The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 432 Two babies in belly?

Chapter 432 Two babies in belly? (2)
Duan Yunsu's pretty face flushed, how did the little guy know these things: "Xiaobao and Daddy take a bath, okay?"

When Xiaobao heard it, his mouth was so high that he could hang a soy sauce bottle: "No, Xiaobao, mother Xiangxiang." After speaking, he didn't forget to rub his mother's arms, it was so soft and comfortable!
"Stinky boy, are you thinking the wrong way?" Zhao Hechen, who had just arrived at the door, saw this scene, and stepped forward to pick up Xiaobao.Duan Yunsu's arms suddenly became empty, and he saw Xiaobao struggling under Zhao Hechen's big palm.

"Daddy is bad, Xiaobao wants mother." Seeing that he couldn't escape, Xiaobao clung to Zhao Hechen like a sticky bean.

"You still want to take a bath with mother?!" Zhao Hechen slapped his little butt.

"Mother belongs to Xiaobao, and father has mother."

"Grow up? Can talk back!"

Duan Yunsu saw Zhao Hechen's bouncing blue veins, and hurriedly stepped forward to hug Xiaobao back: "Why are you angry with my son?"

If it didn't look like he was his own son, he would have been slapped away long ago!Zhao Hechen gritted his teeth, dare to rob his wife and take a bath? !
"Sir, why are you so jealous of your son? There's still some in your stomach. Can you eat it?" Duan Yunsu hugged Xiaobao with his belly upright, feeling a bit strenuous, so he put him on the ground.

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Hechen's face instantly became dark with confusion: "Please ask a nanny to take it with you."

Duan Yunsu glared at him.

Xiaobao slammed down, sneered and ran to Awu's side, took a peek at his father, hugged his wolf's head and said softly: "Awu Awu, Daddy is a bad guy..."

A Wu lazily opened his eyelids and glanced at Zhao Hechen, then raised his head and arched Xiaobao's head.How can the person who feeds it meat every day be a bad person?

Now that the weather is getting colder, Awu's hair grows much thicker than in summer. Xiaobao loves Awu's soft and warm hair the most. In a blink of an eye, he forgets that his father has taken over his mother, and sits on the ground and loves it. Ah touch, touched Awu so that he was drowsy.

Being able to get along so harmoniously with a wolf is mostly due to the child's innocence and no malice.Duan Yunsu looked at the thick carpet on the ground, and was about to let him play alone, when he saw Xiaobao reaching out and grabbing a bunch of hair.

Duan Yunsu was sweating profusely, he touched it as soon as he touched it, why did he still pluck his hair?
Awu opened his eyes, raised his paw and pushed Xiaobao.Little Treasure sat obediently on the spot, and in a blink of an eye, he thought of playing its ears again, rolled its eyeballs, and bit down again with one bite.

Now Xiaobao's teeth are slowly growing out, this bite made Awu tremble, he stood up abruptly and knocked Xiaobao to the ground.

"Xiaobao, don't be naughty." Duan Yunsu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, why did Xiaobao always like to touch Awu's wolf ears, and learned a lesson after biting his mouth full of fur last time?
Satisfied, Xiaobao smiled so that the crescent moon showed a few small white teeth, and his small arms like pink lotus root hugged Awu again: "Awu Awu."

Awu was going to be spoiled by this mischievous little master. He sniffed around with his nose up and down, walked under the table with his legs, and lifted out the white fluffy ball with his body. It's Xiao Hei who hides and sleeps secretly.

Xiao Hei opened his little red eyes and drooped his head. Before he could react, he was thrown to the ground by a certain wolf, and Xiao Bao reached out and caught it.

Duan Yunsu watched Xiaobao play around, shook his head and focused on the Chinese medicine book in his hand.Zhao Hechen took a step forward and sat down beside her, grabbed her book and said, "After reading it for a long time, be careful."

"I have nothing to do, there are not many medicinal materials in the mansion, Chenchen help me go to Renhetang to get some?"

"Good boy, call me Xianggong." Zhao Hechen held her face and kissed deeply lovingly, seeing her reddish cheeks almost lost his mind: "Let Ziyue go, let's take a bath together?"

Duan Yunsu cast a coquettish look, what kind of bath is he taking in broad daylight!

"The child is more than three months old, lady..." Zhao Hechen pressed close to her ear, warm breath fell on her ears, and the words made people feel ashamed: "Didn't the lady say that you are not afraid at this time? "

"Theoretically, I'm not afraid." Duan Yunsu rolled his eyes, straightened his stomach with a smile, and said, "You see, the child is already this big, and you can do it?"

"..." Zhao Hechen stretched out his hand to touch it twice, sighed and said, "The lady doesn't want to, so I have to bear it for my husband. When I was pregnant with Xiaobao for more than three months, it didn't grow so big, could it be two?"

Duan Yunsu's heart skipped a beat, if there were two in the abdomen, an experienced doctor would be able to tell the difference in the pulse, but some doctors are afraid of making a mistake, and those who are still inexperienced in medicine dare not draw conclusions.As soon as she raised her eyes, she bumped into Zhao Hechen's expectant pupils, as if being bewitched, her fingers automatically and consciously touched the pulse.

Zhao Hechen pursed his lips and seemed to be a little nervous. He observed Duan Yunsu's expression with his eyes motionless. Seeing that her face was calm and unwavering, she clenched her fists slightly.

Duan Yunsu put down his hands, but didn't say anything, he picked up the warm water next to him and took a few sips.

"My lady." Zhao Hechen couldn't hold back anymore.

"It doesn't matter how many you have, so why worry?" Duan Yunsu was very pleased.

"My lady, do you want to eat the new crystal elbow from Zuixianglou?" someone said.

"My lady, you have been looking for a thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum for a long time. It just so happens that the emperor gave it as a tribute from another country and it is in your husband's hands. Do you want it?" Someone continued to seduce.

"I found the only copy of the medical sage Cao Chenzhi for my husband, do you want to read it?"

Duan Yunsu resolutely let go: "Master, you have two babies in your belly, you need to earn more money to support your family."

Although he had guesses in his heart, Zhao Hechen's heart still jumped a few times with excitement when he heard this with his own ears. His soft eyes fell on the bulge in the woman's belly, and he couldn't help grinning stupidly anymore.

Duan Yunsu was amused by his silly appearance, she slapped him, and said with a smile: "Your husband still has something to do? I'll tell mother the news."

Duan Yunsu was about to get up, but Zhao Hechen hurriedly reached out to support him, his eyes were full of nervousness: "Miss, be careful."

In the Muqing Courtyard, Cailian is moving all the flowers out of the house, and replacing them with small emerald green pine trees for fun. Compared with the delicate flowers, this thing has added a lot of vitality.

"Princess, according to my servants, this pine tree should be replaced with a bigger one, which can even be hugged by my servants. It's not safe." Cailian said.

"Oh? How do you say that?"

"Look, princess, when the baby in the womb of the concubine comes out, the Muqing courtyard will become more and more lively. It's not good for the young master and young lady to be knocked down by playing around in the future."

The concubine smiled, and she didn't stop her sewing: "As long as you think too far, we will add newcomers to the palace, and it won't be as deserted as before."

"That's not it." Cailian arranged the potted plants and went back to Princess An's side. She admired the delicate patterns she made with her needles, "My concubine's hands are so skillful. I wish I could have your skills."

"It's nothing, you cut this cloth, it will be used later."

(End of this chapter)

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