The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 444 The Grand Finale

Chapter 444 The Grand Finale (7)
"The young master of the Huo family spends all his time drinking to relieve his worries, and he doesn't want to take care of Huo Ying at all. The Qin family can't do it even if they want to. I heard that there is a lot of trouble in the Qin mansion because of the marriage, so they simply put the new couple in a sedan chair. Take it in, salute rudely and you're done." When Ziyue talked about Zhao Fang, she didn't have the initial anger.After a long time, many things can be let go, for example, sister Tinghe is doing well now, and her body is slowly recovering.

What's the use of drinking to relieve your worries.The lord of a house can't even handle this matter well. The day when the Huo family wants to rise up is really a fantasy.

Duan Yunsu smiled softly when he heard the words: "It's so easy, I don't know how Huo Ying will react."

"Then Huo Ying really hates it. Someone actually married her in the past. It's really cheap for her!" Ziyue couldn't help complaining when she thought of Ting He.

"Do you think being married is a blessing?" Duan Yunsu smiled: "Just wait and see how she suffers. Tinghe suffers, and she will eat it all."

Perhaps more than that, on the wedding night, will the groom become angry when he finds out that the bride is not perfect?I heard that the first son of Qin is lustful, gambles and idle, and the second son of Qin married an ambitious woman. He wished that all the family property would belong to her in the future. Qin's mother is not easy to fool, she is bitter and harsh.

When the news of Huo Ying's exile was spread, the show was about to begin.

On the day when the heavy snow first arrived, the palace ushered in an unexpected guest.The wife of General Raoqi of the Northern Kingdom came to see the palace.When receiving the letter of greeting, Princess An still thought about it for a while, racking her brains, she couldn't remember any friendship between the palace and the general of the North Kingdom.

When that person came to the palace, the perplexing doubts were finally resolved.I saw the lady was wearing a light red auspicious cloud and flowers pleated skirt, a cloak of the same color, holding a fluffy white rabbit in her hand, and a delicate glass hairpin. Her slightly round face was slightly raised. Miss Gu Qiu!
"I've seen the concubine." Gu Qiu saluted the person in front of him with a smile.

"It turns out that Gu Qiu is back." Princess An was very surprised to see her change from inside to outside.Originally the most ordinary couple in Xiahe Village, they turned into the generals of the Northern Kingdom in a blink of an eye: "Cailian, don't hurry to inform the concubine, Yunsu will be overjoyed when he hears the news."

She looked at Gu Qiu from left to right and saw the crowd of servants behind her. Thinking of the past, she felt a bit like a girl returning to her mother's house: "At that time, the prince and I gave her a marriage, so long has passed in a blink of an eye."

Seeing that the girl named Cailian turned around and was about to send a message, Gu Qiu called her to stop and said, "On the way here, I heard that the concubine Shizi is pregnant again. It's snowing and the road is slippery. Why don't we let Gu Qiu go?"

"Well, you two haven't seen each other for a long time, and you must have a lot of personal things to say, so I won't bother you." Princess An smiled and asked Cailian to lead the way, and the two went directly to Chaojin Courtyard.

Gu Qiu still remembers the layout of the palace, looking at the still familiar Qingshi Road, rockery pavilion, Gu Qiu has a long feeling.I never thought about marrying a mountain villager, but I didn't expect to be a person of status.

After walking for a while, seeing Chaojin Courtyard just ahead, Gu Qiu was excited at the thought of seeing the young lady who was always by his side.She was about to speed up her pace when a little baby suddenly ran out in front of her. She was wearing a thick winter coat and looked round and cute.A nanny was chasing after her, and her exhaled breath turned into white mist in the air.

"My little ancestor, please walk slowly when it's snowing." Qin Niang hurried up.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Bao stepped on the snow with one foot, and when he crooked his body, he looked like he was about to fall into a squatting position.Gu Qiu happened to be by his side, and hurriedly bent down to hold it up. The white rabbit in his hand rolled down from his arms and lay motionless on the snow.

Little Treasure was not frightened, but giggled joyfully, stood up and wanted to run away, suddenly thought of his mother's teaching, and said softly: "Thank you, Auntie." Yuanyuan's body shook again In a flash, he ran awkwardly towards Chaojinyuan.

Gu Qiu was amazed, the appearance of the little baby was really similar to that of Shizi: "Cailian, is this Shizi's child? He looks really interesting."

"Yes, everyone says that the young master and the eldest son were carved out of the same mold." Seeing Qin Niang following, Cai Lian's eyes fell on the white rabbit in the snow, and said worriedly: "Madam General, this rabbit... ...Are you all right? Could it be that you fainted from the fall?"

Otherwise, why didn't he even move when he was lying on his stomach?
"It's nothing, it's just too lazy to move." Gu Qiu leaned over to pick it up, patted the snowflakes on its body, and walked to the yard again.

Duan Yunsu in Chaojin Courtyard also heard the girl's report. She was doing needlework at that time, and when she heard the word Gu Qiu, she was almost pricked by her own needle.She put down her things and was about to go out when she bumped into Gu Qiu who had already come.

"Miss." Gu Qiu stepped forward happily.

"Gu Qiu is back. I thought you would never see each other after you went to the North Country." Duan Yunsu welcomed her in and asked Ziyue to make a cup of hot tea.

The maid behind him took off the cloak for Gu Qiu. Gu Qiu looked around, but didn't find the figure of the little boy just now: "Miss, where is the young master? I just saw Gu Qiu on the way here."

"You're teasing Ah Wu in the side courtyard." Duan Yunsu sat down with his waist supported, let Gu Qiu sit beside her, and said, "I heard that you are the general's wife now, so you must stop calling like a miss. "

Gu Qiu said nonchalantly: "Anyway, there are no outsiders here, and it feels kind to call you Miss, as if going back to the days when I was with Miss, and if Miss doesn't like Gu Qiu, she will be replaced."

"Why did you come from the North Congress all of a sudden, and didn't give me a message beforehand. Where do you live now? Did Fu Yang come with you?"

Seeing her concerned expression, Gu Qiu felt warm in her heart. Even after she got married, the lady did not forget her: "I will live in the inn first, and I will move there when I buy a yard in Beijing. Fu Yang is still there Beiguo, I came here alone."

"How did the two of you get separated, Fu Yang's idea?" Duan Yunsu frowned in puzzlement.

Gu Qiu explained: "The emperor of the Northern Kingdom has passed away, and all the princes are vying for the position. Now the Northern Kingdom is in chaos. Fu Yang was afraid that I would be used by someone with a heart, so he simply let me go back to the Xi Kingdom. Miss, please take care of me."

"How is Ji Su's situation now?" I remember that not long ago Ji Su had borrowed soldiers from Xi Guo, and when Ji Su left, she also looked confident, so it shouldn't be difficult for him?
"I, as a woman, don't know the details. When I left, Fu Yang said that everything was going well with the third prince." Gu Qiu couldn't help frowning. If things were really going well, why would she still need to come to Xiguo Middle School.Don't think about those troublesome things anymore, she should trust her husband's ability at this moment.Gu Qiu widened his heart, put the rabbit in his arms on the table, and said: "Miss, look, the third prince asked me to bring this white rabbit here to take refuge together."

(End of this chapter)

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