The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 463 Baby Zhang Xiaoye is going to learn martial arts

Chapter 463 Baby Chapter, My Master Is Going to Learn Martial Arts (1)
The guard following behind him chuckled muffledly, stepped forward and pushed the door open.

Ji Su was drinking tea leisurely when she suddenly saw the closed door being pushed open with internal force, her eyes narrowed dangerously, but she unexpectedly saw Xiaobao.

The little guy raised his chest, pointed the wooden sword at him arrogantly, and shouted in a milky voice: "Hey! You evildoer, let the young master come and take you!"

Ji Su spat out a sip of tea with a "poof".

A certain baby who threatened to accept the demon had a very imposing posture, but in the end the old demon in red lifted her upside down and "slapped" her little buttocks.

Xiaobao sniveled and burst into tears, woo... The goblin is really powerful, so I asked my mother where the 72 transformation of Senior Brother Wukong was practiced!
A few years later, Xiaobao deeply understood that the best way to deal with this red-clothed evildoer is to squeeze out all the evildoer's unique skills!Only by defeating the master can the shame of being spanked today be wiped away!

When Prince An heard about Ji Su's intentions, he was unexpectedly confused.Ji Su's thoughts are always unpredictable, why does she want to take Xiaobao away?He also wanted to properly educate his eldest grandson to be the successor of the palace.Besides, learning martial arts is a matter of one or two years, Xiaobao is still young, if Ji Su brings him into a little evildoer, then it's okay!

Zhao Hechen and Duan Yunsu disagreed. For one thing, the three-year-old child left home. At this time, he didn't understand why his parents "abandoned" him, and the relationship with his family would fade over time.Secondly, she and Chenchen are most worried, Xiaobao, does he have Soul Refreshing Gu in his body?

Ji Su didn't force her for the time being, but her expression didn't seem to want to let Xiaobao go, and in the end she smiled coquettishly and picked up Xiao Hei's mother to return to the country leisurely.

The saha tree will not bear fruit until Xiaobao is five years old.

The waiting time was tough, but the daily smiling faces of the three children easily wiped away the worries in the parents' hearts.

The Roufu Palace has been vacant all the time, and the only Saha tree in Xi Country has been taken care of quietly.Zhao Hechen was afraid that he would not be able to survive after being moved back to the Wangfu tree, so he sent people from the Red Chamber to guard it.

As the days passed, Duan Yunsu looked at the children and often thought of Duan Yunrong and the little prince in the palace.

Some things can't be avoided after all. This year, the emperor was supposed to be selected for the draft, and the courtiers shouted that the emperor was wise, and heaved a sigh of relief.

When Duan Yunsu got the news, he could almost hear the third sister's heartbroken voice.

The draft is inevitable, and Zhao Huanzhen's delay for two years is already very good.The whole selection process was handled by a dedicated court worker. The last part was originally called by the emperor himself. Unexpectedly, the Holy Majesty would hand over the rights to the imperial concubine and the eldest son of Prince An's mansion.

The beautiful women secretly thought it was bad, the imperial concubine was the only favorite in the harem, now that they entered the palace, how could the imperial concubine give them good looks.The concubine and imperial concubine who accompanied the election had the same surname, of course they were helping the imperial concubine!

Some courtiers were dissatisfied with this approach, but the emperor finally let go, and must not mess it up.Only this time, if a show girl is selected, the harem pattern will be broken. In the next round of draft three years later, such a situation will not happen.

In Chuxiu Palace, Duan Yunsu looked at Duan Yunrong's exquisite makeup. As a concubine, the gorgeous palace attire was a height that many women could not reach after spending their entire lives. The impeccable smile on her face made Duan Yunsu Wei Wei felt sad: "Third sister."

Duan Yunrong saw the pity in her sister's eyes, and there was a hint of warmth in her smile: "Sister, Rong'er knows what you want to say. Rong'er can think about it, and the emperor has always had affection for Rong'er, otherwise the emperor would not have suppressed the official selection." Subsequent remarks."

Without a queen, no one in the harem is more honorable than her. Two years ago, she was already mentally prepared. In the past two years, being able to have someone who treats her wholeheartedly is enough for her to savor her whole life.

Duan Yunsu didn't speak anymore, she was powerless to change anything, when her younger sister insisted on going her own way and followed the emperor, she had expected what would happen today.

The show girls to be selected were sent in, there were a total of fifty people.Duan Yunsu grinned, there are three thousand beauties in the harem, if it were replaced by other people, wouldn't it be too few to include them all in the harem?
The show girls stood in a line of ten, and Duan Yunrong carefully looked through the paper in his hand that recorded the general situation of the show girls. The carefully selected appearance made Duan Yunsu both helpless and distressed.She leisurely looked at the 50 people, her critical eyes looked at the beautiful girl inside and out.

Since she is allowed to participate in the final round of ruling, she must not be polite to Zhao Huanzhen and send her out of the palace if she doesn't like it.As long as Third Sister has a better life in the future, she doesn't mind being an ugly person again.

The beautiful ladies in the front row were especially beautiful, but Duan Yunsu didn't care what their identities were, he just asked the maids to send them away.Zhao Huanzhen didn't tell her the principle of checks and balances by courtiers.Is she doing this too recklessly?No, no, no, she is innocent if she doesn't know.Didn't it mean that she was allowed to choose at will? It depends on how well she carried out the emperor's "arbitrary" meaning.

The beauties left in this round all have some family backgrounds, but Zhao Huanzhen didn't name them in private, so why is she being polite.

The eyes of those little beauties are all big. It stands to reason that they have the best chance of being selected. Why are they suddenly screened out?
The little eunuch next to him looked at his nose, his nose, and his heart. With a stroke of the cinnabar brush, several names were removed.

Duan Yunrong covered her mouth and smiled lightly, she just sat still and let her sister choose slowly without saying a word.

In the second row came a haughty beauty with a round figure and slightly raised eyes. It is said that she is proficient in female celebrities and is well-known in the capital.Duan Yunsu thought for a while, then waved his hand: "Stay."

No matter how good you are as a female celebrity, it can't compare with the friendship of the third sister who lights up the lamp to sew clothes for the down-and-out prince.A beauty with upturned nostrils is good, look at that face with everything written on it, easy to deal with.

Seeing that even Ms. Jiang, who has a bad temper, can be selected, the people in the back are determined.Unexpectedly, the thoughts of the eldest concubine of Prince An's Mansion, they are all the same.

"This chin is too sharp. When the emperor saw it in the middle of the night, he thought it was a snake spirit. What should I do if I am shocked? Go."

"Look at the peony hairpin on your head, is it something you can use? No rules, go."

"Oh, this combination of red, green, gold and silver is really down-to-earth, won't there be any problem with aesthetics? Go."

"One step at a time, the weak Liu Fufeng, Xiao Lizi, didn't you say that the unqualified ones were eliminated before? Why are the sick ones still there, go."

"This one...why does it look familiar?" Duan Yunsu stroked his chin and thought for a while: "Ah! I remembered, you haven't dated that young master before. How can you serve the emperor wholeheartedly if you have someone else in your heart? go."

Xiu Nu's face gradually turned pale, and even the father-in-law beside him secretly wiped off his sweat.No wonder the emperor is willing to let go of the draft, so there is still a powerful one waiting.It took a long time to leave one, and the four concubines and nine concubines couldn't get together 27 wives, let alone the 81 wives.

"Imperial concubine, my daughter refuses to accept." A purple-clothed beauty protested angrily: "There is no selection here, my daughter did not come here to be humiliated! My daughter hopes that the emperor will come and choose!"

(End of this chapter)

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