He agree, you can do whatever you want. You came to me because you want me to be a lobbyist?" Unexpectedly, the people of the Huo family have already thought of ways to suppress her.

Huo Ying also saw that she was unwilling, and she was annoyed in her heart. It would be most convenient for Duan Yunsu to come forward in this matter. Tinghe is her person, so he will definitely listen to her; brother is also convinced by Prince An's mansion.She knew that Yunsu would not agree to this paragraph easily!

"It's Yinger who is too impatient." Huo Ying smiled, got up and said, "The concubine is pregnant with a child and needs to rest well, Yinger won't bother her."

"It's good that Ms. Huo knows, your sister-in-law is also pregnant now, so don't bother me." Duan Yunsu looked into her eyes, full of warning.

Huo Ying gritted her teeth, threw the handkerchief and went out the door.

The conversation in the flower hall was almost over, Zhao Fang didn't know what good deeds his cousin had done, so he left and returned home when he saw that it was getting late.

Huo Fuli.

Ting He stood in the yard with his waist supported slightly, looked at the chrysanthemums blooming all around, and reached out to touch them lightly.

It's been a long time, why haven't Fang Lang and Yinger come back?Ting He glanced out of the courtyard.

The maid next to her helped her to the stone chair outside, spread a cushion for her to sit down, and asked the maid who was running errands to go down and inquire.

"Master, don't worry, maybe the lady saw some fresh accessories in the street market and forgot the time."

"I'm back, I'm back." A maid ran in: "The young master's carriage is back, but the servant saw the young master and went straight to the study."

Ting He nodded and stood up, just came back from Prince An's Mansion, there should be something important to deal with: "Go back to the house."

A few people entered the room, and Ting He was prone to sleepiness with his pregnant body, and fell asleep on the soft bed, with his hands on his belly and unconsciously making a protective gesture.The maid next to her stepped forward to help her cover the thin blanket and waited quietly.

When Ting He woke up again, it was already more than an hour later.She looked around, but didn't see the figure she wanted to see, and slowly sat up.

Seeing that Ting He was in a low mood, a maid beside her rolled her eyes and ran outside.She came to a group of maids, bent down and snatched something, and turned back to the house happily, regardless of how many people behind her looked at her angrily.

"Master, look, this servant has found something fun for you."

Listening to He looked over, he was stunned for a long time before realizing: "Tweety, where did the rabbit come from?"

Tweety raised her head proudly, and put the rabbit beside Ting He: "This thing is so exquisite, several maids surrounded it but couldn't catch it, and the slaves took advantage of the chaos to grab it and gave it to the master, and almost slipped away. gone."

Seeing the rabbit obediently squatting beside Ting He, Cui'er said strangely: "Master, this rabbit likes you, it seems that she won't run away."

Ting He picked it up and touched the black pearl on the rabbit's neck: "This is the rabbit from Prince An's Mansion, how did you catch it?"

The little rabbit sniffed Ting He's breath lightly, shook his ears, and stretched out his paws to smooth the rabbit fur around his mouth.

The rabbit in Prince An's Mansion?Tweety's eyes widened: "How did the master know? It's not about slaves, it came in by itself when the master was resting."

Listening to He rubbing the black hair on the rabbit's forehead, he smiled affectionately: "You send it back to Prince An's Mansion, if the Crown Princess finds out, she should be very anxious."

"That's my rabbit, no one is allowed to send it away!" A few people suddenly approached the door, and saw Huo Ying rushing in with a few maids. Come forward and grab it.

The rabbit jumped up and jumped long.

"Why don't you catch it!" Huo Ying glared at Tinghe, then turned around and scolded the maid next to her: "What are you doing in a daze, catch me quickly!"

She couldn't believe it, it was easy to catch it just now, how could it be impossible to catch it now!
"Ying'er, this is something from the palace, you return it quickly, if you like rabbits, I'll ask someone to find them for you." Ting He looked at Xiao Hei who was running around, and frowned.

"Who likes rabbits? What Miss Ben wants is the black pearl on its neck! I don't know anything!" Huo Ying choked.

Ting He froze, and was also angry: "That is also the property of the palace, what you are doing is stealing!"

"Wang's Mansion on the left and Wang's Mansion on the left, that place is so rare, and I don't see you going back to be your maid!" Huo Ying put her hips on her hips, completely out of the previous rules in the Wang's Mansion, looked at the teacup on the table, grabbed it and smashed it away. On the road in front of Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei turned around lightly, and ran behind Ting He in twos and threes.

Seeing that the rabbit didn't move, Huo Ying's eyes lit up, and she said loudly, "Go away! Go up and catch it!"

Several people gathered around, Cui'er supported Tinghe, and said angrily: "Miss, be careful, the master is pregnant now."

"What master, my Huo Mansion needs a servant girl to be the mistress? What a joke!" Huo Ying approached Xiao Hei, squinted at Tinghe, and said sarcastically, "If it wasn't for my brother thinking that the palace protected him ten After several years of affection, would you be willing to keep a maid?!"

Ting He felt a severe pain in her heart, her face turned pale, and her body staggered slightly.

Xiao Hei also seemed to be annoyed. Seeing the people around him slowly approaching, he jumped with a bow and jumped directly onto Huo Ying's face in a strange arc. Jumped out.

"Ah!" Huo Ying covered her painful face, she closed her hands and saw that it was covered with blood, and shouted in horror, "I'll grab that useless thing quickly! I want it to look good!"

Xiaobao has been clinging to Zhao Hechen since he woke up, and Duan Yunsu is also relieved.Probably because of her pregnancy, Duan Yunsu was a little sleepy. Standing in front of the door, she always felt that the Chaojin Courtyard was a bit quiet today.

"Concubine Shizi, what are you looking at?" Sui'er looked around and found nothing wrong.

"Why don't you see Awu and Xiaohei playing in the courtyard today?"

"The chrysanthemums in the garden are blooming just right. This morning, the servant saw Xiao Hei catching bees. If the young master isn't looking for them today, they should still be there?" Sui'er thought for a while and looked in the direction of the garden.

(End of this chapter)

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