The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 446 The Grand Finale

Chapter 446 The Grand Finale (9)
"Are you afraid? Are you afraid of facing your uselessness and weakness?" Zhao Hechen didn't intend to let him go: "You still want to support the Huo Mansion just like you are dying? Don't come out and make fun of people."

Zhao Fang suddenly slumped down on the chair, raised his head and poured a pot of wine: "It's the Huo Mansion again, young master, I'd rather be the servant by your side than have all these things."

"Then you put the Huo family down."

Zhao Fang shook his head with a wry smile: "How can you let it go if you know it? If you find out that your identity is far more than that, are you willing to let it go?"

"Why not." Zhao Hechen's eyes suddenly darkened, and he said in a low voice, "I am willing to give up everything Susu doesn't want."

"That's because you don't have it. You said that my father is watching from the sky, and he will hate my uselessness." Zhao Fang poured the jug, and there were only a few drops of wine left, and shouted: "Little Er, serve me wine !"

Xiao Er came into the private room, and both of them waited in silence until the wine was delivered again.

The food was also served, Zhao Fang didn't even look at it, as the wine was enough.Zhao Hechen didn't know how many days he had been drinking. Seeing him like this, he felt no pity, nor did he sneer and sneer, and tasted the dishes alone.

The person next to him drank desperately, Zhao Hechen ordered the strongest drink, just to make him drunk to the fullest: "After drinking it, let me sober up, it's useless to regret it, even if I force it, I can't go back to the past."

The man paused, with deep pain in his eyes.Zhao Hechen glanced at him, and said in a low voice: "Since she is the only one, then you should treat each other wholeheartedly. What do other women have to do with you? They hurt the heart of the one you love for nothing."

"The son is only the concubine, how many people say that the concubine is a jealous woman in private, can you tolerate others saying that you are a woman?" Zhao Fang sneered, not sure if he was about to get drunk.

"Those who say this are all gossips. They are jealous of other people's lives. This son likes to pamper only one person, so why bother with them outsiders!" Seeing that Zhao Fang was still talking like this, Zhao Hechen knew that his knot was not smooth yet.Unexpectedly, after so long, he still hasn't seen the reason: "You are all excuses, and those who make excuses are cowards!"

Zhao Fang's eyes turned red, and then Jiu Jin roared: "I'm not a coward!"

Zhao Hechen knew that his words were all in vain from beginning to end, so he stood up directly and punched him in the face, not as easy to talk as before: "If it's not you, just prove it to me! It's not like a big man is half dead. It's embarrassing! If I don't have a little affection for you, I will care about your life!"

Zhao Fang covered his face and glared angrily.

It's okay not to stare, but after this stare, Zhao Hechen's anger really came up, he stepped forward and grabbed his collar and threw it against the corner of the wall, seeing him struggling to get up, he gave another uppercut.

"A person like you is a piece of scum in Yunsu's eyes! Do you understand what scum is? You can't even protect your own women and children, and you still drink to soothe your worries? I think you deserve to die drunk on the street!"

Zhao Hechen turned around and threw the flagon on the table at him: "Keep drinking, you don't have to obstruct others' eyes when you die, and Tinghe is all relieved!"

Zhao Fang on the ground slowly picked up the flagon, remembering what he had done, tears welled up in his eyes, and slammed the flagon on the ground, the fragments bounced back and wiped his face, and blood flowed out instantly.

His voice was in pain, with a hoarse and forbearing cry: "I deserve it, I'm sorry Ting He..."

At this time, no matter how good the food was, Zhao Hechen lost his appetite. Zhao Hechen said coldly: "What's the use of apologizing? The emperor wants to send troops to conquer the country of Yu. You take your Huo family army and get the hell out of here! No one is sympathizing with you!"

Zhao Fang slowly raised his head, and suddenly he laughed, holding back his heartbroken tears, calmed down from the excitement just now, and tremblingly said: "I didn't expect the son to mention me as a worthless."

Zhao Hechen watched him slowly stand up indifferently, he was stupid back then, he still remembered those people's ridicule both openly and secretly, Zhao Fang treated him the best, without any scorn.At that time, he was stupid and thought that he would give Zhao Fang food and a good place to live in the future.Unexpectedly, after going through all kinds of things, he had everything, but he became a mess because of the woman.

"This trip can be as long as five years or as little as three years. If you think about it, maybe the final end will be to return the body shrouded in horse leather." Zhao Hechen said.

Zhao Fang paused, and said with a wry smile: "It is the honor of the Huo family to die on the battlefield."

He dragged his feet and took two steps outside the door, then calmed his body and said in a low voice: "You said that when I come back, is she still there..."

Zhao Hechen glanced at him: "Of course Tinghe is here, maybe he is looking for Ruyi Lang, living a light and comfortable life; but you are alone, life and death are unknown."

"My lord, you don't even say auspicious words to me." Zhao Fang grinned, turned around and walked out the door.

It's just that he also understands in his heart that Zhao Hechen's words are the most truthful, maybe one day he will die on the battlefield, but Ting He is still living a good life, so... that's pretty good...

The kitchen of the Prince's Mansion has been very busy these past few months. The cooks from Xiguo's southeast and northwest are all full, and even the stove is almost not enough.

Originally, it was just that Ting He was temporarily replaced by the previous job of the kitchen steward. Seeing that she was unwilling to change jobs, the princess simply followed her wish and transferred the original steward to Muqingyuan to take care of the small kitchen.

Ting He's attention is being attracted by A Wu outside the kitchen at this moment, and I heard Shi Zifei say that this wolf loves the live chickens in the kitchen the most, and today's chickens are obviously slaughtered, why are they still wandering here?

"Sister Tinghe, have you settled the money for the people outside?" Ziyue picked up the bird's nest just made in the kitchen, and asked Tinghe with her head turned.

"Ziyue, you don't have to come here every time to remind me." Ting He felt a little helpless, every time it came to the day when it was time to count money for Yuan Dalang, Ziyue would definitely appear in the kitchen, and she wouldn't leave until she went out. It was the imperial concubine who acquiesced in her approach: "Ziyue, isn't paying the bills a matter for the accountant? Why do you want the kitchen steward to do it?"

Ziyue rolled her eyes, pretending to be very surprised and said: "It turns out that Sister He didn't know that the servants in the Wangfu are paid by the accountant, but the outside is different, and the place where they belong is the one." Take care of things."

Ting He really has never heard of this rule: "Aren't you afraid that the manager will cheat you?"

"Who dares to play tricks under the eyes of the concubine? If someone secretly informs the master, if you investigate, you will be driven out of the mansion directly." Ziyue pouted outward: "Listen, elder sister He, don't try to change the subject, hurry up and pay the bill."

"Xin'er, you send the silver to the people outside." Ting He casually summoned the little girl who lit the fire.

The little maid looked at Ting He, then at Zi Yue, and was stared at by her eyes, she hurriedly shrank back: "Sister Ting He, I'm sorry, watch this fire carefully, the upper level is steaming eggs for the young master."

Listening to the lotus, he saw Ziyue snickering at a glance, and stepped out helplessly.

As soon as Ziyue saw it, she was finally willing to take the bird's nest out of the kitchen.She glanced in the direction of the back door, and seeing that Ting He had really passed by, Fang turned back to Chaojin Courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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