The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 448 The Grand Finale

Chapter 448 The Grand Finale (11)
With Duan Yunsu's words, Liandong calmed down a little bit, and felt a little ashamed of his uncontrollable anger, so he stood up and saluted: "So Liandong will leave first, there are still many things over there, don't disturb the host's wife's upbringing fetal."

"Ziyue, send honeysuckle."

"Yes, Crown Princess."

After the two went out, Duan Yunsu went out of the living room and looked towards the sky.A few snowflakes had fluttered and fluttered before, and the snowflakes were not big, and a thin layer was deposited, which quickly melted away.I thought it would be sunny in the next few days, but the sky suddenly darkened again, and the gray sky was like lead. This round of snow should not be light.

Sure enough, not long after, the snow fell again, and it fell for three days without stopping.

The snow outside the courtyard was getting thicker and thicker. When you opened the window, you could see that the branches were covered with ice and snow. The roof not far away had lost half of the tiles, and it was white at first glance.

Little Treasure is very curious about this snow-covered world, several times he wanted to sneak out to play in the snow, but Qin Niang hugged him back every time he ran halfway.

Awu's thick fur is not afraid of the cold, and he walks and sniffs easily on the snow. The snowflakes fall on his back, leaving a line of wolf paw marks on the snow, which are soon covered by the new snow.

There was a stove in the room, and Duan Yunsu sat lazily at the table, stroking the white rabbit on the table.

Yesterday Gu Qiu came over and left Xiao Hei's mother in the palace.According to Gu Qiu, Ji Su personally told her to bring this rabbit to Xiguo with her, so don't let anyone who cares take advantage of it.Duan Yunsu touched the white rabbit fur, wondering what role the Holy Rabbit played in the battle for the throne in the Northern Kingdom, which made Ji Su so nervous.

But when I think about it, I feel wrong. Of the five cubs, Xiao Hei stayed in the palace, and the one sent to the prince has died, and the remaining three were brought back to the North Kingdom by Ji Su. Why didn't he send those cubs back?
Duan Yunsu shook his head, sure enough, Ji Su's actions are always unpredictable.

Mother came back, Xiao Hei seemed very happy, and usually loved to sleep on the mother rabbit.Duan Yunsu was afraid that the female rabbit would be uncomfortable under its round body, and every time he saw it, he couldn't help reaching out to hug her down.

At this moment, Xiao Hei, who wandered back from the outside, jumped onto the table covered in snowflakes, and scratched and scratched the mother rabbit with her little paws. Seeing that the mother rabbit did not respond to it, her little head directly arched her body.

The female rabbit lazily raised her paw, patted Xiao Hei's forehead with one paw, scratched the black hair in two or three times, and narrowed her eyes lazily, regardless of Xiao Hei's other actions.

"Concubine Shizi, how can a lazy rabbit who is too tired to even move give birth to such an active little black?" Sui'er asked.

Duan Yunsu thought for a moment: "Maybe it's... that things must be turned against each other?"

Sui'er suddenly realized, Duan Yunsu leaned back in the chair with a smile on her face, what a silly girl, do you really believe it?In her opinion, if it weren't for the strange things, how could it be worthy of the title of the Holy Rabbit.

One month later, the news was widely circulated in the capital that the emperor sent troops to conquer the Kingdom of Yu to recover the occupied territory!
Even in the cold winter, the streets are full of people, just to see the heroic appearance of the marching army.The first soldiers and horses ordered their generals in the palace, and the East Street was the only way out of the city gate. The tall buildings of restaurants and restaurants were suddenly full of people, watching the marching team from a distance.

Duan Yunsu couldn't go to such a scene, the crowded crowd, pushing and yelling could easily get hurt.

Zhao Hechen went to the palace early in the morning to see off the soldiers, and once the matter was over, he rode his horse home to accompany his wife without even thinking about it. As soon as he entered the door, he happened to see her with her head propped up in thought.

"What is the lady thinking so obsessed with?" Zhao Hechen sat down beside her, his eyes were attracted by a book of medical skills on the table, and he said with a smile: "The lady talks about prenatal education all day long, but is she reading medical books?"

Duan Yunsu glanced at him: "Otherwise do you still want me to go to boudoir school or female training?"

"There are many poems and books hidden in the study room. Didn't you like to read the history books of Xiguo the most before? That's just right."

"I don't want it." Duan Yunsu pursed his lips: "I love you to read, what a boring thing."

"Okay, it all depends on what the lady likes." Zhao Hechen knew that he should follow her at this time, otherwise it would be difficult to coax her back if he was annoyed: "Then what was the lady thinking when she frowned just now, how about listening to her husband?"

Duan Yunsu heard the words and said: "What do you think the emperor thinks, isn't it difficult to march with soldiers and horses in a snowy day?"

"It's not good to speculate on your heart."

Duan Yunsu squinted at him: "I think there is still your idea, and any speculation will be strange to anyone."

"It's so strange, these things are useless to think about, but there is one thing that the lady should care more about." Zhao Hechen's eyes flashed, he kissed her fingertips lightly, and said in a deep voice: "Zhao Fang also went, leading the old department of the Huo family. "

Duan Yunsu was slightly surprised, sat up straight, and then sneered: "He can't even manage a backyard well, and he knows how to lead troops and send generals?"

Zhao Hechen had already talked about what the wife would say. Because of hearing about He, the lady had a lot of opinions on Zhao Fang, and it was no longer what it used to be. She was optimistic about the boy named Zhao Fang, and let the foolish him follow Zhao Fang. Being bullied: "Life and death are unpredictable. I know my wife has no feelings for Zhao Fang, but he took good care of me when I was a fool. This love must be repaid."

"It was your idea to let him go to war?"

Zhao Hechen nodded: "Fighting on the battlefield, seeing through life and death, maybe he will understand how pathetic what he did before."

Duan Yunsu was a little annoyed: "I understand that you want to repay his love, but doesn't he care about the Huo Mansion the most, and now he just leaves!"

"I know my lady, you are complaining about Tinghe, but think about it, to put it bluntly, the battlefield is full of dangers, and if you are not careful, you will die in Huangquan, what's the use of pursuing these things?"

Duan Yunsu was silent. She was a bystander, so what right did she have to say anything about others.Maybe it is true as Chen Chen said, desolate and lonely, and the roots of the Huo family are completely broken, this is the greatest punishment from heaven.

Maybe he thought better, Zhao Fang could come back in three to five years, but at that time, things might have changed.

The two stopped the topic and teased Xiao Hei and the mother rabbit absently.

It was almost lunch time, the kitchen was in full swing, the north wind came through the door, and He shuddered, it seemed that it was exactly as the young lady said, her body looked much better, but in fact It is a serious deficit and needs to continue to be raised.

Ziyue, who had gone out to buy candied fruit for the concubine, returned to the kitchen with a paper bag in one hand, which should be something she just bought, and a letter in the other hand.

With her slightly gloomy complexion, the little maid who passed by knew that she was in a bad mood, so she saluted in a low voice and dared not say a word.When Ziyue came to Tinghe, she happened to see her tightening her clothes and frowning even more tightly: "It's cold today, sister Tinghe doesn't wear more than one. You don't have to worry about the kitchen, you should hurry up Go back inside to keep warm."

(End of this chapter)

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