Chapter 430
To let Zhao Hechen accompany her in such a busy schedule, Zhao Huanzhen was very loyal enough.Duan Yunsu straightened out the wrinkles on the man's clothes, tiptoed and kissed his cool lips lightly: "Come back early."

Shui Sheng came over from the desk hesitantly, and wanted to go out too: "Aunt Su, Shui Sheng is going to practice martial arts too..."

Duan Yunsu smiled and squatted down to straighten his clothes: "Go ahead, Aunt Su made delicious soup for you tonight."

After the two left, Duan Yunsu picked up Xiaobao and went to sleep on the bed, called Qin Niang to look after her, and then went out.

She walked towards Muqingyuan, and Awu didn't sleep anymore, and followed her closely.Duan Yunsu stopped and rubbed the hair on its neck, and Awu narrowed his eyes slightly enjoying it.

"Awu, there is a small forest behind the mansion, you can play as much as you want, no one dares to disturb you." A wolf was trapped in the mansion, and I don't know if Awu would feel lonely and boring.

Awu walked around Duan Yunsu twice, still following her steps, and had no intention of leaving, so Duan Yunsu had no choice but to follow her.

Ziyue came out and said: "Concubine Shizi, Ah Wu understands human nature, I think it is worried about you and the young master and young lady in your stomach."

Duan Yunsu put his hands on his belly with a light smile: "Then I should give Awu a reward. You can give Awu whatever he wants to eat tonight."

Ziyue responded, took a careful look at Ah Wu, and muttered secretly.It was something she was willing to eat if she was willing to feed Awu, it wasn't something given by the Shizi, Awu didn't even smell it.The concubine and A Wu got along well, so she must have forgotten about it. Everyone in the family knew that A Wu was a wolf that could not be messed with.

The two walked very slowly, and Duan Yunsu felt the child in his belly grow vigorously, and his belly was getting bigger and bigger every day. Thinking about it, his mood drifted away, until Ziyue called her.

"Look, concubine, isn't that Mr. Huo, why did he come to the inner courtyard?" Ziyue pointed to the front and said.

Duan Yunsu looked in the direction pointed, it turned out that it was Zhao Fang who came in a hurry, it seemed that he came from the prince's study, he looked hurriedly and didn't know what was going on?
Zhao Fang also saw Duan Yunsu, stepped forward and bowed his hands in salute, Fang said: "Concubine Shi Zi, is Ting He in your residence?"

"Tinghe?" Duan Yunsu looked at his face covered with sweat, and said calmly: "I may not have seen Tinghe for a long time, but two days ago Tinghe's Tinghe's Cui'er sent a letter saying that Tinghe is very good ,What's wrong with you?"

Seeing Duan Yunsu's calm face, Zhao Fang was not in a hurry when he heard that Tinghe was gone, thinking that she should know something, otherwise, according to her concern for Tinghe, she shouldn't have reacted like this: "My two friends On the day of the army, when I returned to the mansion, there was no trace of Tinghe..."

"Then it's strange, Tinghe is your wife, you disappeared and your wife came to me?" Duan Yunsu said lightly: "Didn't Tinghe have a child? How could you run around? Did you do it?" What hurt her?"

"I..." Zhao Fang froze for a moment, as if thinking of something, his face became a little ugly, he hesitated to say: "It's just a quarrel for a while, Shi Zifei, Ting He is really not at the house?"

Zhao Fang didn't seem to believe it, and looked left and right to find the figure of that person.Apart from Wang Fu, Ting He didn't know anyone else.

Duan Yunsu saw that his anxiety and panic did not seem to be fake, but she couldn't listen to what he said just now: "She is pregnant with your child, and you still quarrel with her? Hearing He's gentle temper, what else can provoke her?" Are you angry?"

"She..." Zhao Fang's expression changed instantly when he heard the word child, and he clenched his fists and said, "It's a long story, I want to take her back to the mansion first, and we'll talk about it slowly."

"Okay." Duan Yunsu readily agreed, and turned his body to make way: "Just look for it, and bring it back if you find it. It's not that I didn't tell you, Tinghe is not in the palace."

Ziyue also stepped forward and said: "Mr. Huo, the noble lady is really not at the house. The concubine Shizi just wanted to talk to the concubine Wang. If she was there, the concubine Shizi would definitely be by her side."

Zhao Fang frowned, in the backyard of the palace, he is not allowed to wander around as a man, just now when he met Princess An, he also said that Ting He was not there.Is it really not in the palace?Then where can she go?
"This is really disturbing the imperial concubine. If you see Ting He, I hope you can let me know."

"Then we have to wait until we see Tinghe." Duan Yunsu narrowed his eyes slightly, his voice was slightly cold: "Mr. Huo, you should go to other places to look for it? If you find hope, you will inform this concubine."

Zhao Fang could only nod his head, but he had no idea where to look for it.

When he left, Duan Yunsu stood there, watched the figure disappear without speaking, suddenly snorted for a long time, and said to Ziyue: "You go to the back door to watch these two days, if you can't wait, this concubine will go directly Pick up."

"The concubine Shi Zi said..." Ziyue came to her senses, and covered her mouth to stop what she hadn't said.No way, what happened in the Huo Mansion?I heard that elder sister He really ran out of the Huo Mansion?

But the concubine Shi Zi clearly went to inquire about it before. Could it be that there are only good news and not bad news?
Duan Yunsu was disturbed by this, and he had no intention of going to Muqingyuan, and suddenly felt tired.She sent Ziyue over to talk to the concubine, and went back to the Chaojin Courtyard to rest first.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Duan Yunsu still didn't wait for the person who was supposed to come, so he sent the hairpin over by himself, the meaning was so obvious, Ting He must be stuck in his own thoughts and couldn't get out.

Duan Yunsu intends to go and see for himself, no matter what choice Ting He makes, he should support her.In this time and space, women are weak, and being bullied is not a big deal in the eyes of others.

She stood up and was about to call the girl in to change clothes, when she saw Sui'er trotting in hastily.

"Concubine Shi Ziyue, Sister Ziyue has brought her back and is sending her to the room you ordered to prepare."

Duan Yunsu's eyes sank: "Follow me to have a look."

Sui'er should be, supporting Duan Yunsu as she walked, not forgetting to tell her to slow down and be careful not to get tired.

The girl Yuan Dalang picked up was Ting He. Duan Yunsu didn't expect that she was also stubborn, and she planned to carry it alone when something happened, but somehow ended up in Yuan Dalang's house.

At this time, Ting He was carried into the mansion by Yuan Dalang. Ting He seemed to be very angry with Meng Lang, struggling to get down, but Yuan Dalang had no choice but to put her down.Ting He staggered, his weak body swayed, and almost fell down.

She forced herself to leave Yuan Dalang's side, Ziyue hurried forward to support him when she saw this.Several people saw Duan Yunsu and were about to salute, but Duan Yunsu said with a sullen face, "Go in first."

The rest of Yuan Dalang stood blankly by himself, Duan Yunsu turned his head and motioned to Sui'er, Sui'er cleverly took out the silver and handed it to Yuan Dalang, saying, "Thank you, big brother, for your help, you go back first."

(End of this chapter)

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