Meow Ba

Chapter 231 Meeting Vitas Again, Surviving on a Deserted Island

Chapter 231 Meeting Vitas Again, Surviving on a Deserted Island

Catherine, be careful!

A disturbed school of fish often portends danger.

Mackerel is a very common economic fish, known in China as blue catfish, mackerel, mackerel, etc.

And as a common swarming fish, mackerel is also food for many marine life - the marine life that most often eats mackerel includes sharks, dolphins, tuna, sailfish, swordfish and so on.

These are large carnivores, and any one of them, except dolphins, may pose a threat to Ron and Catherine.

However, just as Ron squatted up vigilantly on the driftwood, he saw a series of bubbles popping up outside the huge school of mackerel, and then a slender dorsal fin was exposed outside the school of mackerel.

"Oranges, sharks... sharks!"

Catherine naturally also noticed the disturbed fish, and when she saw the dorsal fin protruding from the water, she immediately became panicked—she was just a girl under 15 years old, and she was very calm now. easy.


Don't worry, it's a dolphin~
Comforting Catherine with a soft cry, Ron's heart was half-suspended at first—the burst of bubbles just now was actually a dolphin's fishing net. At this moment, there must be a large number of dolphins busy in the water. , mackerel caught by trappers in air-bubble nets.


There was a splash of water all over the sky, and dolphins jumped out of the water and fell into the sea again.As they jumped out of the water, both Ron and Catherine could see at least one fat mackerel in their slender snouts.

"Quack quack quack~"

There are clear and crisp calls, and the sufficient and delicious food makes the dolphins make satisfied and happy calls.

"If only I were a dolphin now~"

Seeing that it was not a shark, Catherine leaned back on the driftwood again—her remaining strength was running out—looking enviously at the dolphins swimming in the sea, Catherine murmured to herself.

However, Ron, who had been squatting on the driftwood, made a new discovery.


When a certain dolphin jumped out of the water again, Ron suddenly let out a loud cry that did not spare his energy.

Then, a slender dorsal fin cut through the water and came to Ron.

"Quack quack quack~"

Greeting friendly, the dolphin swayed from the water and straightened its upper body. On its right flipper, there was a small piece of steel with its name on it. It was Vivian who had rescued Ron on Liberty Island. Tass.

Although I don't know how it suddenly appeared in the waters of Hawaii, but now, maybe it can help?


Nice to meet you, Vitas~
Can you send us to land?

Stretching out his claws, he patted the head of Vitas who was leaning next to him, and Ron meowed.

"Quack quack quack~"

Seemingly understanding what Ron meant, Vitas deftly swiped in a circle and got into the sea.

In just a few minutes, more than a dozen dorsal fins emerged from the water, and the full-fledged dolphins put their mouths against the driftwood and swam in one direction.


In the world, it is not uncommon for dolphins to rescue humans. It can even be said that there are many incidents near islands like Hawaii every year.This naturally caught the attention of scientists.

Why Do Dolphins Help Humans?Is it instinctive, or is it deliberate?
Some scientists believe that dolphins save people because of their care for their offspring. Dolphins are mammals. Although they have evolved to dive into the water and swim, they must float to the surface every once in a while to breathe.

And newborn cubs can't control the timing of their breathing, and often need dolphin parents to lift them out of the sea to help them breathe, and dolphins will use the same method to take care of their injured counterparts with reduced swimming ability.

Over time, it evolved into a rescue instinct of dolphins.

Of course, there are other scientists who hold different opinions.

They think that the dolphins just use the objects they encounter as toys out of curiosity and hold them up to play.Those humans who fell into the water were just used as toys by the dolphins, and they happened to be sent back to the sea.

But at this moment, no matter what the reason is, it doesn't matter to Ron and Catherine.

Because driven by the dolphins, they are moving forward at an unprecedented speed-when the sun is obviously inclined to the sea level on the west side, Vitas and his companions finally send a person and a cat to a white beach.

"Thank you, I will always remember you!"


Thank you Vitas~
You saved me again~
Saying goodbye to the dolphins and watching the joyful Vitas happily slapping the water away, Ron and the exhausted Catherine walked onto the beach to rest under a dry leeward rock.

The arrival of the dolphins gave Catherine and Ron the hope of living again. Enduring the fishy smell, Catherine ate the mackerel that Ron caught and filled her stomach. Ron ate some of it too.

"Whoo~, whoo~"

There was a slight snoring sound, and Catherine, who was hugging her knees and still wearing a diving suit, fell asleep, while Ron stood up again after resting with his eyes closed for a while.

Although he escaped the fate of dying of hunger and thirst in the sea, the crisis of survival still followed closely behind.

The island that Vitas and its companions sent Ron and Catherine to was a small deserted island. At least Ron didn't see any man-made buildings in the process of approaching.

Moreover, Catherine, who is sleeping next to her, is just a girl who is less than 15 years old, may have participated in the Boy Scouts, and has been living under the wings of her parents. She does not have the ability to survive in the wild alone.

Therefore, Ron must take the responsibility of taking care of his sister so that both himself and Catherine can survive.


Ron, you can do it!

Looking up at the peaceful sleeping face of the blond girl with her head handcuffed on her knees beside her, Ron cheered himself up in his heart, then pulled himself together and urinated in a semicircle on the sand where the girl was.

Although it is not a fierce tiger, but after practicing the crouching tiger post for so long, Ron found that his own liquid also has some special effects, at least it can be used to divide the territory and keep animals the size of dogs from approaching.

After doing all this, Ron began to inspect an area centered on the position where Catherine fell asleep.

Of course, during the inspection process, Ron also has a purpose, the most important thing is to find the water source - the sea water cannot be drunk, and the mackerel eaten will last until tomorrow morning at most. Ron must find a water source or a resource that can replace the water source .

Secondly, Ron needs to find food, whether it is in the water, on the tree, or running around, as long as it can be eaten, it can be caught.

As for whether to eat it raw in the end, or another way to eat it, we will talk about it at that time.

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 Thanks to Feng Tianyao, o Ji Xiangyao·Jing Xing Rong o, Mo Ran Ting Yu, book friend 20180126205009477, who are independent and independent, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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