Chapter 31

Chapter 28 Wronged

I couldn't see his expression in the dim light, and I didn't know if what he said was true or not, was it a temporary impulse due to the danger, or did he really have such a plan?

After being surprised, she was very happy for Shang Yu.If Pei Yunkuang really had such a plan, it would indeed be a happy event for Shang Yu.That princess has practiced Buddhism since she was a child, so she must have a peaceful and tolerant temperament. Looking at Pei Yunkuang's appearance, her appearance is naturally not bad, and she must also be beautiful.If the eldest brother can make contributions this time and be granted an official title, he would really be a good match with the little princess.From this point of view, Pei Yunkuang doesn't seem to care much about family status. He is indeed different from many princes, no matter in person or concept.

He seemed relaxed in the predicament, but in fact, he was always thinking about the two escaped people.Just now, the guards told him outside the stone pile that one had been shot dead, and two people escaped with arrows. He didn't care about letting them rescue him, so he immediately let them chase him.It has been stuck here for a quarter of an hour now, why haven't they come back yet.

He was secretly anxious, and began to think about how he would deal with the aftermath once the two escaped.

Suddenly, someone outside the stone pile whispered: "My lord, someone caught me. My subordinates immediately removed the stone, please be careful, my lord."

Si Tian felt joy in his heart, and finally he was relieved.

Qu Liu'er had already prepared tools and ropes. Eight guards, together with Qu Liu'er and his son, first moved some smaller stones at the intersection, and then supported several thick wooden sticks to push the boulder out. There was a gap, and Pei Yunkuang squeezed out sideways with difficulty.

She was petite, and he pulled her out as soon as he stretched out his hand.

The light in front of him suddenly brightened, and he immediately covered her eyes with his hands.She didn't expect him to do this, and her breathing seemed to stop suddenly.

He immediately put down his finger and said in a low voice: "You have a shoulder injury, why didn't you say anything?"

She was a little ashamed, in front of so many people, his actions and words showed that he was not ordinary concerned about her.She bowed her head in silence, her face turning red.The shoulder injury is not serious, she can bear it, besides, what's the use of mentioning it to him?
He turned around and was helped by the guards to walk over the gravel to the flat ground.

The snow is still falling, but it is much smaller, no longer flakes, and the fluff is like coarse salt.

She remembered that his injuries were on his feet. Sure enough, his boots were stained with blood. When he stepped on the snow, the snow marks under his feet were red. It seemed that the injuries were not as minor as he said.

Her heart tightened, and worries arose spontaneously.He frowned as he walked, with a look of forbearance on his face, which he would not normally do.She became more and more worried, and there was also a feeling mixed in, which seemed to be distressing.

The two men were tied there, kneeling and lying down.The dying man was lying unconscious, with a long arrow on his shoulder, and many stab wounds on his arm. When the flesh and blood were turned, bones could be seen.The kneeling one is a little better. Although it is covered with injuries, it still looks sober.

Pei Yunkuang glanced at them and asked, "You all know what I want to ask. If you say it, there may be a way out."

The half-comatose person seemed to be unable to hear the words at all, without the slightest reaction.And the sober one, with his eyelids downcast, was indifferent.

Pei Yunkuang sighed, and said, "Man dies for money, and birds die for food. As long as there is money to collect, why bother who gave it to me? I will never give less than others."

The man remained silent.

Pei Yunkuang sighed helplessly, and nodded slightly to a guard beside him.The guard couldn't wait a long time ago, raised his sword and nailed the unconscious man's hand and sword to the snow.The man let out a miserable cry, woke up but immediately passed out from the pain.The guard looked at his palm and drew out his sword. Blood dripped from the tip of the sword, staining the white snow with spots of red, which made people shudder.

Her heart beat wildly and she didn't dare to look at it.

The kneeling man gritted his teeth as if neither saw nor heard.The guard was impatient, and swiped his sword across his neck, but he didn't move or avoid it, as if he had put life and death aside.

Pei Yunkuang had expected such a situation, so he brought her here.Seeing that coercing a confession was unsuccessful, she had to use a dementor needle.

Pei Yunkuang watched him twitch his lips, chuckled lightly, and said to Si Tian, ​​"Go and give him an injection."

Si Tian nodded, realizing that this was why he took her with him.Su Pian taught her how to use the soul-stirring needle some time ago, but she didn't expect it to come in handy today.

Seeing her pull out a black needle, the man showed horror, shook his head immediately, and cried out falteringly, indistinctly, as if he was a mute.

Pei Yunkuang was taken aback for a moment, the dementor needle was smeared with mind-confusing medicine, which was specially used to deal with those who refused to confess, but this person was dumb, which he did not expect.Even if Si Tian gave him an injection, he couldn't do anything.

Si Tian was also a little surprised, she picked a branch in front of him, and said in a low voice: "My lord, I don't know if he can write."

Pei Yunkuang narrowed his eyes and asked, "Are you willing to write it?"

The man actually nodded.

"Go and untie his hands."

The guard behind him used his sword to free the rope from his hand.Si Tian stepped forward and handed him the branch.

He took the branch and started paddling on the snow. Si Tian stood beside him, but couldn't understand what he wrote.Strange, isn't he a Han Chinese, and he doesn't write Chinese characters?

He said "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", Si Tian was puzzled, and bent over to take a closer look.Suddenly, his body slammed to the right, and the guard beside him staggered. He used his strength to pounce to the left, and an arrow was already in his hand, and it hit Si Tian's throat!
In an instant, everything went unbelievably fast!Sure enough, he was a well-trained dead soldier, and his movements were done in one go. In an instant, he turned defeat into victory and took her hostage.The arrow was pulled out from the shoulder of the person on the ground, and it was on her throat with bloody smell.She was so shocked that she forgot to be afraid, but she couldn't help looking at him.

The man was a little nervous, and the fight before death seemed to have exhausted his energy, and the fingers around her neck trembled slightly.

He said to Pei Yunkuang: "Let me go, or I'll kill her." When he saw her coming out from under the pile of stones, Pei Yunkuang supported her and even blindfolded her.This shows that she is not an ordinary woman in his heart, so he decided to take a gamble.

He is not dumb!Pei Yunkuang smiled wryly, he was actually cheated by him too.He squinted at the man, pursed his thin lips tightly, and was a little flustered but forced himself to be calm.In his hands, she didn't scream or panic, which surprised him.His eyes fell on the bloody arrow.

Cold light, ice muscle.

put?not let go?

He should refuse this kind of threat. No matter from which aspect, this person is more important than her.If you let him go, there will be endless troubles and countless people.He should have refused without even the slightest hesitation, but he hesitated.

His silence was expected by her, she just wanted to sigh.How could she be important enough to let him let this person go?Between life and death, many images flooded into my heart instantly like flowing clouds and flowing water.She owed him too much, and now should be the time to pay it back.Terrified, she suddenly relaxed, and said calmly: "You are wrong, I am just a girl of the prince, you use me to threaten the prince, you think too highly of me. If you kill me, the prince will not let go you."

Her calmness made the man hesitate.Even if she is his woman, even if she has so much weight in his heart, she is still a woman, after the old one is gone, there will be a new one, how could he ruin the whole situation for a small pawn.He probably lost this bet, but it is better to take a gamble than to wait to die. He doesn't want to die before spending a lot of money given by others.It's a big deal, it's worth it to pull a beautiful woman as a backing when you die.

A moment of tranquility, to determine a person's life and death, everyone is waiting for Pei Yunkuang's words.However, beyond everyone's expectations, he suddenly softened his voice, and said to the man: "You let her go, and I let you go."

"My lord!" Qu Liu'er whispered softly, but didn't dare to say another word.

"She is pregnant and cannot be frightened. You let her go first."

Everyone was shocked, including her!The man was overjoyed, it turned out that she was pregnant with his child, no wonder he hesitated.This bet, he won.

Why did he say that?Too surprised and stunned, she had forgotten her shyness, and looked at him blankly, but couldn't see why, his expression was calm with concern, worry, and compromise, not his usual calm and unrestrained appearance.

There was a turmoil in her heart, and she couldn't tell whether it was joy or worry.

"You let your men scatter north beyond the pines."

Pei Yunkuang waved his hand, telling his subordinates to back away.But his eyes kept looking at her firmly, as if she was really the most important person to him, and she couldn't be lost from his eyes for a moment.

She looked at the guards under her who retreated hesitantly, and hurriedly said: "My lord, you can't."

But he said softly: "The child is important."

She clearly knew that he was talking nonsense, but she still couldn't help but blush, and she couldn't speak immediately.

The man became more and more convinced, and tightened the arrow in her hand. She felt a pain in her throat, but there was a strange peace in her heart. No matter whether she could escape from this man's hand or not, no matter whether she would die today, he did not give up on her. , she already felt complete.

Seeing the crowd retreat and disperse, the man said to Pei Yunkuang, "Retreat too."

Pei Yunkuang hurriedly said: "I don't trust her. I'll be with you, I know the way, and I can take you out."

He seemed to really care about her and the child in her womb, and his expression was anxious and worried.

The man thought for a while, the four of them entered the mountain, lost their way in the snow, wandered around here for a long time and failed to get out, so they had to be caught. It would be great if there was someone to lead the way.

"Throw away the sword."

Pei Yunkuang quickly untied the sword from his waist and gently threw it on the snow.The sapphire on the scabbard glistened on the snow, and a few grains of snow fell on it in an instant.

The man said: "You go ahead."

He walked in front as he said, and the man followed behind him with Si Tian on his arm, but the arrow had been touching her throat and had pierced her skin, and she felt a little pain.

Pei Yunkuang walked very slowly in front, and some footprints were dyed light red again. She knew that his feet were injured, and her eyes were moist, not all because of the snow.He obviously didn't need to care about her life or death, and he didn't need to be with her.Why?She couldn't figure it out, he really thought she was very important to him, so important that he could let this person go for her, and take risks for her alone?
She didn't believe it was so, but she hoped it was so.

"Go faster!" the man snapped.

She felt sore, his identity, when had he been reprimanded like this.

"My foot is hurt, so I can't walk fast." He was not angry at all, turned to look at her, and asked with concern: "Are you tired?"

Her eyes were hot, and she bit her lip desperately.Today's scene, in fact, is all her fault.If she hadn't been held hostage, he wouldn't have been involved.

After walking along the narrow path for a while, Pei Yunkuang stopped suddenly.

"Come on!"

He turned around and smiled wryly: "I'm afraid my toe is broken, let me have a look."

The man looked at the blood on his boots, annoyed but helpless, and cursed: "Only you people are delicate, like a bitch."

Si Tian glared at him angrily, feeling extremely anxious, what happened to his feet? "

He bent over and put his feet on the rocks under a tree.He was carrying them on his back, and the black cloak blocked her view. She couldn't see, and became more and more anxious.

"My lord, how are your feet?"

Pei Yunkuang straightened up, turned around and said, "The toes are really about to fall off."

Her tears fell immediately.

Her tears made his heart move inexplicably, such concern, sincerely without any other, clean like a piece of snow, vain and frivolous, swept across his heart without any trace.

He grabbed a handful of snow on the rock and handed it to her lips: "Thirsty?"

The man was extremely impatient and shouted: "Go quickly."

He ignored him and just sent Xue to her lips.She was not thirsty, looking at the handful of pure snow in his hand, her eyes were sore, tears dripped on the snow, melting into a small nest.

Suddenly, a scream seemed to be suppressed between the throat and did not break out. With a "plop", the person who was holding her back fell down. She looked in panic, only to see a thin stick of ice stuck in his throat!The dagger generally shone with a crystal cold light.

She didn't see how he made the move, nor when he hid a piece of ice in his hand.

The man was still holding the arrow in his hand, just now it was on her throat, but in the blink of an eye someone pierced through her throat.

He frowned and looked at the people on the ground: "Actually, you could have survived." He was a little regretful, and killed him without asking anything.

The icicles on the tree fell into the snow on the stone, and he picked it up deliberately pretending to see his foot injury. The man was paying attention to the handful of snow in his hand, but he didn't see the other hand under his cloak holding a piece of snow. icing.

She was in shock and looked at him like a dream.

He looked back at her, frowned, and put his finger on her jaw.

Still in shock, she let him lift her jaw in a daze.

He lowered his head and sucked lightly at her throat, then spit out a mouthful of blood on the snow.

"Don't let the blood on the arrow stain you."

She seemed to be frozen, unable to move, the temperature of his lips was burning on the wound.She seemed to have forgotten to breathe. The situation in just half an hour exceeded her 15-year-old life with ups and downs.And one of his actions is the most thrilling and stormy sea in 15 years!
"My lord, are you alright?"

Soon, his guard followed up according to the direction of his scabbard.

"Send a signal to call the others over. Send the bodies of these four people to the government, and say that they are people who went up the mountain to steal iron ore, and let Master Liu investigate the origin."

He knew that if he searched to a certain place, he would not be able to continue the search and the connection would be disconnected, but he could also warn the person behind him, don't think that he is easy to deal with, and don't think that he won't fight back.

She breathed hard, hoping that the cold and fresh air would calm down her boiling heart.

He was about to step down the mountain when she hurriedly said, "My lord, stop walking on your feet."

He looked back and smiled slightly: "I don't want to be a bitch." This was just an insult from that person just now, but he was teasing herself, and she felt sore.He is such a person, no matter how hard and dangerous he is in his heart, he will use a smile on his lips to cover up the hardships under a joke.But she can no longer follow his jokes to easily spread a smile.

She looked at him quietly, tearing one by one, as if she couldn't stop it, like a bead curtain.

He frowned. He didn't know why she suddenly burst into tears. Was it because she said that she was pregnant and was charged with an unwarranted "crime", so she was very aggrieved?

He took a step forward and said in a low voice: "I said that just now to confuse that person and make him trust me and be less vigilant. Are you wronged?"

She shook her head and said, "I'm not wronged."

He raised his eyebrows, with a smile that was not a smile: "Well, you are not wronged?"

She suddenly understood, her face was hot and she didn't dare to look at him.

Tears, finally, stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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